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    Vastus teemale \'Arsenal\'

    See polegi veel siia jõudnud?
    jokers to the right
    clowns to the left of me


      Vastus teemale \'Arsenal\'

      Algselt postitas Jasper See polegi veel siia jõudnud?
      kõlab nagu tüüpiline the news of the worldi lugu, seekord imelikul kombel aga bbc\'s.

      Fifa has launched a probe into whether Arsenal have broken regulations which may leave the club exposed to possible expulsion from the Champions League.

      kuidas on omavahel seotud FIFA ja Champions League?

      ja klubi avaldus sellel teemal

      \"Arsenal Football Club is aware that BBC Newsnight is carrying a story this evening purporting to describe Arsenal\'s relationship with Belgian football club, Beveren.

      Arsenal does not normally make public its agreements with third parties. However, Arsenal can confirm that it has had a technical relationship with Beveren since 2001. This relationship has a number of benefits to both clubs such as providing a platform to share coaching methods and techniques as well as facilitating the option of players being loaned between the clubs. For example, during the course of the relationship, Arsenal players David Grondin, Liam Chilvers, John Halls and Graham Stack all spent successful loan periods at Beveren as did Emmanuel Eboue, who played in a number of trial matches with Arsenal whilst contracted to Beveren. Such was the latter player\'s success, Arsenal subsequently signed Eboue on a permanent basis.

      In addition, Arsenal confirms that it has never owned, directly or indirectly, any shares in Beveren or had any power whatsoever to influence its management or administration. It did in 2001 provide funds of 1,570,703 Euros by way of loan to a member of the consortium to assist in stabilising the finances of Beveren.

      At no time has anyone at Arsenal been contacted by any regulatory or investigatory body with respect to its relationship with Beveren. Arsenal and all its staff have acted properly throughout, in accordance with all applicable rules and regulations, and in the best interests of Beveren, Arsenal and the broader footballing community. \"


        Vastus teemale \'Arsenal\'

        Totaalne mõtetus see lugu


          Vastus teemale \'Arsenal\'

          miks peab tänane meeskond kannatama?(CL kõrvale jäämine)
          ma karistaks tollast juhtkonda


            Vastus teemale \'Arsenal\'

            pole millegi eest karistada.
            Kogu palagani eesmärk oli õõnestada Deini positsioone FA juhatuses jätkamisel ja nagu näha oli õõnestustöö edukas.
            Case closed.


              Vastus teemale \'Arsenal\'

              Jumal, sa näed, aga ei mürista!
              Song sufficiently \"impressed\" Arsene Wenger to earn a four-year contract


                Vastus teemale \'Arsenal\'

                Sing a Song or sign him. Kole lugu küll. Aga nüüd pole enam muud teha kui loota, et tast saab asja.


                  Vastus teemale \'Arsenal\'



                    Vastus teemale \'Arsenal\'

                    Reports in France claim St Etienne are to make an approach for Arsenal defender Pascal Cygan.

                    The experienced Frenchman missed the second half of last season with a thigh injury and is currently working on his fitness.

                    He recently admitted that he accepts his status as a back-up player for The Gunners, but could now be offered regular first-team football in his homeland.

                    St Etienne are keen to make an impact in Ligue 1 next season and chairman Bernard Caiazzo is anxious to recruit an experienced centre half.

                    Cygan fits the bill and reports suggest Les Verts are ready to test the 32-year-old\'s resolve to see Arsenal into their new Emirates Stadium.

                    The former Lille stopper has spent four years with The Gunners and has made almost 100 appearances for the club.
                    jääb vaid küsimus, et kas St Etienne maksab Arsenalile või Arsenal St Etienne\'le ...


                      Vastus teemale \'Arsenal\'

                      Pilte tuleb nagu seeni peale vihma.


                        Vastus teemale \'Arsenal\'

                        Algselt postitas vandersell

                        Pilte tuleb nagu seeni peale vihma.
                        Suht maru staadion või mis... Kas keegi valgustaks mind, millal umbes-täpselt kopp maasse löödi?
                        Võrdluses siis just Wembleyga, mille kallal nokitsetakse minu arust juba iidamast-aadamast, tundub küll ühe valmimine olevat üsna hiilgav. (mcn, ära edasi loe!) Ei tea, kas ehitajate rahvuses ka mingi tähelepanuväärne erinevus on?


                          Vastus teemale \'Arsenal\'

                          Algselt postitas skint

                          Suht maru staadion või mis... Kas keegi valgustaks mind, millal umbes-täpselt kopp maasse löödi?
                          Pole viga jah Aga ehituse verstapostid leiab siit.

                          February 2004
                          Club announces completion of funding for the stadium project and construction work begins at the new stadium site.


                            Vastus teemale \'Arsenal\'

                            Et siis samal staadioni ehituse lainel jätkates:
                            Vaade alumiselt tribüünilt
                            ülemiselt tribüünilt.

                            Samuti levivad kuuldused, et Arsenal on endale kommiraha eest hankinud Heerenveeni talendika 17 aastase äärepooliku Vincent van den Berg\'i.


                              Vastus teemale \'Arsenal\'

                              Siuke küsimus et kas Arsenali meeskonnas mängib Gilberto või Gilberto Silva. Enda meelest mängib seal Gilberto. Kumb siis?
                              Koondise põhimängija


                                Vastus teemale \'Arsenal\'

                                Algselt postitas eriklt

                                Siuke küsimus et kas Arsenali meeskonnas mängib Gilberto või Gilberto Silva. Enda meelest mängib seal Gilberto. Kumb siis?
                                Kas see on mingi nali või? aga vastuseks, et minu meelest on täpselt vastupidi ja kõik minu sõbrad goonerid teevad nüüd mulle pika pai.
                                BACK WHERE WE BELONG

