16 milli oli Zagrebi presidendi propaganda, et õigustada staarründaja müüki.
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Üks vanem artikkel kutist: Dudu, mitte da Silva
Ja ühe arseblogi horvaadist foorumlase tõlge Dudu viimasest intervjuust "kodumaal"
I can't believe that it's true", Eduardo kept repeating when asked about his transfer to Arsenal.
The marksman that is, as things look like, to be replacing the great Thierry Henry, claims he had no idea about the transfer.
"It's obvious that the negotiatons were being held in utmost secrecy, and you'd have to ask the management (of Dinamo Zagreb) how and when they made the contact with Arsenal, because they hid it from me.", reveals Eduardo.
"The first time I heard about te transfer was last night when Zdravko Mamić called me to say that the club has accepted the offer from Arsenal, and that we're going to London to finalize the contract. I still haven't come to my senses.'', says Eduardo, who really looks completely bedazzled.Supplies!
Algselt postitas malagar Vaata postitustTõenäoliselt lihtsalt paar kotti ehitustarbeid ."The great fallacy is that the game is first and last about winning. It’s nothing of the kind. The game is about glory. It’s about doing things in style, with a flourish, about going out and beating the other lot, not waiting for them to die of boredom". - Danny Blanchflower, legend
Algselt postitas malagar Vaata postitustVõrreldes Darren Benti eest makstuga on tegu kopikatega"The great fallacy is that the game is first and last about winning. It’s nothing of the kind. The game is about glory. It’s about doing things in style, with a flourish, about going out and beating the other lot, not waiting for them to die of boredom". - Danny Blanchflower, legend
Algselt postitas vello99 Vaata postitustMiks maksab Honda vähem kui BMW? Aga miks tülitseda, naerame pigem Liverpooli üle.
Algselt postitas malagar Vaata postitustEi usu. Oleks siis juba korraga ostetud ja ei mängitaks lolli.
George Best:"Kui ma sündinuks inetuna, poleks te midagi kuulnud Pelest"
See tribali artikkel tuleb Zagrebi presidendi jutust. Viimane rääkis, et Wenger olla talle seda vend akiitnud ja teadnud isegi ta kasvu, jalanumbrit ja juuksevärvi ja muidu huvi tundnud.
Üldiselt tundub,et tegu on tühja käraga ei millestki, tegu sellise Flaminist nõrgema ja sama tüüpi mängijaga, kes ei mahu Horvaatia koondissegi.
Algselt postitas nikeman13 Vaata postitustTe võibolla saate endale ka teise mängija Dinamo Zagrebist ehk poolkaitsja Ognjen Vukojevic.
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