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    Kuidas Nicklas Bendtneril läheb? Kas numbrimaagia mõjub?
    When I get sad, I stop being sad and be awesome instead. True story!


      Algselt postitas Nohik Vaata postitust
      http://www.mediafire.com/?na5z5wvekdz 17 minutine BBC match of the day kokkuvote. Sealt näeb ka väga hästi kust Arsenali fännide sektor loppes...
      mine vaata uuesti oma videot ning otsi üles kollastes ürpides stewardid, kes fänne eraldavad. nende liin jookseb peaaegu nurgalipu juures.


        'Adebayor Could Also Be Banned For Fabregas Stamp'

        Set to be given a fast-track suspension for his stamp on Robin van Persie's face and likely to be charged after his 90-yard run towards the Arsenal support, Emmanuel Adebayor's ban could be increased beyond five games after it emerged the FA want to look at his alleged stamp on Cesc Fabregas as well...


          Ma saan täiesti aru, et trampimine pole sünnis aga selle tähistamise osa pealt mulle täitsa meeldib see sama komm,mis mulle silma jäi ehk siis kõik ei ole nii must ja valge :

          Sorry Arsie Fans but this one coming to you. You hate your Ex-Players with so much passion Cole etc. but get the hump when your ex-players hate you so much in return. Cole & Ade have both stated that they hate Arsenal because of the fans and no other reason. If you had shown him a bit of respect, maybe he wouldnt have upset you so much for having the audacity to celebrate the fact that he single handedly made you all look like mugs. Who could blame him for rubbing your noses in it by celebrating in front of you, laughing in your faces and enjoying the fact he made so many grown Goonie babies cry?
          You wait for the day if/when Ashley Cole scores against you. I'm sure he'll love rubbing your noses in it as well. Wouldnt it be funny if he scored the goal that wins Chelsea the Premier League Title at the Emeroids Stadium to win the League for Chelsea AGAINST YOU?
          You lot would all be throwing your dummies onto the pitch like you did coz Ade celebrated in front of you babies. LOL. Now that would be funny watching you all have hissy fits and crying like little girls again whilst watching Ashley going ballistic and waving his Premier League medal at you all calling you all mugs. PMSL.
          upthearse did u get angry when Ade celebrated? We were all laughing especially at the thought of you crying!
          Felix: Oh, bollocks!
          Elmo: Dog's bollocks?
          Felix: No, just plain fucking bollocks!
          Elmo: No dog involved?


            nonii, jõudsimegi delfi kommentaaride siia foorumisse kopeerimiseni. tra, kas see koolivaheaeg ei lõpe kunagi?


              Algselt postitas maanus Vaata postitust
              Ma saan täiesti aru, et trampimine pole sünnis aga selle tähistamise osa pealt mulle täitsa meeldib see sama komm,mis mulle silma jäi ehk siis kõik ei ole nii must ja valge :

              Sorry Arsie Fans but this one coming to you. You hate your Ex-Players with so much passion Cole etc. but get the hump when your ex-players hate you so much in return. Cole & Ade have both stated that they hate Arsenal because of the fans and no other reason. If you had shown him a bit of respect, maybe he wouldnt have upset you so much for having the audacity to celebrate the fact that he single handedly made you all look like mugs. Who could blame him for rubbing your noses in it by celebrating in front of you, laughing in your faces and enjoying the fact he made so many grown Goonie babies cry?
              You wait for the day if/when Ashley Cole scores against you. I'm sure he'll love rubbing your noses in it as well. Wouldnt it be funny if he scored the goal that wins Chelsea the Premier League Title at the Emeroids Stadium to win the League for Chelsea AGAINST YOU?
              You lot would all be throwing your dummies onto the pitch like you did coz Ade celebrated in front of you babies. LOL. Now that would be funny watching you all have hissy fits and crying like little girls again whilst watching Ashley going ballistic and waving his Premier League medal at you all calling you all mugs. PMSL.
              upthearse did u get angry when Ade celebrated? We were all laughing especially at the thought of you crying!
              Jah nüüd on juba Arsenali fännid süüdi ,et Moneybayor ja Ca$hley Cole rahaahned m****d on?


                Algselt postitas Mask Vaata postitust
                Jah nüüd on juba Arsenali fännid süüdi ,et Moneybayor ja Ca$hley Cole rahaahned m****d on?
                Mina küll neid nii inetute nimedega ei kutsuks Kas nad on tõesti süüdi et lahkusid meeskonnast kus puudub igasugune tulevik?

                ja midagi to cheer u up: What do Arsenal fans do after Arsenal wins the Champions League? They put away their Play Stations.
                FORZA ITALIA FORZA ROMA - "A Scudetto in Rome is worth a thousand elsewhere."


                  Algselt postitas eston maravilha Vaata postitust
                  mine vaata uuesti oma videot ning otsi üles kollastes ürpides stewardid, kes fänne eraldavad. nende liin jookseb peaaegu nurgalipu juures.
                  Mida iganes, my point still stands Arsenali fännide sektor loppes enne väravaposti. RvP jooksis sama moodi vähevalele poole. Oleks vasakule läinud oleks olnud omade ees.


                    Algselt postitas count Vaata postitust
                    Mina küll neid nii inetute nimedega ei kutsuks Kas nad on tõesti süüdi et lahkusid meeskonnast kus puudub igasugune tulevik?
                    Seda ütleb AS Roma fänn. Oled juba järgmise hooaja Serie B-ks valmis?

                    Algselt postitas count Vaata postitust
                    ja midagi to cheer u up: What do Arsenal fans do after Arsenal wins the Champions League? They put away their Play Stations.
                    How original.


                      Algselt postitas count Vaata postitust
                      Mina küll neid nii inetute nimedega ei kutsuks Kas nad on tõesti süüdi et lahkusid meeskonnast kus puudub igasugune tulevik?

                      ja midagi to cheer u up: What do Arsenal fans do after Arsenal wins the Champions League? They put away their Play Stations.
                      Kahjuks ei suuda Roma fännid oma playstationsitelgi CL'i võita
                      Kuidas saab öelda, et Arsenalil puudub igasugune tulevik. Arsenalil on ikka tonnide viisi neid andekaid tulevikulootuseid.

                      Ning Nohik, vaatasin seda sinu antut highlighti ja ei loe küll sealt midagi sellist välja nagu sa kirjeldasid.


                        Tegelikult ei saa ma veel sellest aru kust kohast see karistus Adele peaks tulema. Esiteks sai ta kollase selle jooksu eest seega ei tohiks FA seda otsust ju enam muuta? Teiseks seda nn "stompingut" nägi kohtunik 5 meetri ja palus RvPsil üles tousta.

                        Kui kummagi eest tuleb karistus siis läheb FA täielikult oma sonade vastu ju.


                          Algselt postitas Nohik Vaata postitust
                          Mida iganes, my point still stands Arsenali fännide sektor loppes enne väravaposti. RvP jooksis sama moodi vähevalele poole. Oleks vasakule läinud oleks olnud omade ees.
                          minu pask, sest vaatasin, et jooksis sama sektroi ette, kuhu ade hiljem libistas. aga sinu loogika järgi tohib võõrsil ainult oma fännide ees kepsutada? ja kui püss oleks esimesel poolajal lahti läinud, siis oleks kesiganes pidanud adet tegema?


                            Jaa ... Arsenali fännid ju täiega vihkavad väga paljusid ex-mängijaid! Cashley ja Moneybayor ju käitusid nii ilusti meil olles. Täpselt võrdsed Piresi, Freddie, Dennise ja Thierryga eks.
                            Victoria Concordia Crescit


                              Ma ei saa aru, mis siin vaielda on? Kui Adebayor ise juba vabandab ju ta siis nendes olukordades valesti käitus.


                                Kusjuures ma ei saa siiani aru, et kaua see möla selle Adebyori üle käib, ja milall jõutakse sinna et te saite haletalt lutti imeda City käest ja punkt! ??? mingi 20 lehekülhge täiesti ebavajalikku teksti, keda huybvitab see Adebayor KEDAAA?? Pani jalaga näkku PUNKT, saab karistada PUNKT, Arsenal sai retsilt johvi imeda ? JAH! korras, tehtud!
                                FORZA ITALIA FORZA ROMA - "A Scudetto in Rome is worth a thousand elsewhere."

