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Jah, nii ta on. Eelmisel hooajal mängis ta nr 38 all, aga nüüd tal vist uueks hooajaks on uus number.
In the 55th minute, Jay Emmanuel-Thomas cut in from the right and, as Wilshere pulled the defender towards the near post, Lansbury was waiting at the far stick.Ela ja tunne, et elad
see on kõige lihtsam
filosoofia, mis toimib
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tagasi, hinga sügavalt ja
hüppa üle iseenda varju
tule koos minuga.
Algselt postitas Iceman Vaata postitustJah, nii ta on. Eelmisel hooajal mängis ta nr 38 all, aga nüüd tal vist uueks hooajaks on uus number.
In the 55th minute, Jay Emmanuel-Thomas cut in from the right and, as Wilshere pulled the defender towards the near post, Lansbury was waiting at the far stick.
Tundub, et Barca on leppinud sellega, et Fabregas jääb see suvi Arsenali. Aga nagu Iniesta tolles intervjuus räägib, siis ta loodab, et Cesc suudab enda viimasel(!) hooajal tiitli võita.
"Cesc wants to be with us, but he told me how close the Arsenal fans are to his heart," said Iniesta.
"He is a special player and I hope he wins the title at Arsenal this season.
"For them to win Cesc will have to stay fit and injury-free but he deserves to finish with a title.
"For all the work and effort he has put in at Arsenal it would be a shame if it was all fruitless.
"I have seen time after time Lionel Messi win games for Barcelona when the rest of the team have not been on form and Cesc can do that for Arsenal this season."
Iniesta - who snatched Spain's World Cup final winner against Holland - said: "Arsenal are not as strong as Chelsea. But they try and play football the way it was intended to be played and that should be rewarded."
And Iniesta, who has made it clear he wants to link up with Fabregas at the Nou Camp, added: "Cesc is such a special player that he could carry a team to the title on his own and I hope he does it this coming season.
"It would be brilliant if Arsenal's hero could lift the title as captain during his last season.
"I think that it would be fantastic for everybody."
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Aga homme on siis viimane treeningmäng Austrias sealse kolmanda liiga satsiga SC Neusiedl am See 1919 kellest on wikis ka kirjas umbes kaks rida. Huvitav pisidetail mis silma jäi oli "Individual coach & U-14 Youth Head Coach: Carsten Jancker (Germany)".Victoria Concordia Crescit
Algselt postitas 8tähega. Vaata postitustma küll schalke fänn, aga arsenal on ka sümpaatne, teised klubid on mingid rahaahned või vaesed või lihtsalt kuidagi nagu mängijad kukuvad. et sellepärast ma hispaania ja portugali koondist vihkangi. aga arsenal on suht hea! arvan et võidavad premier league"An errand boy, sent by grocery clerks, to collect a bill"
austria amatööride vastu 4-0 (feo, thomas, chamack (p), vela). eelmiste mängude järel tarkade onude poolt öeldu kehtib - tegemist puhtakujulise hooajaeelse sörkjooksuga. sellise mängutempo ja vastase kvaliteedi juures tundub jay e. thomas vägev ja jõuline ning frimpong samuti täitsa asjalik. gibbsi oli tore näha. aga djourou on vist katki - keskkaitses lähevad ilmselt küll hooaja jooksul käiku nii bussijuht kui ka massöör. nädalavahetus ehk näitab rohkemat.
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