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    Algselt postitas H.M Murdock Vaata postitust
    eeldasin, et kerge pilk kalendrisse paljastab mu iroonia lühikesed jalad aga tühjagi. parampapaaa tõepoolest.


      Pekki see Barcelona vastu tuli, sest ma sügavalt lootsin, et te jõuate see hooaeg kaugele, aga kahjuks olen pessimistlik teie edasisaamise suhtes.


        Arsenal v Stoke - MATCH POSTPONED


          Wellingtoni kõrvale ka teine jaanuari täiendus- Ryo Miyaichi http://www.arsenal.com/news/news-arc...nal-in-january
          Youtube's temast paar videot ka üleval, tundub päris osav ja kiire olevat.


            Algselt postitas jukss Vaata postitust
            Palgake endale Pohlak lund lükkama või midagi.
            When I get sad, I stop being sad and be awesome instead. True story!


              nautige,kuniks veel on mida nautida.
              "Sometimes you look in a field and you see a cow and you think it’s a better cow than the one you’ve got in your own field. It’s a fact. But it never really works out that way." SAF


                Algselt postitas -thierry-
                Wenger: Ma ei osta iial Arsenali supertähti

                Nojah.. majanduslikult väga tore mõtlemine, aga mõni enesekindlam ja ambitsioonikam vend minu arust kuluks ära küll.
                Targem oleks see tekst lugeda läbi algses versioonis, mitte õhtulehe kohandatud versioonis. Sel juhul saab aru ka mida tegelikult oli öeldud/mõeldud.


                  hoiatas Wenger The Suni vahendusel

                  Algselt postitas Katk Vaata postitust
                  Targem oleks see tekst lugeda läbi algses versioonis, mitte õhtulehe kohandatud versioonis.
                  piisab sellest teemast siin,
                  see on sama 'kvaliteetne'

                  Sel juhul saab aru ka mida tegelikult oli öeldud/mõeldud.
                  neile, kes kahtlevad ja arvavad, et vb ei piisa -
                  tegu on peaaegu sõna-sõnalise refereeringuga

                  aga palun
                  GEORGE: No, no, no! Nothing happens /-/ RUSSELL: Well, why am I watching it?
                  GEORGE: Because it's on TV RUSSELL: Not yet..
                  (Seinfeld, The Pitch)


                    The Sun
                    Lubage naerda...

                    Arsene Wenger is not about to break his acquisition policy and start spending money Arsenal do not have.

                    The Gunners boss is renowned for his considered approach to transfer dealings, with one eye forever focused on the club's bank balance.

                    Those methods have seen him come in for criticism at times and it has been suggested that the North London outfit need to splash the cash in order to challenge for top honours.

                    Wenger does not buy into that philosophy, though, with the long-term financial health of the club always taken into consideration.

                    He insists he will not be changing his ways any time soon, regardless of what people say, and admits he will continue to wheel and deal his way through each passing transfer window.

                    When asked why Arsenal no longer sign big names, Wenger said: "Because we respect our budget. You look at the clubs who lose £100million or £150m and if we do that then we go bust. It's as simple as that. We pay what we can afford.

                    "I'm amazed that people are amazed that we do that. I think what is surprising is that people don't respect that.

                    "If I tell you we can win two more points but we lose £150m, what will you say? Win two more points. But when I ask a second question, where do we get the £150m in? Maybe you don't have the same answer.

                    "The beauty of the competition and this club is to be successful while respecting the balance and the funds of financial balance and all the rest for me doesn't look normal.

                    "People will maybe realise one day that it's not as easy to stay at the top and as well to cope with financial compulsories that you have at the top.

                    "We face rivals who do not respect the financial fair play. Instead, of us being accused, maybe people should look somewhere else."

                    While reluctant to relax the Emirates Stadium purse strings, Wenger has not ruled out the prospect of adding to his title-chasing squad in the New Year.

                    Talking to TV station Al Jazeera, he said: "If necessary (I will buy in January). But this is the problem. People want me to develop young players. They want me to develop Jack Wilshere, Kieran Gibbs, Theo Walcott and to also buy players.

                    "But the two do not go well together. You have to play players at a certain age or you lose them.

                    "We try to be successful. If we find the needed player who can give something more to the team then we will do it."


                      Chelsea jaoks siis meil põhimehed rivis ? Peaks ka puhanud olema....


                        Team to play Chelsea: Fabianski, Sagna, Koscielny, Djourou, Clichy, Wilshere, Song, Fabregas, Nasri, Walcott, Van Persie #Arsenal

                        Arsenal subs: Szczesny, Diaby, Rosicky, Squillaci, Arshavin, Chamakh, Bendtner


                          Kui on nii siis olen õnnelik.
                          DJ !!!


                            Chamakh ?????


                              Algselt postitas jalkaaa14 Vaata postitust
                              Chamakh ?????



                                Kutid võtke kokku ennast, täna on teie päev. Kui võiduga hakkama ei saa, siis võtke viik, ja kui viik on ka palju teile poisid, siis vigastage vastaseid vähemalt. Aitäh
                                “I am Zlatan. Who the hell are you?”

