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    Algselt postitas Jasper Vaata postitust
    Seda ei juhtu nii kindlalt, et ma ei pea isegi jinximist kartma, aga siiski ...
    jinxisid Muntari Milani. Musita neegrit ja teised naerge 365 päeva. DDR allkiri paberil nali läbi.


      Algselt postitas cannuman Vaata postitust
      jinxisid Muntari Milani. Musita neegrit ja teised naerge 365 päeva. DDR allkiri paberil nali läbi.
      suvel näeb.
      jokers to the right
      clowns to the left of me


        Pressikas läbi. Mingit väljaostu klauslit ei sisse ei jäetud nagu meedias viimased nädalad spekuleeriti. Leping 5a ehk Roma for life.


          8xõlu. ütle siis kunagi aeg ja koht.


            Hoian hetkel need soolas. Täna pole õllehooaeg.


              muidu kurss on 8xõlu=4xpubiõlu. Et võid arvesse võtta.


                Algselt postitas cannuman Vaata postitust
                Pressikas läbi. Mingit väljaostu klauslit ei sisse ei jäetud nagu meedias viimased nädalad spekuleeriti. Leping 5a ehk Roma for life.
                Mis ajast väljaostuklausli puudumine hea raha eest müüa keelab?
                Vastupandamatu pakkumise (seda need "rätipead" teha oskavad) puhul öeldakse vaid fännidele "s**t happens" ja ongi kõik.
                May the Violet flag flutter in the wind on all fields of challenge and valour, a vivid hope is our solace, we have eleven athletes and one heart. Go, Fiorentina, we want you to be the queen of all teams, go, Fiorentina, fight with bravery and prowess everywhere! In any hour of dismay and victory, remember you're the history of football!


                  Mis sa arvad, et DDR eest pole viimaste aastate jooksul head nutsu pakutud? Financial fair play peaks osturallile teoorias ka väikesed pidurid peale panema.


                    Algselt postitas cannuman Vaata postitust
                    Mis sa arvad, et DDR eest pole viimaste aastate jooksul head nutsu pakutud? Financial fair play peaks osturallile teoorias ka väikesed pidurid peale panema.
                    Kurb, aga mulle mingipärast tundub, et Financial Fair Play kotib ainult tiime, kes ka varasemalt oma tulusid-kulusid üritasid kontrolli all hoida + veel mõnesid, kes nüüd leidnud, et polegi mõtet pidevalt klubisse raha matta.
                    Nendel, kel enne mingist rahalisest tasakaalust pohhui oli, paistavad jätkavat samas vaimus. Trikitada saab alati ja pole üldse kindel, et UEFA suudab sellele jamale piiri panna.
                    May the Violet flag flutter in the wind on all fields of challenge and valour, a vivid hope is our solace, we have eleven athletes and one heart. Go, Fiorentina, we want you to be the queen of all teams, go, Fiorentina, fight with bravery and prowess everywhere! In any hour of dismay and victory, remember you're the history of football!


                      Like Totti before him, DDR has now fulfilled his own legacy. Starting from when he was probably too young, too far away from that decision deadline, he's been anointed as the next in line. For years he was the future captain, the next ultima bandiera, both titles passed down from Totti. But until now, the moniker has felt as half wishful thinking, an exercise in positive reinforcement while hoping for it, and half expectation. Sometimes the balance has even shifted in the one or the other direction. But now—contract signed, intention laid down—he takes the step to the other side where he joins Totti, who made his final choice a few years ago. You're free to try imagining the previous sentence without seeing the final scene from Return of the Jedi, but you know...good luck with that.

                      I think that the fact that other teams gave him so lucrative offers that you'd be foolish not to even consider them makes the gesture of staying in Rome all the more powerful, all the more significant. Were there no real temptation elsewhere we'd still be glad. Now we're glad and proud, because he looked out and saw many other attractive—certainly more lucrative—offers yet chose to stay.

                      He's paid a lot of money to do so? Of course he is. No one plays for free, except for Damiano Tommasi. And though my love for Tommasi grew to immeasurable quantities for that gesture, I was embarrassed that AS Roma took him up on the offer and agreed to pay him the minimum wage allowed by law. I don't believe it flatters the club to take advantage of those who declare love for it by offering lower wages than for others. All I care about is that Daniele De Rossi is one of the best midfielders around, a captain for years already—now set to be one for many more years—and for the privilege of seeing him play for Roma he needs to get paid. Everything else is just chatter.

                      jokers to the right
                      clowns to the left of me


                        Kustutage ära see teema. Mõttetu pask.
                        "I like an aggressive team, I want to see a team that is strong, committed and quick on the break.
                        These are things which Atletico fans have always liked, it helps them identify with and love this shirt."


                          Miks atlecito? Jutt on ikkagi tõelisest palgasõdurist, kes provotseetis klubi mitu kuud ähvardades minema minna. Ja nagu tõeline ärimees....selle ahvi palk suurenes mõnusasti. Ja kas saab pahaks panna. De Pussy oskab mängida...kõik on ilus, kuid usun, et mees ohverdas igasuguse karikate saamise raha nimel. On ju kriis eurotsoonis. Krt mine tea mis saab. Vähemalt burgerinägu trükib kupüüre juurde.
                          1.totti koondisesse.
                          2.Money talks bullshit(totti) walks.
                          3."Miks mind feminiinseks peetakse"-F.Totti
                          "Kui Tottil oleks mu*nn oleks ta mees"-George W. Bush


                            AC Milan News ‏@Milanello Mediaset claims that Milan will try to sign De Rossi: €3m loan for the rest of the season + buy-out clause set at €20m. Salary: €4.5m.

                            Nii odavalt ju ikka ei saa


                              Algselt postitas orbitaaljaam Vaata postitust
                              AC Milan News ‏@Milanello Mediaset claims that Milan will try to sign De Rossi: €3m loan for the rest of the season + buy-out clause set at €20m. Salary: €4.5m.

                              Nii odavalt ju ikka ei saa
                              Galliani Nocerino tulekust
                              At one in the afternoon of the last day of the transfer window, someone came running into my office saying that Palermo were selling Nocerino. I found Zamparini as quickly as I could and made an offer. I started low to be honest. He said no but I waited all afternoon and then we called Nocerino who was with the Italian team and we reached an agreement. Then Palermo said yes to the sale. It was a real stroke of luck.
                              Näen lähenemises sarnasust.


                                No see on küll konkurentsitult kõige idiootsem väljamõeldis mis DDRi kohta tulnud on. On ikka huumorisoont mõnele ajakirjanikule antud.
                                So self aware so full of shit

