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AS Roma

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    Hakkab koitma raisk. Ja kui muidu ei saa, siis paneme Dzeko ka veel platsile!


      Roma does not have the money or external prestige of its noisy northern rivals. It does not have a history of constructing all-star squads of the planet’s finest footballers. What it has instead is a proud record of producing home grown superstars. Roman born and bred players that make their way through the junior ranks to earn a spot on the field of their childhood idols.
      The living, breathing embodiment of this is of course Francesco Totti. I need not dwell on the specifics of Totti’s contribution to AS Roma and the intimate links between the club and its fans further than to acknowledge that along with Daniele De Rossi, the link has been seared and consolidated.
      It is this link that makes AS Roma special.
      Special not just to calcio, but to the wider sporting world.
      Multi billion dollar television deals, sporting apparel sponsorships and player transfer prices above the GDP of developed nations has created a chasm between sporting teams and their original roots.
      AS Roma has attempted to forestall the irresistible powers of the modern sporting world like a fisherman clinging to his rock as the waves crash around him.
      Today, that fisherman has been swept to sea.
      He is dead.


      Alessio Romagnoli is special.
      After completing his football education at the Roma academy, the central defender made his debut for his hometown club under the watchful eye of Zeman at the tender age of seventeen. In an injury ravaged squad plagued with internal division, Alessio was the great shining hope of 2012. Here was the real deal, a ball playing central defender who in time would certainly form the backbone of AS Roma’s future.
      Any doubts on the potential of the young Roman were expunged during his loan spell with Sampdoria last season where he was arguably their best player during a very impressive 7th place finish. If there ever was a time for a favourite son to return to the fold, this was it.
      However, the exceptional ability and mouth watering potential of Alessio did not go unnoticed. A perfect storm of temptation was brewed over the summer as AC Milan reenergised with millions of euros from a new investor went on a shopping spree for young talent. This combined with the installation of Alessio’s Samp manager Sinisa Mihajlovic at Milan meant there was a very real possibility transfer requests would be made.
      Today, after an evening meeting between Walter Sabatini and Adriano Galliani, that transfer request has become a confirmed transfer. The pair reached an agreement for a 30 million euro deal. The Roman born, bred and raised footballing wunderkind is now an AC Milan player.


      Today AS Roma and her American management has shouted from the rooftops that the new Roma will not be chastened by corporate obstacles such as its native fanbase. The sale of Alessio Romagnoli is an open assault on the very heart of the football club. The romance and soul that unites the city to its football team has been traded for financial gain. This move has been made knowing full well it will be about as popular in Rome as a Feyenoord fan party at the Piazza Navona.
      This is not your usual piece of transfer activity. Alessio was the poster child for the future of Roma and Italian football. An imminent superstar set to be adored by the city like Totti, De Rossi and Florenzi. An ambassador for the team to inspire future Roma generations who kick a ball with the dream of one day representing their city and their people.
      You cannot put a price on that.
      This deal is an ugly illustration of the transition of AS Roma’s stewardship from the people of Rome to the international corporate world of Brand Roma. It provides a catalyst for anyone sceptical about the intentions and financial ambitions of the American ownership.
      This was not an economic sacrifice like the sale of Aquilani or Marquinhos and nor is it a forced tactical football decision like Bertolacci. This was a choice, a decision. One which certainly places Roma at a very real footballing disadvantage by inexplicably strengthening a direct rival for the title and champions league places from now until Alessio retires.
      You can argue the economic rationality of cashing in on a player’s worth until your face is blue but the simple fact is some things should be worth more than dollar signs. This was an opportunity for James Pallotta to plant the flag and declare AS Roma as a club that values its homegrown stars more than pawns to balance the books. Instead he has proven each and every player is expendable and that the most important symbol for the club is the numbers on its balance sheets.

      ja nüüd minge kõik ilusasti p*tsi! jalgpall on surnud!
      FORZA ITALIA FORZA ROMA - "A Scudetto in Rome is worth a thousand elsewhere."


        jokers to the right
        clowns to the left of me


          Whores everywhere. Oleks võind siis Citysse tulla, oleks tiitlite peale ka mänginud.


            "The site also reports that Romangoli will take over Alessandro Nesta’s old number 13 shirt, which Nesta wore for 10 seasons, making over 300 appearances as well as winning two Scudetti and two Champions League titles."

            Recap: Romagnoli nõuab enda müüki kõige hullemasse kõntsaklubisse kogu Saapamaal ja siis veel võtab Lazio värdsünnitise numbri? OK! Challange accepted! Pigistage mulle keegi sidrunimahla silma! Ebareaalne! Jasper ja Uuu on kokku sündinud. Edaspidi kutsume seda Juudast JASSUUU-ks
            FORZA ITALIA FORZA ROMA - "A Scudetto in Rome is worth a thousand elsewhere."


              Mis hala siin nüüd jälle lahti läks?
              Algselt postitas Iceman
              Hofnari maitse totside suhtes on ikka ülekõige.


                30 milkut on hästi saadud. Vabalt võib mingi uus Astori Nesta asemel olla.
                Inter - ausaim klubi Itaalias.


                  43 mängu kokku Serie As. 30M on Romale WIN kui Sabatini Digne ja uue CB toob.


                    Doumbia siis CSKA-sse laenule.
                    Elu on lühike, pidu on pikk.


                      Algselt postitas GoldenEagle Vaata postitust
                      Doumbia siis CSKA-sse laenule.
                      Sanabria läks Gijoni laenule. Arvatavasti teeb super hooaja, taob R€alil ja Barc$al väravad täis ja siis müüakse 5 millise kasumiga Interisse. Ja siis tulevad jälle kõik foorumitargad kokku ja ütlevad et "tegelikult oli ju geniaalne diil, maast leitud raha, iga kell , iga päev"
                      FORZA ITALIA FORZA ROMA - "A Scudetto in Rome is worth a thousand elsewhere."


                        Keskkaitsjatega paras kammajaa, kõik talendikad Marquinhos, Jedvaj ja Romagnoli läinud.Muidugi saadi nende eest head raha aga Jedvaj diil oli päris lamp.


                          ärge nüüd nussima hakake..
                          Algselt postitas Iceman
                          Hofnari maitse totside suhtes on ikka ülekõige.


                            Balza viskas ametlikult putsad nurka...

                            Balzaretti also revealed his new role with the Giallorossi: "I’m going to be working with youngsters out on loan. It’s a role I like the look of because I’ll be working with players at the most delicate time of their careers."
                            So self aware so full of shit


                              City meedia järgi Dzeko done deal....laenuga aastaks.


                                Victoria Concordia Crescit

