Zampa jaoks peaks eraldi teema tegema. Totti värava tähistamine peaks igal tõelisel hundil nurgad niiskeks tegema!
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AS Roma
kuningas pandi paika
According to La Gazzetta dello Sport, Spalletti gathered together the team after the game and told them off very harshly.
“You never win, it's been 10 years that you look like fools and that I have to stand these little school-groups,” he yelled.
At that point Totti reportedly intervened to disagree. His exact words remain obscure, but he is believed to have been just as harsh in his manners, calling upon him the wrath of the Coach.
“You shut up!” Spalletti shouted at him. “You're not the one talk, when you go around the rooms playing cards until 2a.m.!”
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Ta ei tulnud kuskilt Bosnia liigast, tuli hoopis toredalt kihnult, kus ma arvan sai ta isegi rohkem plekki.Üldiselt hooaja eel oleks ise arvanud, et pigem lööb Dzeko läbi kui Manzukic aga läks vastupidi.
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Huvitav, milliseid Pallotta/Sabatini tumedaid saladusi ta teadis, et 4milline palk saada?
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Algselt postitas count Vaata postitustOmaette fenomen oli 2-2 skooril Dzeko, kes lõi 5 meetri pealt tühjast väravast üle - paluks kiirelt .gifi - fenomenaalne ründaja. See on skill mees, see on skill.
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