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Torino Juventus

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    Vastus teemale \'Torino Juventus\'

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      Vastus teemale \'Torino Juventus\'

      ei, see on neti ühenduse ja inimeste kannatlikkuse puudumise viga.


        Vastus teemale \'Torino Juventus\'

        Del Piero, Nedved and Buffon!

        Kolm täkku jäävad Juvesse, milline kergendus. Loodan, et nüüd nii mõnigi teine mängija otsustab Juventuse kasuks hoolimata sellest, et uuel hooajal ootab meid ees B.

        Emerson ja Cannavaro ühinesid Realiga. Barca jahib Zambrottat ja Thurami.. Kahju.

        Stay tune...


          Vastus teemale \'Torino Juventus\'

          Algselt postitas Silver

          Del Piero, Nedved and Buffon!

          Kolm täkku jäävad Juvesse, milline kergendus. Loodan, et nüüd nii mõnigi teine mängija otsustab Juventuse kasuks hoolimata sellest, et uuel hooajal ootab meid ees B.

          Emerson ja Cannavaro ühinesid Realiga. Barca jahib Zambrottat ja Thurami.. Kahju.

          Stay tune...
          seegi hea


            Vastus teemale \'Torino Juventus\'

            Algselt postitas Silver

            Del Piero, Nedved and Buffon!
            Vanakeste, Del Piero ja Nedvedi, minema ujumine oleks küll viimane asi olnud, mida mina oleks mõelnud. Mängijad, kes igavikupikkuse karjääri klubis on veetnud ja põhimõtteliselt legendi staatusse tõusnud, ei saa minema minna sellepärast, et klubi aste madalamale kukub.
            May the Violet flag flutter in the wind on all fields of challenge and valour, a vivid hope is our solace, we have eleven athletes and one heart. Go, Fiorentina, we want you to be the queen of all teams, go, Fiorentina, fight with bravery and prowess everywhere! In any hour of dismay and victory, remember you're the history of football!


              Vastus teemale \'Torino Juventus\'

              Thuram müüdi ka kusagile ära minu meelest, ainult ma ei mäleta, kellele.


                Vastus teemale \'Torino Juventus\'

                Algselt postitas Britu

                Thuram müüdi ka kusagile ära minu meelest, ainult ma ei mäleta, kellele.
                Eks ikka Barca, nagu ka üleval pool mainitud. Kuigi lepingut pole veel sõlmitud, on Thuram väidetavalt väga rahul oma tulevase sihtkohaga.
                May the Violet flag flutter in the wind on all fields of challenge and valour, a vivid hope is our solace, we have eleven athletes and one heart. Go, Fiorentina, we want you to be the queen of all teams, go, Fiorentina, fight with bravery and prowess everywhere! In any hour of dismay and victory, remember you're the history of football!


                  Vastus teemale \'Torino Juventus\'

                  Kannatage ikka ära kuni transferi window lõpuni. Del Piero on küll jah kindel jääja, kuid kui Pavelile ja Gigi\'le keegi mainekas koputama tuleb, siis ei või ette teada mis juhtub.


                    Vastus teemale \'Torino Juventus\'

                    Ära seleta Tann, mine reosta mõnda teist teemat oma jamaga..


                      Vastus teemale \'Torino Juventus\'

                      Veidi soola?
                      “The last two years are not to be erased, I feel that we won those Scudetti on the pitch, they are mine.
                      I was proud to be a Juventino and I still am. Serie B? I would have no problem playing in it. I have two years left on my contract and I want to respect it.”
                      Fabio Cannavaro

                      Gianluca Zambrotta sposa la causa bianconera.
                      L\'esterno della Juventus parla dello scandalo che ha colpito il calcio italiano, invocando pene severe, ma allo stesso tempo, in chiave mercato, non esclude di restare a Torino anche in caso di retrocessione: \"Chi ha sbagliato deve uscire in maniera veloce da questo mondo – dice dal ritiro della Nazionale a Coverciano –. Per quel che mi riguarda posso assicurare che anche se le decisioni dovessero penalizzarci, non mi peserebbe giocare ancora per i bianconeri\".

                      Adrian Mutu: Juve is Juve. Good time or bad times. I\'ve waited a long time to join them and now that I\'m here I\'ll never leave them. They have to beat me to let me go. I\'ll stay even if we go to Serie B.\"

                      Thuram declared: \"I will not leave the club for anything.
                      \"I haven\'t followed the Calciopoli investigation, I\'ve been focused on the World Cup. But you can write this, I am with Juventus, I am a Bianconero player, I feel myself as a Juventino.
                      \"Yes, you can be sure that I will remain with Juventus.\"

                      Stay tune?
                      jokers to the right
                      clowns to the left of me


                        Vastus teemale \'Torino Juventus\'

                        Elame näeme Jasper!


                          Vastus teemale \'Torino Juventus\'

                          Aga mina vaatan praegu mingit Juve mängu. Bojinov, kes jube seksikas välja näeb, lõi just kannaga värava aga enne oli vile


                            Vastus teemale \'Torino Juventus\'

                            Comment : A Captain Goes Down With His Ship

                            Alessandro Del Piero - a name that means so much to Bianconerros all around the world. He is our pride and joy, our legendary captain, the servant, flagpole, and the symbol of our beloved Juve. There will never be another player like him for years to come.

                            Alex or Pinturrichio as he is affectionately known, made his debut for Juve in the early ‘90s. It goes back to 1993 when he was just 18 and he found himself in a team full of stars. The Divine Trinity, Roberto Baggio, Gianluca Vialli and Fabrizio Ravanelli didn\'t make it any easier for a young Alex. But this didn\'t discourage him and he fought his way up the hard way and rightly deserves to be where he is today. The True Leader of a World Class team.

                            Talk about honours and what has Pinturrichio not won? Very little. The Champions League - the biggest prize in European club football when Juve triumphed against Ajax on penalties at Rome in 1996, the Intercontinental Cup in 1996 when Juve topped River Plate 1-0 in Tokyo, the Uefa Super Cup in 1996, 5 Scudettos in 1994/95, 1996/97, 1997/98, 2001/02 and 2002/03, the Italian Cup in 1994/95, 4 Italian Super Cups in 1995, 1997, 2002 and 2003, the Intertoto Cup in 1999 and the Italian Youth Championship in 1994 are the trophies he\'s helped Juve to bring to the trophy cabinet of the Delle Alpi. This proves what a team man he truly is. If that still doesn’t convince you of his greatness, here\'s a list of his individual awards. Under 21 European player of the year, Most Valuable Player of the Intercontinental final 96, Best Italian Player 1998, Best Overall player 1998, Uefa Champions League Top Scorer 1997 and 1998, Most Popular Italian Player, Most Charismatic Striker in Italy 2001, Uefa Champions League 10 Years Jubilee Poll Best Attacker, Best Goal Scorer of Juventus of all time when he scored the hat trick against Fiorentina at the Delle Alpi in the Italian Cup earlier this year. In his 13 year career in The black and white of La Vecchia Signora, he\'s scored 194 goals for the club.

                            Last season was one of the toughest at the Delle Alpi for Alex. Not only had he to win his place in the Azzurri squad for the World Cup in Germany, he had to put up with the humiliation of being left on the bench more often than not and had to play second fiddle to another forward 7 years his junior. Yes, the arrival of Zlatan Ibrahimovic from Ajax in the summer of 2004 caused nothing but problems for Pinturrichio and jeopardised his starting place. Worse was that Don Fabio, who was then the coach of the Old Lady, until he ran out on them for Juve\'s European rivals Real Madrid a few weeks back seemed to prefer Ibrahimovic and used to favour him comparing him to Milan\'s Dutch Legend Van Basten who he bossed at his time at the San Siro.

                            Now comes the time when we Bianconerros need our players more than ever to get us out of this turmoil and what do they do? As we read in the headlines of various Italian football sites everyone except Buffon, Nedved and our captain of course wants to leave. These players should realise how much Juve did for them, pampered them, paid them their full wages and most importantly, if it wasn’t for the club, these players might not have been at Germany playing with their national sides competing for the biggest prize in World football. David Trezeguet and Zlatan Ibrahimovic got what they wanted, started almost every match at the expense of Del Piero and now they want to leave because they don\'t want to play in Serie B. It\'s very sad Juve signed these players in the first place because now we know that money is more important for them than their love for our beloved Juve.

                            Hats off to Pinturrichio for his commitment and loyalty to the club. Last season he had to come off the bench to play and this season in the 2nd division. What more can be said off him as a man and player. Arguably one of the greatest players both on and off the pitch in the world.

                            FORZA JUVE, FORZA DEL PIERO.


                              Vastus teemale \'Torino Juventus\'

                              Algselt postitas Epic

                              Aga mina vaatan praegu mingit Juve mängu. Bojinov, kes jube seksikas välja näeb, lõi just kannaga värava aga enne oli vile
                              Ja arvatavasti see oli siis soendus mäng mis lõppes Juve 8-0 paremusega Alessandria vastu. Palladino, endine Livorno mees, kes seal oli laenul, lõi 3 väravat Juventuse eest.. Ja väravate käik oli üldse selline siis:
                              Väravad: 28’ Bobbio R. (og), 53’ Bruno (og), 55’ Kapo, 71’ Palladino, 72’ Guzman, 72’ Paro, 80’ Palladino, 81’ Palladino
                              Ja Juventuse koosseis oli siis siuke --> JUVENTUS: Mirante, Balzaretti (1’st Kapo), Chiellini (10’st De Ceglie), Masiello (31’st Calanchi), Birindelli, Paro, Marchisio, Marchionni (10’st Sculli), Zalayeta (1’st Palladino), Bojinov (1’st Guzman), Olivera (1’st Bartolucci). Subs: Trini, Calanchi, Rossi. Coach. Deschamps.


                                Vastus teemale \'Torino Juventus\'

                                71’ Palladino, 72’ Guzman, 72’ Paro??? No way

