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Torino Juventus

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    Back in business!

    Seis jäi 5-1. Del Piero ja Chiellini lõid kaks, Treze ühe.


      Welcome back Juve! (Y)

      Nuh eks siis järgmine hooaeg paistab kuidas Serie A s hakatakse mängima.


        Ja saab näha, kas DD jääb klubisse. Ma ei tea, ma pooldaks isiklikult kedagi kogenumat ja paremat.


          DD on ju head tööd teinud, või mis? Samas muidugi võik olla mõni pikaajalise serie A kogemusega treener. Igatahes teretulemast tagasi.

          Mitu meeskonda üldse serie A-sse tõuseb?


            Algselt postitas cannuman Vaata postitust
            DD on ju head tööd teinud, või mis? Samas muidugi võik olla mõni pikaajalise serie A kogemusega treener. Igatahes teretulemast tagasi.

            Mitu meeskonda üldse serie A-sse tõuseb?
            2 otse ja ja üks siis üleminekumänguga. Muarust oli vähemalt niii.


              Algselt postitas cannuman Vaata postitust
              DD on ju head tööd teinud, või mis? Samas muidugi võik olla mõni pikaajalise serie A kogemusega treener. Igatahes teretulemast tagasi.

              Mitu meeskonda üldse serie A-sse tõuseb?
              Mulle pole DD mingit muljet jätnud. Meeskond mängib ilma särata, no kurat, Serie B´s võiks maailmaklassi meestega ikka ilusamat mängu näidata. Kui Del Piero ei mängiks meeskonnas, siis oleks asi ikka väga nutune. Ja ärme ostupoliitikast üldse räägi. Boumsong, no mida kuradit. See mees pole Juventuse vääriline. Mul on tunne, et kui DD´le raha anda, siis ta ainult mingit prantsuse paska ostakski kokku.

              Ja Serie A`sse peaks tõusma 2+1 tiimi, nagu Inglismaalgi. Vist


                Üldiselt tõotab suvi põnev tulla. Meeskond vajab korraliku äärt, maailmaklassi keskkaitsjat ning Treze lahkumise korral ka ründajat.

                ütleme näiteks Barzagli
                mingi tugev ründaja, Huntelaar nt.

                Poolkaitse on ikka üsna nutune, aga DD just mingis intervjuus ütles, et kaitsvaid poolikuid enam ei taha, sest neid on niigi palju. Mu sisetunne ütleb, et Zanetti, Paro, Marchisio ja Giannichedda toel esimestega just ei võitle.


                  2+1 siis tähendaks Napolile hetkeseisuga ülemineku mänge kui ma ei eksi...Aga nad võiks ikka Serie A-see tagasi saada ja Cannavaro + Cassano Madridist koju tuua.


                    Napoli üks oodatuim klubi, keda A-s näha tahaks. Loodame, et jõuavad.


                      Algselt postitas cannuman Vaata postitust
                      2+1 siis tähendaks Napolile hetkeseisuga ülemineku mänge kui ma ei eksi...Aga nad võiks ikka Serie A-see tagasi saada ja Cannavaro + Cassano Madridist koju tuua.
                      Muuseas, kui kolmas tiim on järgnevaist(ehk põhimõtteliselt neljandast kohast) vähemalt kümme punkti ees, siis üleminekumänge ei toimu ehk seesamune tiim saab kolmanda Serie A koha. (ehk enne viimast vooru oleks Napoli ka vapralt üleminekumängudeta Serie A-sse jõudnud)
                      jokers to the right
                      clowns to the left of me


                        Algselt postitas eika Vaata postitust
                        Üldiselt tõotab suvi põnev tulla. Meeskond vajab korraliku äärt, maailmaklassi keskkaitsjat ning Treze lahkumise korral ka ründajat.

                        ütleme näiteks Barzagli
                        mingi tugev ründaja, Huntelaar nt.

                        Poolkaitse on ikka üsna nutune, aga DD just mingis intervjuus ütles, et kaitsvaid poolikuid enam ei taha, sest neid on niigi palju. Mu sisetunne ütleb, et Zanetti, Paro, Marchisio ja Giannichedda toel esimestega just ei võitle.

                        ennekõike teeb muret tõesti see vieira lahkumise järel tekkinud puudus kaitsvatest poolikutest. eelnimetatud poolikutega läheb kõrgemas seltskonnas ikka väga raskeks, loodame et suvi toob äkki uut verd sinna keskväljale.


                          Vana head tribalfootball.com ja goal.com on lasknud välja sellised uudise:

                          Juventus bombshell: Summer sale on cards
                          tribalfooball.com - May 20, 2007

                          Massimo Brambati, the high-profile Italian agent, has revealed Juventus could be sold BEFORE they return to Serie A next season.
                          Brambati, who has close ties to Juve and worked for the club as a scout, admitted last night: "I am sure that Juventus are about to be put up for sale.

                          "Neither (Agnelli powerbrokers) Lapo, nor John Elkann, have the enthusiasm to maintain their commitment to the club and managing it."

                          He also revealed: "I know for a fact that should Juve be forced to sell Gigi Buffon to Inter Milan, then (president Giovanni) Cobolli Gigli would resign.

                          Oleks see mõnest muust allikast, siis see uudis teeks isegi murelikuks


                            Ajaleht La Stampa on teinud kolm vooru enne hooaja lõppu Juve hooajast väikse kokkuvõtte. Igatahes:

                            Buffon: out of this world, even if its in Serie B. Being a spectator for 89 minutes and saving at the last minute is even more complicated, like against Bologna. Super season.

                            Birindelli: he shouldn't have played much, but in the end, was one of DD's most frequent players. He escapes with experience, like his shot against Pescara which avoided the 0-0 draw

                            Balzaretti: mixed season, blocking intial differences. But his will to cross the half way line was missing, when he passed, his crosses, the ball didnt always travel straight.

                            Chiellini: wide player of the formation, centre by force, the best in teh back line. To improve on technical things, but his legs, physical build and timing may make him get to high places.

                            Boumsong: His debut in September should not be shown to children, then always improving. Well timed interventions, and in a world full of 'bandits'(i.e. divers) could be a defect, but he has the physical presence to challenge anyone

                            Zebina: Complicated year, between injuries and whistling. But he has class and good feet for a defender. Too often, as a wing back, he is limited, when is challenged after the half way line

                            Kovac: Injuries kept him out for more than half the season, even though before his performances were not of high class. Horrible start, like the rest of his team-mates. Better after, but never convincing

                            Camoranesi: Mercenary or not, he made the difference. He was irritating(for those who saw him train), but those feet know how to create magic


                              Nedved: Must be immune to getting old, because he passes everyone. Brushes off tactics and sometimes, his rage makes him lose his nerves, but is one of those that led throughout the campaign.

                              Paro: With the goal against Rimini, first of Juve in B, he entered history, then was one of the leaders of midfield. His coaches always spoke of his good shots: unfortunately he didnt shoot much this season

                              Marchionni: Unlucky with injuries and Camoranesi playing well, didn't find much space, and when used, he gave his best, but out of his original role, but had some good plays.

                              Marchisio: He is the player that took advantage of the spaces left by his more experienced colleagues. Strong personality, even in the middle of tough matches.

                              Zanetti: His muscles kept him out of many duels, but when he was on the pitch you felt him. Gobbled up all the balls that where in his territory. Scored two goals, which were worth 6 points

                              Giannichedda: Another season ruined by injuries, was useful when was available. Fought in the middle and has good legs for a midfielder, and in emergencies was good as a central defender

                              Del Piero: one of the protagonists of Serie B, a great player like him, for quantity, his age could not be seen. With the ball at his feet he is in another category of player, assisting with thricks to his team-mates

                              Trezeguet: His ability to score goals did not diminish in serie B, his will, maybe, yes. He was well backed, but his attitude was on the limits of insulting


                                Palladino: 5 super weeks, between vice-Nedved(when he was suspended) and suppprt striker. Then his fitness diminished, due to over complacency. To improve his fitness but the main things are there.

                                Bojinov: To leave him on the bench was a mistake. Or a precise choice: in this case, it would have been better not to get him. The best rate for goals/minutes played. 21 years old: there are many in the maket, no?

                                Zalayeta: For months on the fringe of the team, even in training not very comforting, he stayed strong and knows how to make himself useful. Including the end of the season, when others had low energy levels.

                                Deschamps: Did not organise great shows, but to get out of B, the only thing that counts is winning: also for the survival of the club. He managed to do this. His goodbye would be a pity and a mistake

