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Torino Juventus

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    Algselt postitas KihnuViive46 Vaata postitust

    "Another Hamsik with his Scudetto talk.
    The whole Juventus team speaks less about scudetto than Totti,Hamsik and Radja."
    Eika /suuremkuipoleleidaõigetmärki/ ülejäändSoccernetiJuveFännid. Koerad olete, KOERAD. Kärnas, haiged, KOERAD. Istuge sisse omale see 48s scudetto.
    So self aware so full of shit


      Algselt postitas Francesco Vaata postitust
      Eika /suuremkuipoleleidaõigetmärki/ ülejäändSoccernetiJuveFännid. Koerad olete, KOERAD. Kärnas, haiged, KOERAD. Istuge sisse omale see 48s scudetto.
      Ou ou ou ou,ära nüüd sassi aja eks,kutsikad olete teie ja isegi sina saad aru juba,et see aasta te seda ei võida,maks jääb võibolla healjuhul CL.

      Aga see video kohta vingumine,siis las roma koerad teevad juve kohta,tahaks näha seda.


        Naljakas pingevaba matš oli. Esimese veerand tunniga loodi ca 10 väravavõimalust, mida ära ei kasutatud. Hiljem küll tiksus paar väravat ära, kui mängupildi põhjal pidanuks skoor märgatavalt suurem olema. Kaitseliin oli kaljukindel, Isla tegi oma Juventusekarjääri ehk parima mängu (äkki on mehe osas siiski lootust?)*, Marchisio oli (jälle) parem Pirlo kui Pirlo enamasti sellel hooajal olnud on**, Vidal ja Pogba tegid oma ära, Padoin oleks peaaegu skoorinud ja Gio-Osvaldo toimisid duona suurepäraselt. Ei tea, kas asi oli vastase sittuses, aga kõik asjad toimisid. Väljaarvatud Peluso, kes on järjepidevalt täiesti kasutu käkk.

        * Conte: Last year Mauricio came from a serious injury and he had to regain his condition. I hope he can find self-confidence & awareness in his abilities. We need Isla like we need Giovinco.
        ** Conte: Marchisio is more suited than Pogba for that role. He has pace & if he starts to move vertically he can become a big surprise in that role. That is Pirlo's role but to have an alternative in Marchisio keeps me very serene for the present & future.


          Esimene poolaeg Milani vastu oli kahtlemata üks põnevamaid mida ma sel hooajal veel näinud olen. Mõlemal poolel väga palju häid võimalusi. Hetkel Juve 1-0 ees (Llorente) kuid võitu veel kummalegi meeskonnale ennustada ei julge. Ehk teine poolaeg tuleb samasugune andmine.

          Ahjaa, Bonucci!!!


            Algselt postitas KihnuViive46 Vaata postitust
            Esimene poolaeg Milani vastu oli kahtlemata üks põnevamaid mida ma sel hooajal veel näinud olen. Mõlemal poolel väga palju häid võimalusi. Hetkel Juve 1-0 ees (Llorente) kuid võitu veel kummalegi meeskonnale ennustada ei julge. Ehk teine poolaeg tuleb samasugune andmine.

            Ahjaa, Bonucci!!!
            Esimesel poolajal oli Juvel vist 1 hea võimalus lisaks väravale.




                Kas Tevez&WC seisud on endiselt samad? Et ei nähta suurt varianti et mees koondisekutse saab?


                  Jep, näib nii
                  And yet, the expectation is he won’t be selected by Argentina for the World Cup in Brazil this summer. For reasons unknown and widely speculated on, Tevez hasn’t been called up to represent his country since the 2011 Copa America.

                  Asked if coach Alejandro Sabella had dialled his number in recent months, he replied: “No.” Sabella also refused to be drawn on the matter in an interview with Il Corriere dello Sport this week. “No comment” was his answer when the issue came to be raised.

                  It seems political. Maradona claims Tevez has been pushed out because “he argued with [Julio] Grondona [the president of the Argentina Football Federation] and Carlos Bilardo [the general manager of the national team].”

                  Others have suggested that Lionel Messi isn’t a fan of his, though Tevez insists “I get on great” with the Barcelona phenomenon.
                  Üldiselt muidugi pohui. Võibolla ongi parem, kui mõned põhimehed saavad suvel pikema puhkuse, et terve tiim päris Pogbadeks kätte ära ei läheks, kes on viimased 1,5a nii tiheda graafikuga mänginud, et hetkel näib täiesti mahladest tühi olevat.


                    ega vist eriti palju selliseid meeskondi pole, kes sellist nalja endale lubada saavad.


                      Juve has the most points (69) and wins (22) after 26 rounds in its history

                      Juve's attack with 62 goals after 26 rounds is the most prolific in 54 yrs. The 1959/1960 Juve had 70 goals after 26 rounds.


                        26 mängu, 21 võitu, 4 viiki, 1 kaotus, väravate vahe 56:23, punkte 67 - Inter 07 rekordhooaeg
                        26 mängu, 22 võitu, 3 viiki, 1 kaotus, väravate vahe 62:19, punkte 69 - Juventus 14

                        Liigume tõesti võimsalt, 2 ringi tagasi oli seis veel viigis.


                          Kanepi paranoia on levimas

                          Ronaldo: 'Juve stole Inter Scudetti'

                          Ronaldo believes Juventus “stole two Scudetti” from Inter and Calciopoli confirmed “something dirty was going on.”
                          The Brazilian spoke to Sportweek today and came down hard on those years when he narrowly missed out on the Serie A title, above all with a 4-2 defeat to Lazio on May 5 2002.
                          “Losing a Scudetto on the last day was devastating, but Calciopoli has now shone a new light on those years,” said Il Fenomeno.
                          “They stole two Scudetti from us in 1998 when they denied us the penalty for Mark Iuliano’s foul on me and in 2002 when it ended like that. In both cases the winning team was Juventus with Luciano Moggi, Antonio Giraudo and Roberto Bettega. The Triade.
                          “Of course at the time we got the feeling something dirty was going on, but we didn’t have the proof. Calciopoli showed we were right.”
                          Juventus were stripped of two titles by the Calciopoli investigation in 2006 and demoted to Serie B.
                          Their directors, above all Moggi, were accused of trying to influence the choice of referees, but they were never charged with sporting fraud or match-fixing.
                          It is also worth noting that former refereeing designator Paolo Bergamo assured it was common practice for most clubs to phone him to argue for a particular official rather than another, or to complain about decisions that had gone against them – including Inter.
                          By the time the taped phone calls involving Inter had come to light and were investigated in 2010, the statute of limitations had passed, so no further action could be taken.
                          FORZA ITALIA FORZA ROMA - "A Scudetto in Rome is worth a thousand elsewhere."




                              Algselt postitas eika Vaata postitust
                              Kui juba .gif -itamiseks läks, siis ole hea viska 81 minutil toimunud Chiellini löök Mastose kossi ka siia juurde
                              FORZA ITALIA FORZA ROMA - "A Scudetto in Rome is worth a thousand elsewhere."

