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    Võib-olla mõtlen üle, aga Lichtekspressil tundus selline sihilikult võetud kollane olevat. Noh, Bologna vastu oleks vist kõige mõistlikum puhata, kui valida saab.
    Ilmselgelt ei mõtle üle. Isegi Conte oli rahuloleva näoga, kui Licht vahetusse jalutas. Viimasel ajal nii tihe graafik olnud, võiks isegi öelda, harjumatu et kahte mängu nädalas ei näe.

    Aga Arturo injury update'i keegi? Peale viimast mängu mainis, et valu põlves ei lase väga mängida. Rohkem ei ole meediast silma jäänud.


      kuidas Pirlo peaaegu Realis lõpetas (lõpp on eriti äge)
      By Andrea Pirlo It's the summer of 2006, we've just won the World Cup, and I'm thoroughly drunk on life. I go out and about on my bike in the quiet little streets of Forte dei Marmi and, as I pass by on the seafront, people stop and pat me on the back.

      They must have thought that beating France in the final had fried my brain, but there was something they didn't know. They were missing a vital piece of the story, namely that as things stood, I belonged to Real Madrid, not Milan. I was a Madrid player in my head, my heart and my soul. I had a five-year contract sitting waiting, and a salary that was out of this world.

      It seemed that certain people at Milan had got themselves into one too many scrapes – or at least that was the story doing the rounds. Calciopoli was the second most popular topic of conversation back then, a close second to Italy's penalty shootout triumph in Germany.

      One day you'd read that we were going to be relegated to Serie B, the next that we were looking at a 15-point penalty. The next again they'd be talking about us handing back trophies and having our titles removed from the record books. After a while I began to suspect that it wasn't Mark David Chapman who killed John Lennon. It had been one of the Milan directors.

      The whole thing was an absolute shambles. Nobody had a clue what was going on and what Milan's fate would actually be, least of all me. One thing I was sure of, though: I would never drop down to Serie B. And if I had to leave, I wouldn't feel like a traitor. There was no way I was going to pay for other people's sins, if that's what they turned out to be.

      The Madrid coach Fabio Capello phoned. And then Franco Baldini, their director of football. Everyone wanted to speak to me. I had a word with my agent, Tullio Tinti, and asked him to find out what Milan were saying about it all.

      Shortly after, I was due back at Milanello. To make the Champions League proper, we had to get through a qualifier against Red Star Belgrade. At that point Tullio said to me: "Hold off on going back. Let me speak to Real. If you really want a change of scene from Forte dei Marmi, head back to your house in Brescia. And keep your mobile on – in a little while you'll get a call."

      No sooner had he said it than the phone started ringing. Nostradamus was a mere amateur compared to our Tullio.

      "Hello Andrea, it's Fabio Capello here." Only one of the most successful coaches in the history of the sport.

      "Hello, coach. How are you?"

      "I'm great, and I imagine you're even better. Come and join us. We've just signed Emerson from Juventus and you're the man to play beside him in midfield."

      "Okay then."

      He didn't need much time to convince me. Less than a minute, I reckon. Not least because I'd already seen the contract. My agent had studied it in great detail and then shot off to Madrid.

      "Andrea, we're on."

      "I'm really happy about that, Tullio."

      I pictured myself in that white jersey. Pristine, and at the same time aggressive; a mean streak running through its unusual purity. My thoughts often wandered to the Santiago Bernabeu, the Temple, a ground that struck terror into opponents. Bruised and battered slaves at the king's banquet.

      "What do we do now then, Tullio?"

      "Let's go for lunch in a few days."

      "Where? Meson Txistu in Plaza de Angel Carbajo?"

      "No, Andrea; not Madrid. Milanello."

      "What do you mean 'Milanello'? Are you stupid?"

      "Nope, you heard right: Milanello. We haven't got Galliani's approval yet."

      The menu was always the same: I knew it off by heart. Antipasto, starter, main course and then the legendary ice cream with crunchy bits on top.

      We met in the room used for team meals, halfway between the kitchens and the hall with the hearth where Berlusconi would pound away on the piano and tell various kinds of jokes.

      Tullio spoke first. "Andrea's going to sign for Real."

      Then me: "Yes…"

      Then it was Galliani, staring straight at me. "Andrea, my friend, you're not going anywhere."

      He pulled out a little case from under the table. That made me smile, thinking it had been just as well hidden as Monica Lewinsky under Bill Clinton's desk in the Oval Office.

      A contract then appeared from the case, with Mr Biro (Galliani) adding, "You're not leaving, because you're going to sign this. It's for five years, and we've left the salary details blank so you can write in whatever you like."

      Tullio just about ripped it out of my hands. "I'll keep hold of this."

      He took his time, brought it home, read it and read it again. I went off to the national team training camp at Coverciano and, for a few days, I didn't hear anything. I thought it was a done deal: I was thinking in Spanish, dreaming in Spanish. My imagination was in overdrive, flying off to Madrid and landing somewhere between Plaza Mayor and Puerta del Sol.

      And then my agent phoned me.

      "Sign for Milan. Right now, they'll not let you leave."



      "Ok, fine."

      You're then forced to tell the media a lot of crap; provided, of course, that they manage to ask you the right question. If they enquire whether it's right you'd practically signed for Madrid, you're duty-bound to respond hiding behind well-worn clichés and half-truths. You read a dull, lifeless script written by press officers with no talent or creative spark.

      "No, that's not the case. I'm perfectly happy at Milan."

      F*** off!

      It's a pity it went the way it did. I'd have signed for Real in a heartbeat. They're a club with more glamour than Milan; more prospects, more appeal, more everything. They strike fear in their opponents, whoever they happen to be.

      All that said, at the end of the season I had the consolation of winning the Champions League. It could have gone a lot worse


        Giovinco võib Udinese vastu überlahe olla, aga suurte meeskondade vastu ei saa ta kunagi hakkama. Minul temasse usku ei ole, tehke rahaks. Kaks aastat olen jauranud seda plaati.
        The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of the darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy My brothers. And you will know I am the Lord when I lay My vengeance upon you.


          Tofoaga päri.Üks kena värava hooajal ei näita seda,et ta peaks järgmine hooaeg veel meil olema.


            Algselt postitas Tofoa Vaata postitust
            Giovinco võib Udinese vastu überlahe olla, aga suurte meeskondade vastu ei saa ta kunagi hakkama. Minul temasse usku ei ole, tehke rahaks. Kaks aastat olen jauranud seda plaati.
            Algselt postitas #11 Vaata postitust
            Tofoaga päri.Üks kena värava hooajal ei näita seda,et ta peaks järgmine hooaeg veel meil olema.
            Kas meeskonna 4-5 ründajalt tulekski oodata rohkemat kui mõningaid väravaid Udinese vastu ja virisemisvaba leppimist oma staatusega?


              1. tiitel võidetaksegi kotikuid järjepidevalt alistades.
              2. Palju Gio niiöelda suurte vastu üldse võimalust on saanud?


                Algselt postitas eika Vaata postitust
                Kas meeskonna 4-5 ründajalt tulekski oodata rohkemat kui mõningaid väravaid Udinese vastu ja virisemisvaba leppimist oma staatusega?
                Vaevalt, et Giovinco nüüd rahul on selle 4-5 ründaja kohaga ja pingil istumisega.Ilmselt tahaks mees ikka ka regulaarselt koondisesse pääseda ja juves ta võimalused vaikselt ainult hääbuvad, parimal juhul ehk kutsutakse valikturniire või sõpakaid mängima.

                Parmas oli ikka tegu hoopis teise mängijaga.

                Giovinco tehniline baas on tegelt võrdlemisi hea, seega tark oleks liiga taseme ühtlustamise mõttes ta juba mõnele konkurendile anda.

                Sest selge on see, et Giovinco ei hakka algkoosseisu viiulit juves mitte kunagi mängima, juba juhtkonna ja treeneri hoiak on selline.

                Usun, et Giovinco ise ihkab ka juvest välja järgmiseks hooajaks, vanus siiski tiksub peale.


                  Miks jätkuvalt Rubentusslased karistuseta pääsevad? Kus on Pogba 10 mänguline keeld? Haledad homod!

                  FORZA ITALIA FORZA ROMA - "A Scudetto in Rome is worth a thousand elsewhere."


                    Kas see pilt on Minecraftist?


                      Algselt postitas orbitaaljaam Vaata postitust
                      Kas see pilt on Minecraftist?
                      "Ära nori mehe piksleid" - Tõstamaa vanasõna!
                      FORZA ITALIA FORZA ROMA - "A Scudetto in Rome is worth a thousand elsewhere."


                        Algselt postitas count Vaata postitust
                        "Ära nori mehe piksleid" - Tõstamaa vanasõna!
                        Hea üks


                          veel piksleid


                            Algselt postitas count Vaata postitust
                            Miks jätkuvalt Rubentusslased karistuseta pääsevad? Kus on Pogba 10 mänguline keeld? Haledad homod!
                            Marraskil (põlvedega poiss) teeb seda süstemaatiliselt. (peale seda, kui ta gobbiga liitus)
                            jokers to the right
                            clowns to the left of me


                              Algselt postitas cannuman Vaata postitust
                              veel piksleid

                              ROAD TO GLORY AND SUCCESS! Tõelised sportlased ! Meie usume et Chiellini on libu!
                              FORZA ITALIA FORZA ROMA - "A Scudetto in Rome is worth a thousand elsewhere."


                                Mul on suva näiteks mida üks Roma kutsikas usub - arvab,liiga karikas tuleb see aasta Itaalia PARIMALE.
                                Aga jah,kiviga vaatad striime,count?

