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Torino Juventus

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    Tegelikult tahaks Contele propsi visata.
    Mulle tundus Juve itaalias üks väheseid meeskondi, kellel on ambitsiooni ja mingidki rahalised finantsid euroopas läbi lüüa.
    Kui seda Contele ei võimaldata ning tahetakse parimad pojad rahaks teha, pole mõtet ka itaalias neid scudettosi märtsiks võita. Ilmselgelt Contet see ei rahulda.
    Ja tegelt on jällegi kahju, kui Vidal ja/või Pogba maha müüakse. Jällegi tõestus sellele kui pekkis see liiga omadega on.

    Allegri pidi saadaval olema..


      Igale mõõnale järgneb tõus! Itaalia klubijalgpall on 20ndatel taas maailma paras!



          Conte lahkub...
          Corner taken quickly...


            See oli küll nüüd väga ootamatu.
            THEO HERNANDEZ


              Club president Andrea Agnelli's letter to Antonio Conte

              Dear Antonio,

              You have been a great leader for our team and today's news saddens me immensely.

              I think about the three years we spent together, the three years in which we rewrote this club's history: three Scudetti in a row, two Italian Super Cups, and perhaps more importantly a period of exponential growth.

              Yet in the face of sentiment and personal feelings even a president needs to take a step back.

              Barely two months have passed since our last major success and Juventus must continue on its path. We'll start again from zero. Zero points in the table, just like all the others, and zero wins.

              But this club has a young management team that is both talented and close-knit, and in these recent years it has found the ambition and determination to achieve its targets.

              Juventus will start again with a squad of highly talented, professional footballers who will give their all for the new coach and go on writing this club's present and future. You have been a part of Juventus' history and I know that whatever choice you make, hearing of a Juventus victory will always bring a smile to your face.

              Beppe, Fabio, Pavel and I, together with all the players, the management and staff, will continue to work night and day, because that is no less than Juventus and Juventini deserve. And anyone who works at this club knows they must live up to its great tradition in every moment.

              Thanks for everything, Antonio.

              Fino alla fine...
              THEO HERNANDEZ


                David William Moyes /mɔɪz/ (born 25 April 1963) is a Scottish football manager and former player who is currently without a club.
                So self aware so full of shit


                  Thohir ,, moooaaaaarrr investeeringuid !

                  Conte võiks Azzurri üle võtta, aga kardan, et see jääb veel suht kaugesse tulevikku.


                    WTF mis toimub?

                    Aga lohutuseks jah, et David Moyes on vaba ja he's a football genius!


                      Algselt postitas Solfice Vaata postitust
                      Allegri in Juventus talks
                      "He has great football intelligence, experience and seems to have four eyes to spot all potential passes."


                        The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of the darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy My brothers. And you will know I am the Lord when I lay My vengeance upon you.





                                Väga põhjalik ülevaade mis selgitab conte lahkumist.

                                "He has great football intelligence, experience and seems to have four eyes to spot all potential passes."

