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AS Roma vs SS Lazio - sõbrad pealinnas

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    Ehk siis jälle on see reegel et sama riigi meeskonnad ei saa esimeses play-off ringis kokku minna?

    Igatahes siis oleks minu pingerida selline:

    1) Arsenal - lihtsalt sellepärast, et mõned hooajad tagasi kohtuti alagrupis ja siis sai Arsenal edasi ja Totti väga ebaõiglase punase kaardi.
    2) ManU - oleks väga atraktiivne mäng
    3) Liverpool - ilmselt praeguse seisuga kõige nõrgem vastane
    4) Bayern - kardan et ebamugav meile, kuid samas pole ka kõige teravam just
    5) Lyon - tugev ja ei tahaks kaotada sellisele meeskonnale
    6) Chelsea - lihtsalt paganama tugev


      Algselt postitas cannuman Vaata postitust
      Ehk siis jälle on see reegel et sama riigi meeskonnad ei saa esimeses play-off ringis kokku minna?
      Jah, seda reeglit pole muudetud.
      jokers to the right
      clowns to the left of me


        Kas tottina tuleb LAZIO vastu väljakule?
        1.totti koondisesse.
        2.Money talks bullshit(totti) walks.
        3."Miks mind feminiinseks peetakse"-F.Totti
        "Kui Tottil oleks mu*nn oleks ta mees"-George W. Bush


          Sempre Forza S.S.LAZIO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
          Non Mollare Mai!!!
          1.totti koondisesse.
          2.Money talks bullshit(totti) walks.
          3."Miks mind feminiinseks peetakse"-F.Totti
          "Kui Tottil oleks mu*nn oleks ta mees"-George W. Bush


            Totti peaks meeskonnas olema, aga ei tea kas platsile tuleb. Usun et vigastus on ikka päris tõsine ja isegi kui ta peaks mängima, siis tegelikult pole ta selleks päris valmis.


              Fan v Fan: Lazio-Roma
              The most hotly disputed derby in Italy returns this weekend as two sides who have been doing extremely well in recent weeks will face each other in what promises to be one of the most entertaining and spectacular derbies of recent memory. Goal.com spoke to Lazio fan MARIO ZIADEH (aka flurffmeister@laziofever.com) and PAOLO DE MENGHI supporter of Roma for their views ahead of Sunday’s big derby clash…

              GOAL: First of all, how do you feel about your side's season so far?

              Mario (Lazio): We had a stuttering start to the season but so far the season is going well, although it’s been full of near misses, poor finishing and slip-ups to lesser teams, not to mention the Calciopoli points deduction which was reduced later on.

              Paolo (Roma): We’re second in the league, competing for the Scudetto, we have reached the quarter finals of the Coppa Italia and more importantly we made it for the first time ever into the last sixteen of the Champions League. What else could I ask for? Oh yes: to win the derby!!

              GOAL: What are your expectations from the season?

              Mario (Lazio): I will be realistic and say a Uefa cup place.

              Paolo (Roma): At least a quarter final spot in the Champions League and the second spot in Serie A would be the most probable outcome, but I want more than that!

              GOAL: How important is this clash, in that perspective?

              Mario (Lazio): The rivalry between the two squads is indeed epic. Derbies are very important. That's how the passion for the sport grows it just adds excitement to the game. More people come out to watch and more people are interested. And for me this is the game of the season and an important objective.

              Paolo (Roma): The derby is always a different story from the league. You might be having the worst season ever, but that does not make you inferior to your opponent in a derby. Grit and character are more important than technique and quality in such matches. So whatever the outcome, it will not affect our objectives for the season.

              GOAL: Tactically, where do you think this match may be won or lost?

              Mario (Lazio): It will be a midfield battle. If Ledesma and Mudingayi are on form we’ll contain their midfield, but also Mauri will be a major threat on the flank and in the central midfield if deployed.

              Paolo (Roma): If our defence continues impressing and conceding very little, as it has done so far this season, then we will not have any problems, and it will be just a matter of how many goals we score.

              GOAL: Which opposition player do you consider to be the greatest threat to your team in his clash?

              Mario (Lazio): I’d definitely expect me to say Totti, but I wouldn’t because Simone Perrotta is the honored player and Totti is worth nothing without him, if he actually has a worth.

              Paolo (Roma): Well Rocchi is a good player and can score and assist his team-mates quite well, so he is my number one concern.

              GOAL: Would you want him in your team?

              Mario (Lazio): The bench wouldn’t be a bad idea.

              Paolo (Roma): We do need a striker up front now that Montella will most surely leave us in January. If he was playing for another team I would definitely want him, but now that he wore those colours, he cannot wear our t-shirt!

              GOAL: Who from your team should we keep a particular eye on here?

              Mario (Lazio): Goran Pandev. He under performed in the first half of the season but when he’s on form he’s kind of unstoppable.

              Paolo (Roma): Totti should be the one but if he does not play, then keep an eye on De Rossi: the best midfielder in Europe!

              GOAL: What single thing irritates you most about them?

              Mario (Lazio): Getting every season their hopes up winning pretty much nothing, but pretending to own the game and ending far from the top.

              Paolo (Roma): The simple fact that they exist! There can only be one big team in Rome, and that’s us!

              GOAL: And what do you grudgingly admire?

              Mario (Lazio): The loyalty of their fans.

              Paolo (Roma): Absolutely nothing!

              GOAL: Who is your all-time number one hate figure (or object of amusement) from their lot?

              Mario (Lazio): I find their captain, Francesco Totti, to be an arrogant, ignorant coatto and their fans tend to follow in the same vein.

              Paolo (Roma): Di Canio but this year he will not be taking part in this derby, but instead he’s playing for some amateur team!

              GOAL: What was the best bit of business ever done between the two clubs?

              Mario (Lazio): Some worthless primavera players transferred for free to them.

              Paolo (Roma): We try to avoid having business with them.

              GOAL: What's your fondest memory of past clashes against them?

              Mario (Lazio): Last season’s 3-1 when Dicanio scored and celebrated among the Curva Nord.

              Paolo (Roma): In the past 5 years we only lost one match against them so it will be more difficult for them to remember any positive results. I have many to choose from, but obviously the first one that springs to my mind is the 5-1 of 4 years ago. Brilliant!

              GOAL: What do you think the score of this match will be, and how will it affect your week?

              Mario (Lazio): Lazio 2-0 Roma is reasonable, with Mauri Rocchi Pandev tearing those sissies defense apart…Affect my week? Hell no! It will make my month!!

              Paolo (Roma): I’m sure we’ll win again, probably 3-1 or something like that. Beating Lazio and getting closer to Inter in the standings would make me extremely happy!


                www.asromacalcio.it on tänaseks mänguks üles andnud järgmise seltskonna:

                Ründes: Montella, Totti, Vucinic, Okaka
                Keskväljal: Pizzarro, Taddei, De Rossi, Virga, Perrotta, Tonetto, Rosi, Mancini
                Kaitses: Panucci, Mexes, Chivu, Defendi, Cassetti,
                Väravas: Curci, Bertagnoli, Marangon

                Meeskond mänguks avaldatakse kell 20.00


                  Algselt postitas Uuu Vaata postitust
                  Kas tottina tuleb LAZIO vastu väljakule?
                  Aga kas Ledesmun läheb Roma vastu platsile?


                    Algselt postitas vostrjakov Vaata postitust
                    www.asromacalcio.it on tänaseks mänguks üles andnud järgmise seltskonna:

                    Ründes: Montella, Totti, Vucinic, Okaka
                    Keskväljal: Pizzarro, Taddei, De Rossi, Virga, Perrotta, Tonetto, Rosi, Mancini
                    Kaitses: Panucci, Mexes, Chivu, Defendi, Cassetti,
                    Väravas: Curci, Bertagnoli, Marangon

                    Meeskond mänguks avaldatakse kell 20.00
                    Doni ei mängigi?


                      Doni = Donieber Alexander Marangon
                      Õhtul oli lahe juhtum, üks prantslane tuli hostelisse riidekapi suuruse kohvriga ja sai toa 3ndale korrusele no ja otsustas sinna siis liftiga sõita. Ronis oma kodinatega lifti… ja…. ja astus siis kirudes välja – see oli telefoniputka!!! Meil pole ju majas lifti!


                        Algselt postitas Totti Vaata postitust
                        Doni = Donieber Alexander Marangon
                        selge, ise ka kahtlustasin seda muidugi


                          Lesesmun ahahahaha hull nali riomma fänn
                          Tottina on haruldane mängija Itaalia serie-As kuna on ainuke mees/naine jalgpallur
                          Spalletti kahtlustab 3 kuu rasedust :S appiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Tottina
                          Ja kui vaadata roma ja LAZIO fan vs fan siis olgem ausad paneme ülbelt roma fännid onja
                          Peaks sättima pubi poole mängu vaatama...hoian pöialt Biancocelestile ja põlege ahjus kanapasapruunimeeskond
                          FORZA FORZA FORZA LAZIO
                          ONE COLOUR....ONE CITY....ONE CLUB...LAZIOOOOOOOOOOO
                          1.totti koondisesse.
                          2.Money talks bullshit(totti) walks.
                          3."Miks mind feminiinseks peetakse"-F.Totti
                          "Kui Tottil oleks mu*nn oleks ta mees"-George W. Bush


                            Algselt postitas Uuu Vaata postitust
                            Lesesmun ahahahaha hull nali riomma fänn
                            Tottina on haruldane mängija Itaalia serie-As kuna on ainuke mees/naine jalgpallur
                            Spalletti kahtlustab 3 kuu rasedust :S appiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Tottina
                            Ja kui vaadata roma ja LAZIO fan vs fan siis olgem ausad paneme ülbelt roma fännid onja
                            Peaks sättima pubi poole mängu vaatama...hoian pöialt Biancocelestile ja põlege ahjus kanapasapruunimeeskond
                            FORZA FORZA FORZA LAZIO
                            ONE COLOUR....ONE CITY....ONE CLUB...LAZIOOOOOOOOOOO
                            Nii armas, kuidas üks eesti väikelinna idioot mingi võõramaise pealinna siseelu nii tõsiselt võtab. Musi.


                              Algselt postitas Uuu Vaata postitust
                              Lesesmun ahahahaha hull nali riomma fänn
                              Tottina on haruldane mängija Itaalia serie-As kuna on ainuke mees/naine jalgpallur
                              Spalletti kahtlustab 3 kuu rasedust :S appiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Tottina
                              Ja kui vaadata roma ja LAZIO fan vs fan siis olgem ausad paneme ülbelt roma fännid onja
                              Peaks sättima pubi poole mängu vaatama...hoian pöialt Biancocelestile ja põlege ahjus kanapasapruunimeeskond
                              FORZA FORZA FORZA LAZIO
                              ONE COLOUR....ONE CITY....ONE CLUB...LAZIOOOOOOOOOOO

                              irw, ajukääbik. Muud nagu polegi lisada.


                                Algselt postitas Uuu Vaata postitust
                                Lesesmun ahahahaha hull nali riomma fänn
                                Tottina on haruldane mängija Itaalia serie-As kuna on ainuke mees/naine jalgpallur
                                Spalletti kahtlustab 3 kuu rasedust :S appiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Tottina
                                Ja kui vaadata roma ja LAZIO fan vs fan siis olgem ausad paneme ülbelt roma fännid onja
                                Peaks sättima pubi poole mängu vaatama...hoian pöialt Biancocelestile ja põlege ahjus kanapasapruunimeeskond
                                FORZA FORZA FORZA LAZIO
                                ONE COLOUR....ONE CITY....ONE CLUB...LAZIOOOOOOOOOOO
                                Tegelt kui järgi mõelda, sis pole ikka tegu idioodiga, vaid tõelise polüglotiga. Näete tema sujuvat üleminekut eesti keelelt itaalia keelele ja seejärel veel mahedalt jõudmist inglise keelele. Tubli 5+. Et sul oleks veel mingit võõrast keelt hea kasutada, siis proovi vperjood, LAZIOOO!!!!

