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    Täielik scumbag.

    Alessandro Matri scored 2 goals from 2 shots on his debut for Fiorentina, he had netted only one from 22 shots with AC Milan.


      Lihtsalt undercover Juventuse agent Milanis.
      The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of the darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy My brothers. And you will know I am the Lord when I lay My vengeance upon you.


        Hahaah....Edu Vincenzole....ennustasin vist 2. kohta violale....tuleb arvatavasti 3.
        1.totti koondisesse.
        2.Money talks bullshit(totti) walks.
        3."Miks mind feminiinseks peetakse"-F.Totti
        "Kui Tottil oleks mu*nn oleks ta mees"-George W. Bush


          Aga miks Matri poolajal välja võeti? Juba katki?


            Algselt postitas Saarlane Vaata postitust
            Aga miks Matri poolajal välja võeti? Juba katki?
            Jep, mingi kerge lihasevenitus, mistõttu teiseks poolajaks võeti kindluse võttes välja.

            Viimase info kohaselt lähipäevil tagasi treeningutel ja võistluspausi ei tohiks olla. Küll on neljapäeval Coppa, aga seal saavad noored poisid loodetavasti mürada.
            May the Violet flag flutter in the wind on all fields of challenge and valour, a vivid hope is our solace, we have eleven athletes and one heart. Go, Fiorentina, we want you to be the queen of all teams, go, Fiorentina, fight with bravery and prowess everywhere! In any hour of dismay and victory, remember you're the history of football!


              AQUILANI SHOW !
              "I like an aggressive team, I want to see a team that is strong, committed and quick on the break.
              These are things which Atletico fans have always liked, it helps them identify with and love this shirt."


                VÕIMAS! elu esimene hübar. Kahju, et võitu ei suudetud võtta.

                FORZA Fiorentina!!
                FORZA FIORENTINA!


                  Selle mängu oleks ju pidanud võitma.
                  1.totti koondisesse.
                  2.Money talks bullshit(totti) walks.
                  3."Miks mind feminiinseks peetakse"-F.Totti
                  "Kui Tottil oleks mu*nn oleks ta mees"-George W. Bush


                    Algselt postitas Uuu Vaata postitust
                    Selle mängu oleks ju pidanud võitma.
                    Kohtunik nii ei arvanud.
                    May the Violet flag flutter in the wind on all fields of challenge and valour, a vivid hope is our solace, we have eleven athletes and one heart. Go, Fiorentina, we want you to be the queen of all teams, go, Fiorentina, fight with bravery and prowess everywhere! In any hour of dismay and victory, remember you're the history of football!


                      Nii juhtub päris tihti...
                      1.totti koondisesse.
                      2.Money talks bullshit(totti) walks.
                      3."Miks mind feminiinseks peetakse"-F.Totti
                      "Kui Tottil oleks mu*nn oleks ta mees"-George W. Bush


                        See esimene penalti mängus, Genoa kasuks, oli küll päris rõve sukeldumine.
                        "I like an aggressive team, I want to see a team that is strong, committed and quick on the break.
                        These are things which Atletico fans have always liked, it helps them identify with and love this shirt."


                          Algselt postitas atleticomadrid Vaata postitust
                          See esimene penalti mängus, Genoa kasuks, oli küll päris rõve sukeldumine.
                          Tagantjärgi võib isegi kohtunikku tänada, et Netole selle viimase mehe vea eest punast ei väänanud
                          Isegi kollast ei antud

                          Ülejäänud kahtlastest olukordadest ei hakkagi rääkimagi, sest mis sest sitast ikka torkida, hakkab veel rõvedamalt haisema.
                          May the Violet flag flutter in the wind on all fields of challenge and valour, a vivid hope is our solace, we have eleven athletes and one heart. Go, Fiorentina, we want you to be the queen of all teams, go, Fiorentina, fight with bravery and prowess everywhere! In any hour of dismay and victory, remember you're the history of football!


                            Algselt postitas Maarek Vaata postitust
                            Kohtunik nii ei arvanud.
                            Dino Tommasi ja tema kaaslaste etteaste. Loodan, et saadetakse ruttu tagasi madalamatesse liigadesse arenema.

                            May the Violet flag flutter in the wind on all fields of challenge and valour, a vivid hope is our solace, we have eleven athletes and one heart. Go, Fiorentina, we want you to be the queen of all teams, go, Fiorentina, fight with bravery and prowess everywhere! In any hour of dismay and victory, remember you're the history of football!




                                Noore kuti, kes vaevu platsile on pääsenud, poolt ikka väga kõva koll täna

                                May the Violet flag flutter in the wind on all fields of challenge and valour, a vivid hope is our solace, we have eleven athletes and one heart. Go, Fiorentina, we want you to be the queen of all teams, go, Fiorentina, fight with bravery and prowess everywhere! In any hour of dismay and victory, remember you're the history of football!

