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AC Milan
Algselt postitas GoldenEagle Vaata postitustKas ikka 3 milli aastas?The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of the darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy My brothers. And you will know I am the Lord when I lay My vengeance upon you.
Ei oska kommenteerida Montolivo palga osas.
Aga pigem jäi samaks, kui kuhugi poole liigutati.
Berlusconi rääkis
Silvio Berlusconi confirmed Mario Balotelli, Alex, Philippe Mexes and Kevin-Prince Boateng will leave Milan this summer.
The President spoke to Qui Studio a Voi Stadio this evening and discussed the potential take-over by a Chinese group.
He also commented on the imminent departures.
“Many will be leaving because players like Alex, Mexes, Boateng and Balotelli are at the end of their contracts.”
Of these players, Balotelli is the only one who is on loan and will therefore be returned to Liverpool.
It had already been reported that talks to extend his loan or buy him outright had been abandoned over the last few days.
Boateng only arrived in January from Schalke 04, but will not have his contract extended.
Mexes had seen his contract expire last summer only to be offered another one several weeks later.
Algselt postitas Saarlane Vaata postitustGuugeldamine ütleb, et juba välja toodud nimedele lisaks saab leping otsa Zapataga.
JA veider see Acerbi värk, kes kiirelt nahui saadeti, aga kes see hooaeg erinevates ülevaadetes serie a sümboolsesse koosseisu on valitud. Aga mis seal ikka.
Berlusconi: AC Milan can be like Leicester City
Milan võtab eeskujuks Leicester City. Vau. See peaks küll mingi uus lowpoint olema?
Üldiselt saan aru, et Milan üritab kokku koguda Championshipi tasemel kaikad ja übertreeneri abil need tiitlile viia? Berlu õnneks on Milan Championsihipi tasemel kaikaid täis ehk mängijate osas pole lisa vaja. Nüüd oleks vaja ainult treener leida.
Algselt postitas orbitaaljaam Vaata postitustBerlusconil on kaks teed.
a) Müüa Milan maha, mis tundub, et hakkab järjest tõenäolisemaks saama
b) Kui müük persse läheb, on tema idee ItalMilan, mis tähendab noortest itaallastest koosnev meeskond.
Aga tema tõlgendatud ja tihti valesti tõlgitud ütlemist tulla paugutama, suht meh.
Algselt postitas ElNino9 Vaata postitustEM'il on rohkem mängijaid, kelle eesnimi on Milan(3), kui mängijaid AC Milanist(2).
Loe nüüd kokku, mitu Chelseat eelmisel naiste EM-il osales ja mitu neist Chelseast olid
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