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AC Milan

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    Miks see mäng üldse kuskil pee augus toimub? Saadakse palju pappi? Loodan, et on nii. Muidu on ikka päris mõttetu, kuskil 15k mahutaval 0 atmosfääriga staadionil neid mänge pidada on väga mannetu.


      eks ikka reklaam ja raha


        Kuigi Diimad peavad nääre, soovivad tõelised Hundid siiski ka häid pühi!

        FORZA ITALIA FORZA ROMA - "A Scudetto in Rome is worth a thousand elsewhere."


          tiitleid sellel kümnendil

          AS Roma:

          jokers to the right
          clowns to the left of me


            Kaks korda hooaja jooksul juvele tala panna on alati tore

            First senior trophy for: Montolivo Donnarumma Locatelli Calabria Plizzari Ely Romagnoli Zapata Jack Poli Pasalic Bertolacci Suso Niang

            Kas see oli ka Montella esimene treenerikarjääri karikas?
            Suso Vs Juventus: 24 crosses !!! 5 key passes 2 dribbles 2 shots 1 assist.

            Evra lõpetab vist mängijakarjääri?


              Galliani pidi täna brasiiliasse lendama, et kohtuda L.Adriano agendiga. on lootust, et temast tõesti 7 mil euroga lahti saadakse. Oleks liiga ilus, et tõsi olla kahel põhjusel a) vähem puitu b) Milanil oleks raha üleminekuaknas


                Algselt postitas orbitaaljaam Vaata postitust
                Galliani pidi täna brasiiliasse lendama, et kohtuda L.Adriano agendiga. on lootust, et temast tõesti 7 mil euroga lahti saadakse. Oleks liiga ilus, et tõsi olla kahel põhjusel a) vähem puitu b) Milanil oleks raha üleminekuaknas
                c) Spartak saab endale kallist puitu juurde. Eriti hea ju.


                Eesti Lokomotiv Moskva fännid



                  Ta pidi ju muutuma vene liiga staariks. Täitma Hulkist jäänud tühimiku.

                  Kas see ära jäänud liigamäng mängitakse 08.02?


                    Hulk mängis Zenidis.


                    Eesti Lokomotiv Moskva fännid



                      Staari tühimikku. Mitte mängija kohta meeskonnas.
                      Luiz Adriano's agent on a move to Spartak Moscow: "It would be a great move, and not only for Spartak, but for Russian football."
                      Luiz Adriano's agent: "He knows the russian league well. With Hulk's departure, there is need for famous players and Luiz can be a star."


                        No siis LOL.


                        Eesti Lokomotiv Moskva fännid



                          Algselt postitas orbitaaljaam Vaata postitust
                          Kas see ära jäänud liigamäng mängitakse 08.02?
                          Jah, täpselt siis.
                          Elu on lühike, pidu on pikk.


                            Suso's long interview with MARCA:
                            "This may be the best year of my career so far. It has been quite beautiful. Did I imagine this when I started the year at Genoa? Not really, it depends on many things. I imagine that there was another coach. What I know was the last game against Juve and it was a golden opportunity to win a title, it was the best ending of 2016. In addition, we have beaten Juventus twice, once in Serie A and another time in Supercoppa. It is true that the game at San Siro was more balanced but in the Supercoppa I think we played much better than them. The six months at Genoa helped me a lot. People in Italy saw that I was good and can do well. Gasperini gave me confidence. It was a difficult period. I had a lack of playing time and he knew how to get the best out of me. Montella saw me in my time at Genoa as he was Sampdoria's coach & in the derby I scored twice.I think he knew I could help the team. Montella is a coach who is not afraid of entrusting young players. He [Montella] is a very Spanish manager. He likes to have his own playing idea. He always tries to have ball possession. It is clear that the impact a player has on a small team is not the same as in Milan. I played in Genoa very well but now people talk more about me because I'm in a big club. Now rivals have studied my moves more, they know me better. I wasn't used to score on constant basis and help my team but now I do. Bonaventura tells me that I remind him of David Silva? Yes, he tells me that a lot. It's an honour for me to be compared with Silva. Galliani? We have been discussing the contract renewal for a couple of weeks. There are two or three points [in the contract] that needs to be settled but I think the extension will be done without any problem. Berlusconi? The last time I saw him was after the derby where I scored two goals. He congratulated me in the locker room. Do I miss Spain? I'm now in Cadiz and I'm enjoying it with my family but I feel very comfortable in Milan. [Milan] is a very big city, now I do not plan on going back to Spain. If I think I can play for Barca, Real or Atletico? I think yes. I am demonstrating it a step by step. I've been with Barca & Real players in the NT. I have shown that I am of good level.Maybe it's early because I have to keep growing. I learned from England the pace of play, the rhythm is a bit faster there. In Italy I learned the tactical discipline. The best football player I ever played with? Luis Suarez. Is Donnarumma that good? Yes. It impresses me that someone so young can be so good. He is an animal in goal. Do I think Bacca will stay at Milan till June? I think so. I ask him and he tells me that he is very happy. I see him happy. I say yes [Bacca will stay] although in football everything changes rapidly. The best thing for us is that he stays. What do I ask for in 2017? Good health, put Milan back in the Champions League and a call from the national team. Last November I was in the pre-squad [of Spain] but in the end I wasn't called up. However, receiving a letter from the federation that says I was pre-called was important because what I was doing was being seen by the federation and that they're beginning to count on me. Julen [Lopetegui] knows me since I was with the youth NT. I was with him in the U-18, U-19, U-20 and U-21. I don't want to retire without playing a Champions League final, playing in the World Cup and in the Euros."


                              Palju omakasvandikke põhikoosseisus on (Ehki ANtonelli ja De Sciglio mängivad samal positsioonil. aga see on ka Tutto**** tabel)

                              Lisaks on paljudes mängudes olnud algrivistuses 7-8 itaallast. (ItalMilan on tehtud)

                              Pealtvaatajate arve muutumine

                              Ma kahtlsutan, et Milani puhul mängib siin ikkagi ka see rolli, et põhitäismaja mängud vs Inter ja Juventus on juba peetud. Aga ilmselt on suurenenud tänu tabeliseisule ning mängule ka madalama atraktiivsusega mängude publikuarv.


                                Arsenalile saaks ka Kieran Gibbsi lisada kui põhikoosseisu puhul tavapärast algkoosseisu silmas ei peeta.
                                Elu on lühike, pidu on pikk.

