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AC Milan

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    Raha pidi saabuma eelmise nädala reedel või esmaspäeval või siis nüüdsete juttude järgi nepljapäeval või reedel, aga pigem ikkagi neljapäeval kui reedel, või on see juba järgmine nädal?
    Uus ostukuupäev peaks olema märtsi lõpp, või aprilli algus, või aprilli keskpaik või oli see nüüd ikka 31 märts, või kolmas aprill või hoopis 14 aprill või ikka nüüd kuu lõpp.
    Keegi peale minu üldse viitsib veel jälgida seda 90ndate mehiko seepi tänapäevases itaalia-hiina tõlgenduses?

    Ja Abate on trennis tagasi.
    Genoa jätavad vahele Bacca, Romagnoli ja Sosa. Suso on vigane ikkagi põhjalikumalt ning loodetavasti pärast koondisemänge tagasi. On räägitud, et Honda saab ehk mänguvõimaluse, aga eks näis.


      Algselt postitas orbitaaljaam Vaata postitust
      Raha pidi saabuma eelmise nädala reedel või esmaspäeval või siis nüüdsete juttude järgi nepljapäeval või reedel, aga pigem ikkagi neljapäeval kui reedel, või on see juba järgmine nädal?
      Raha pandi hiinast eile teele ja täna peaks Fininvestil olemas olema. Bloomberg kirjutas vahepeal ka artikli
      The little-known Chinese group attempting to buy Silvio Berlusconi’s AC Milan soccer team has lost the backing of its state-owned partner, leaving businessman Li Yonghong to find a way to complete the deal on his own, people familiar with the matter said.
      Haixia Capital Management Co. will no longer be an investor in Sino-Europe Sports Investment Management Changxing Co. after regulators at home stepped up criticism of sports deals, the people said, asking not to be identified because the talks are confidential. Haixia Capital may stay attached to the group in some capacity, one of the people said.
      "If Chinese investors step back it wouldn’t be emotionally pleasant for my father, but it wouldn’t be seriously damaging since the fine for backing out of the deal is substantial," Mediaset SpA Chief Executive Officer Pier Silvio Berlusconi told reporters in Milan Wednesday. Mediaset is the Italian media company controlled by Berlusconi’s holding company Fininvest SpA.
      As a result, Sino-Europe Sports and Fininvest are in discussions about a new deal for Associazione Calcio Milan S.p.A., which could be signed as soon as this week, two of the people said. The new agreement may involve finding alternative funding, they said.
      Sino-Europe Sports would simultaneously agree to pay a third, non-refundable 100 million euro ($106 million) deposit for the club, and the closing could come in mid-April, they said. The group has already deposited 200 million euros.
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      Regulators in China have been ramping up their scrutiny of outbound investments, with their ire particularly focused on sports and entertainment. The General Administration of Sports warned in February of the risks around large, irrational overseas investments, including in soccer. Last week, People’s Bank of China Governor Zhou Xiaochuan said some purchases of overseas sports and entertainment assets didn’t fit with the nation’s industrial policy.
      Financing Struggles

      Haixia Capital, an investment firm controlled by State Development & Investment Corp., was the only co-investor named when Sino-Europe Sports first announced the deal in August last year. The consortium has struggled to put all the financing in place for its 740 million-euro purchase of the seven-time European champion team.
      Chinese authorities have blocked Sino-Europe Sports from transferring funds out of mainland China to buy AC Milan, people with knowledge of the matter said in February.
      A person who answered the phone at Haixia Capital’s office said the company doesn’t have anyone handling media queries, and an email sent to a general address listed on Haixia Capital’s website wasn’t answered. A spokeswoman for SDIC said she wasn’t aware of the issue. A representative for Fininvest declined to comment. Sino-Europe Sports didn’t have an immediate comment.

      Ja kui vahepeal tundus, et Milan on ilma CF vs Genoa, siis Lapadula saab ilmselt siiski mängukorda ning platsile.


        Algselt postitas orbitaaljaam Vaata postitust
        Raha pandi hiinast eile teele ja täna peaks Fininvestil olemas olema.
        Pean lugejate ees vabandama.
        Enneaegne purse
        GdS and MilanNews report that due to bureaucratic reasons the €100m deposit should arrive bet. tomorrow and Monday instead of today.


          Selle Juve mängu võib vist nüüd lukku ära panna
          The Italian referees association said there wasn't a penalty in Juve-Milan, sanctioned Massa (match official) & Doveri (goal-line referee) by assigning them to insignificant games in the upcoming round of Serie A as additional referees.

          Pole küll mingit ametlikku infot selle kohta näinud.


            Lapadula ja Mati Fernandez alustavad täna
            Mati, wow


              Genoa on võõrsil olnud ulmehalb, seega on loota sellist 0:1 mängu 77. minuti nurgalöögist.


                Kindel 1:0 võit. Värav oli kena, aga olgem ausad - Genoa oli überhalb. Teisel poolajal oli nende põhisoov hoida 0:1 seisu, millega saadi ka hakkama. Jee?


                  Algselt postitas d-fox Vaata postitust
                  Genoa on võõrsil olnud ulmehalb, seega on loota sellist 0:1 mängu 77. minuti nurgalöögist.


                    Algselt postitas orbitaaljaam Vaata postitust
                    Läks hästi, noh. Mmkey.


                      Algselt postitas orbitaaljaam Vaata postitust
                      Lapadula ja Mati Fernandez alustavad täna
                      Mati, wow

                      Lapa touch eraldi. (alternative angle)
                      jokers to the right
                      clowns to the left of me


                        Mäng jäi jälle vahele aga tundub, et oli täiesti kontrolliall mäng. mIs on eriti tore, arvestades, et puudu olid paljud algkoosseisu mehed ning eriti need, kes on väravaid löönud (Bacca, Susu). Et peab rahule jääme. Ning lisaks see, et eelmise nv jamast saadi kiiresti üle.
                        Need 1-0 võidud on muidugi libedad ning äärmiselt närvesöövad. Ja neid pole mitte vähe olnud
                        OptaPaolo‏Verified account @OptaPaolo

                        7 - AC Milan have won the most games for 1-0 (seven) in the current Serie A. Effective. #MilanGenoa
                        Samp 0-1 Milan
                        Milan 1-0 Pescara
                        Milan 1-0 Juventus
                        Milan 1-0 Cagliari
                        Bologna 0-1 Milan
                        Sassuolo 0-1 Milan
                        Milan 1-0 Genoa

                        Mati Fernandez has scored his first Serie A goal since February 2016, scoring against Atalanta whilst playing for Fiorentina.
                        nah see toimub nende kohtunikega?


                          Algselt postitas orbitaaljaam Vaata postitust
                          Raha pidi saabuma eelmise nädala reedel või esmaspäeval või siis nüüdsete juttude järgi nepljapäeval või reedel, aga pigem ikkagi neljapäeval kui reedel, või on see juba järgmine nädal?
                          Uus ostukuupäev peaks olema märtsi lõpp, või aprilli algus, või aprilli keskpaik või oli see nüüd ikka 31 märts, või kolmas aprill või hoopis 14 aprill või ikka nüüd kuu lõpp.
                          Keegi peale minu üldse viitsib veel jälgida seda 90ndate mehiko seepi tänapäevases itaalia-hiina tõlgenduses?
                          Väidetavalt on raha kuskil Briti neitsi saartel kinni ning kui nädala lõpuks üle ei tule on tehing läbi kukkunud ja juhe tõmmatakse seinast.
                          Probleemide põhjustajaks Hiina valitsus.


                            Algselt postitas Stok
                            Selliseid omanikke ei tahaks niikuinii ju?
                            Ei tea. Keeruline hinnata, mis on siin see tõde ja mis vabandused ja ettekäänded. Berlusconi ja Gallianiga jätkates on lagi ilmselt tabelis järgnevatel hooaegadel max postitsioon 5-6.

                            Viimaste juttude põhjal on raha see nädal ikkagi üle tulemas ning kõik on umbes okei. eks näis


                              Montolivo trennis tagasi.
                              Abate silmavigastusega hooaja lõpuni väljas.

                              Deulofeu: "I am happy at Milan. When they inquired about me I had no hesitation [about joining]. The trust received in me has been crucial."
                              OptaPaolo‏Verified account @OptaPaolo

                              18 - Since his Serie A debut, Gerard Deulofeu has fired the most shots (18) and created the most chances (18) among AC Milan players. Happy.

                              Ja kutsuti koondisesse. jaaaa Barca võib ka endale tagasi osta (mingi jutu järgi)


                                Algselt postitas orbitaaljaam Vaata postitust
                                Väidetavalt on raha kuskil Briti neitsi saartel kinni ning kui nädala lõpuks üle ei tule on tehing läbi kukkunud ja juhe tõmmatakse seinast.
                                Probleemide põhjustajaks Hiina valitsus.

                                20 miljonit oli eile üle tilkunud ning ülejäänud reedel.

                                Reuters üllitas arikli
                                By Adam Jourdan and Elvira Pollina | CHANGXING, China/MILAN
                                The paper trail for an $800 million bid by little-known Chinese investors for AC Milan, the seven-time European soccer champions, leads via Luxembourg, Hong Kong and a network of shell companies to the deserted 11th floor of the World Trade Centre in Changxing, two hours west of Shanghai.
                                The storied club announced the sale last August and it was expected to close by the end of last year.
                                But the bidding group - identified by Milan's owners as Sino-Europe Sports Investment Management Changxing Co Ltd - has pushed back the payment of cash installments and is negotiating a further delay in closing the deal, two people close to the matter have told Reuters.
                                The acquisition, announced at the height of China's $3 billion European soccer splurge, has become something of a lightning rod for Beijing's crackdown on overseas vanity deals as it tries to check capital outflows amid a weaker yuan currency.
                                It also highlights the often obscure and complex network of investors and shell companies behind some Chinese overseas bids - an attraction for those maybe seeking a quiet way to move money abroad, but a potential risk for others involved.
                                The bidders have paid 200 million euros ($215.7 million) in three tranches to Milan's owner Fininvest, the family company of Italian media tycoon and former prime minister Silvio Berlusconi. They are due to pay an outstanding 320 million euros and are expected to inject a further 100 million euros into the team.
                                A likely new deadline for payment is April 7.
                                The agreement values AC Milan at 740 million euros ($788 million) including 220 million euros of debt.
                                As pressure from Beijing increases on foreign exchange acquisitions, key investors are pulling back, say those close to the matter.
                                AC Milan announced the sale with no public signing or press conference, just a few hand-out photographs. The club named only two individual investors - Li Yonghong and Han Li - along with state-linked Haixia Capital and other undisclosed "state-controlled entities".
                                It's unclear how many of those remain.
                                "A STEP BACKWARDS"
                                China Construction Bank (CCB), one of the highest-profile known backers, had pledged to invest around 150 million euros, but backed out of the consortium last month, one of the sources said, prompting the group to ask for more time to pay.
                                Haixia Capital, which is owned by arms of the provincial Fujian government, State Development and Investment Corp (SDIC) and Taiwanese conglomerate Fubon Group, is still on board, but only in a financing role, the person said.
                                Among the direct investors, only Li Yonghong remains, the person added. Li is not well known in China or in soccer.
                                China-based sources at CCB said that recent tighter capital controls would impact the investment, but they were not aware of how the deal would be finalised.
                                CCB, Haixia Capital and Fubon declined to comment. A spokeswoman for SDIC said she wasn't aware of the deal, and noted that Haixia Capital makes its own investment decisions.
                                Reuters could not reach the Fujian government for comment. Neither Li nor Han could be contacted.
                                Berlusconi's son, Pier Silvio, said last week he had no direct information on the deal, but noted that if something were to go wrong there would be no financial damage for Fininvest, as "a step backwards by the buyers would leave something concrete in our hands" - referring to the Chinese payments already made.
                                "NO ONE EVER COMES HERE"
                                The head of China's foreign exchange regulator this week became the latest high-profile official to point the finger at overseas deals, including soccer, suggesting some were simply a way to ghost funds out of the country. He gave no specifics.
                                "If these purchases help improve the standard of Chinese football, then I think that's a good thing," said Pan Gongsheng, head of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange. "But is that what's really happening? A lot of Chinese companies already have high levels of debt and then borrow another large sum to make overseas purchases. Others pretend to be investing, but are actually just moving their assets."
                                Italy's football association, the FIGC, says inclusion in its premier soccer league requires solid finances and transparency, with buyers having to disclose financial and banking qualifications within a month of purchase.
                                Also In Sports News

                                The investment vehicle Sino-Europe Sports holds together a web of firms with names like Rossoneri Sport and Sino-Europe Milan. Most are also linked to Chen Huashan, the listed legal representative.
                                Reuters could not independently reach Chen.
                                The use of shell companies in deals is not unusual. But soccer dealmakers and lawyers said the complex consortium put the deal at greater risk as Beijing goes cold on mega deals.
                                Charles Wang, a London-based sports lawyer at Mishcon de Reya, said the opaque structure of such deals could increase the risks overseas, though the anonymity it provides is a lure for some investors in China.
                                Trying to predict whether these deals go through, though, is hard, he said. "There are so many driving forces, known or unknown, behind lots of outbound investments made from China, not only in football, but in other areas where we see active Chinese investors."
                                A Reuters visit to the Changxing World Trade Centre found that the offices of eight of the shell companies connected to the bid and registered there did not exist.
                                Guards and office workers said they had heard of Sino-Europe Sports, but had rarely, if ever, seen any employees.
                                "I've heard about the firm," said Liu Cong, an analyst who works on the same floor. "But no one ever comes here."
                                For a graphic on tangled web behind AC Milan deal, click here
                                For a graphic on China's soccer investment, click here
                                (Reporting by Adam Jourdan in CHANGXING, Elvira Pollina in MILAN and Michelle Price in HONG KONG, with additional reporting by Guilia Segreti in MILAN, Faith Hung in TAIPEI, Robert-Jan Bartunek in BRUSSELS and SHANGHAI newsroom; Editing by Clara Ferreira-Marques and Ian Geoghegan)
                                Ning lisas pildi skeemist
                                Danske Bank oleks ka uhke.


