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AC Milan

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    kuna oleme EL kaanepoisid ja turul laamendanud, siis on kirjutatud ka pikem lugu suvest: Milani naasmine ja igasuvised õppetunnid lojaalsusest by Anders Nõmm. Gi Dolla Signi koha peal läheb veits lappama, a saab andeks.

    * Bonucci hind oli 39+3m €
    ** - rullnedved sai ka kõrgema palga peale. vist.
    jokers to the right
    clowns to the left of me


      Miinimum programm täidetud.
      Rodriguez Üks ühe mänguga. DE Sciglio null, ma ei tea mitme hooajaga
      Mängu ei näinud, aga olevat olnud puine.


        Algselt postitas orbitaaljaam Vaata postitust
        Rodriguez Üks ühe mänguga. DE Sciglio null, ma ei tea mitme hooajaga
        Mäng oli sitt aga noh suvel polegi palju loota.


          Kessie, Musacchio kiitus. Cutrone ok. Andre Silva vormist väljas. Montolivo wotm. ülejäänud meh.
          jokers to the right
          clowns to the left of me


            Algselt postitas orbitaaljaam Vaata postitust
            De Sciglio null, ma ei tea mitme hooajaga
            Algselt postitas Ericc Vaata postitust


              Algselt postitas orbitaaljaam Vaata postitust

              Ühe on ikka löönud.
              Elu on lühike, pidu on pikk.


                Pallotta: 'Milan lost their minds!'

                “UEFA in terms of Financial Fair Play has been a complete shitshow for us. We should be the poster boy for turning things around from the previous ownership.

                “When you relate it to AC Milan, I have no idea what’s going on there. It makes zero sense. The amount of spending – they didn’t have the money in the first place to buy the team, as they borrowed almost €300m from some people that I know in London, at a pretty high interest rate.
                “They are spending, or at least making some significant down-payments, for players and they’re going to have to pay the piper at some point down the road.
                “They say it’s about qualifying for the Champions League, but that won’t be enough. When the salary seems about equal to the revenues, I don’t know what the heck is going on. That’s the only one in Serie A who are losing their minds!
                “Maybe they have this grand masterplan that we’ll all figure out someday, but the rest of the teams are being somewhat rational.
                “If you can explain Milan to me, because I don’t get it…”
                FORZA ITALIA FORZA ROMA - "A Scudetto in Rome is worth a thousand elsewhere."


                  if you don't know who the fish is at the table, you're the fish. #0SensiBoiz
                  jokers to the right
                  clowns to the left of me


                    Algselt postitas count Vaata postitust
                    Pallotta: 'Milan lost their minds!'

                    Milan Eye
                    ‏ @MilanEye

                    Head of FFP Andrea Traverso: "Milan will not be exempt from the regulations. We are aware they are buying in order to get back to winning."
                    However, Milan are not free to do whatever they want without consequences. The voluntary agreement will give Milan 4 years to settle their finances instead of the usual 3 year period. If they don't settle their accounts, UEFA will have to evaluate. If our conditions are not met, the voluntary agreement will not be granted. We do not know the exact accounts yet as Milan's spending will only take effect in their 2018 budget.I understand it's difficult to explain the difference between Milan and Inter's situation.Milan wasn't in European competitions and therefore were not subject to FFP while Inter was. Then, when you qualify to European cups you have to respect the rules.


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                      Nutt ja hala'
                      THEO HERNANDEZ


                        ahahahahaha. Fassone oli autosõidul nagu: want beef? aaaand fold

                        jokers to the right
                        clowns to the left of me



                            Algselt postitas Devil Vaata postitust
                            Mastouri kanname me maha?
                            Algselt postitas orbitaaljaam Vaata postitust
                            Ta on veel päevakorras?
                            Ma ei tea kui tõene see uudis on..
                            Mastour is back training in Milanello. Apparently he still has a year in his contract with Milan


                              Unustage Mastour!

                              There's a general agreement between BVB and Milan for Aubameyang, but the sticking point, BVB want it paid in 2yrs. Milan, 3yrs#ChinaBoyz

                              Tegelt veic enneaegne seemnepurse
                              THEO HERNANDEZ


                                Algselt postitas Ericc Vaata postitust
                                Unustage Mastour!


                                Tegelt veic enneaegne seemnepurse
                                Mitte kuidagi ei tahaks uskuda ausalt öeldes et Aubameyang liitub Milaniga. Pigem arvasin kui Dortmundist lahkub siis Realiga. Sobiks oma mängu stiiliga ka pigem ikka Reali, aga võibolla see on lihtsalt minu arvamus ainult kuna olen ju truuuu madrista..

