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AC Milan

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    Algselt postitas maanus Vaata postitust
    Ei, sul võib täitsa õigus olla, ma pigem mõtlesion selles suunas , et klubi ja õhkkonna vahetusega onnii mõnigi mees paremini hingama hakanud, Milani puhul siis on nagu viimane vint puudu, muidu on jah tore vaadata teda.
    novat siin see kusimus minu arust ongi, et tegelikult poleks vaja olnud klubi vahetada, erimeelsused ara klattida ja edasi minna. ta ju ei hinganud kehvasti seal Betisis, ka mitte lahkumise hetkel, olgugi et tal oli pikk vigastusepaus. aga Milanis on ta minu arust uldse lambumas
    Catalunya is not Spain!


      Algselt postitas lorenzo Vaata postitust
      novat siin see kusimus minu arust ongi, et tegelikult poleks vaja olnud klubi vahetada, erimeelsused ara klattida ja edasi minna. ta ju ei hinganud kehvasti seal Betisis, ka mitte lahkumise hetkel, olgugi et tal oli pikk vigastusepaus. aga Milanis on ta minu arust uldse lambumas
      Tagantjärgi on alati hea tark ju olla. Nii ei saa asju vaadata kui ei tea üksikasju.
      Joga Bonito!!!


        Highlights Milan-Catania 3-0(9MB)
        Ametliku lehe highlights@youtube

        Korra kuus saame meiegi kolm punkti tabelisse. Kogu austus Cataniale, kelle ründav mänguplaan tegi mängu võimalusterohkeks. Kaka alustas ikka hirmsal kiirusel ning oleks võinud duubli lüüa juba esimese pooltunniga. Sihik ei olnud päris see. Tore on, et Gila on tulemuslik andes kaks väravasöötu ning skoorides ühe isegi. Oliveira oli mängust "väljas". Püüdis palju ise peale lajatada mõttetutelt positsioonidelt ning kuigi kaitsjast vabanes ilusti, ei suutnud oma parimat võimalust ära kasutada. Tundub, et minu mainitud "iga-mänguga-paremaks" ei pea paika.
        Brocchi ja Gattuso üllatasid äärmiselt tehniliste sooritustega. Kohati muidugi. Aga siiski, respekt.
        Keskkaitsjad olid tasemel päästes mõlemad palli põhimõtteliselt väravajoonelt. Cafu avanes ka hästi, aga tsenderdused ei meenutanud just paremaid päevi.

        Enne talvevaheaega on meil siis järele jäänud mäng Udinesega(23. detsembril). Bianconeri on viimases kahes voorus olnud võidukas Cagliari ja Atalanta üle. Mäng tuleb võõrsil ja Udinese on Friulil kaotanud see hooaeg vaid korra. Bonera on vist sellest mängust väljas kaartide tõttu. Kahju. Eile oli mehe parim esitus Milani särgis.
        jokers to the right
        clowns to the left of me


          Hiigliktse vaatamata lugesin ma ikka õieti, et statistika lattide ja postide tabamustes täienes? Muidu see juba ja ka uudis, et Gila kahes jäjestikuses mängus on värava löönud.
          Felix: Oh, bollocks!
          Elmo: Dog's bollocks?
          Felix: No, just plain fucking bollocks!
          Elmo: No dog involved?


            Algselt postitas maanus Vaata postitust
            Hiigliktse vaatamata lugesin ma ikka õieti, et statistika lattide ja postide tabamustes täienes? Muidu see juba ja ka uudis, et Gila kahes jäjestikuses mängus on värava löönud.
            Meie poolt ei täienenud. Vastaste poolt küll. Free-kick löödi vist lausa vastu ristinurka. Kalac oskas ainult käsi laiutada.
            jokers to the right
            clowns to the left of me


              Ühe Juve fänni liiga hea tsitaat:
              Milan finally have something POSITIVE to talk about : MARCO BORIELLO.

              The player tested positive for steroids in a dope-test after the Milan-Roma game.


                Kas keegi Milani asjapulkadest võiks kommenteerida miks Milan kahvatu on olnud?

                Räägitakse, et ründajad ei skoori, aga küsimus on et miks? Kas neil on piisavalt võimalusi või ei tekitata neid. Kuidas kaitse mängib ja kas keskväli on hea või peale Kaka keegi midagi ei tee...


                  Algselt postitas cannuman Vaata postitust
                  Kas keegi Milani asjapulkadest võiks kommenteerida miks Milan kahvatu on olnud?

                  Räägitakse, et ründajad ei skoori, aga küsimus on et miks? Kas neil on piisavalt võimalusi või ei tekitata neid. Kuidas kaitse mängib ja kas keskväli on hea või peale Kaka keegi midagi ei tee...
                  Eks igaüks näeb neid põhjuseid erinevates kohtades. Ettevalmistusperioodi puudus koos pika MM-iga meie meestele, vananev/vigastusi magnetina koguv kaitse, väravaraamid ei soosi(mingi ~90 protsendis mängudest oleme tabanud posti/latti ilma, et see sisse läheks) , kohtunikud ei soosi(palju penalte andmata ja muu hala oli vahepeal klubi kodukal üleval, aga Kaladze käegamängu ja Boriello fantoomväravat silmas pidades sellega nõustuda ei saa), ebatäielik üleminekute aken, Sheva lahkumine, vormist väljas olev president, miinuspunktid ja kuna ma rohkem ei suuda/viitsi mõelda siis paneme jne ka. Vali omale lemmik. Pean vajalikuks märkida, et tegu ei ole minu arvamusega, vaid ma lihtsalt nimetan, mida olen lugenud/kirjutanud juba varem.

                  Välisajakirjanduse usutlused sel teemal:
                  Eilne Gabriele Marcotti artikkel SI.com'is
                  jokers to the right
                  clowns to the left of me


                    On veel üks artikkel, mis palju diskussiooni pakkus, aga kuna selle linki www.espn.com mulle ei andnud, siis pean selle kopipeistima ja mingi 10900 tähemärki reegel ei lasknud seda eelmisse posti panna.

                    (ilmus peale Roma mängu ehk foorumisse oli postitatud 15.11.2006)
                    Rossoneri in crisis?

                    "One of the unwritten laws of football journalism states that a team that loses two matches in a row, or 90% of its matches over a short period of time, is in a 'crisis'.

                    As a general rule sportswriters love a club in 'crisis'. Why? Because, unfortunate and mawkish though it may be, the worse a situation gets the more interesting it becomes as one is presented with intrigue, scandal, controversy and the occasional chance to stick some metaphorical pins on a foe.

                    This does not necessarily lead to negative reporting; there is a crisp difference between negative reporting and reporting on negative situations.

                    In the first case, you tend to concentrate on the worse side of everything and you pretend there's nothing else.

                    Which, getting back to football, means there's the risk Milan's 'crisis' after their fourth defeat in the last five Serie A matches (see, almost the empirical 90% I mentioned) might overshadow one of the most amazing pieces of skill I have seen in years of watching this beautiful game. It happened seven minutes from the end of Milan's 1-2 home defeat to Roma last Saturday.

                    After Kaka under-hit a square pass to Clarence Seedorf which the Dutchman failed to control, the ball fell to Alberto Aquilani, the young Roma midfielder who earned his first national team call-up a few hours later.

                    Seeing how Mancini had made a great run on the left side and that the moment had to be seized before Alessandro Nesta closed him down, Aquilani quickly delivered the ball with an astonishing 'rabona', a name which apparently derived from tango: with his back to the goal and the ball rolling towards his lesser-favoured left foot, Aquilani simply hit it with his right by crossing it behind his left leg.

                    Many footballers do this kind of stuff in practice, very few try it during a match and even fewer avoid making fools of themselves in the process.

                    Aquilani not only struck the ball perfectly with the toe-cum-inside of his right foot, but laser-guided it in the exact place, fifteen yards away, for Mancini to let it bounce a couple of times then send in a sweet cross with the inside of his left foot which Francesco Totti met with a diving header.

                    A beauty of a goal which I could watch over and over, it embodies the essence of the exquisite skills some of the top players possess, and which make watching this game still worthwhile despite all the dodgy stuff going on in some boardrooms and behind the scenes.

                    Speaking of which (see the afore mentioned negative situation) Roma's first win away to Milan in 20 years meant the home side are not only out of the Scudetto race for good, but mired in one of their worst stretches in recent years. The unofficial status of 'crisis' for the rossoneri had been declared last week after their 2-0 defeat at Atalanta.

                    You may have stumbled upon a few pieces criticising Carlo Ancelotti's squad, but the depth of the side's problems was hidden last week by the controversy that the Milan camp raised about the bad refereeing decisions that had gone against them in recent weeks, which came on top of the refusal by the Italian Olympic Committee's 'Arbitration' office to take some points off the 8-point deduction Milan had been burdened with for their role in the Calciopoli scandal.

                    The extent and pettiness of the protestations left a very bitter taste, coming as they were from one of the most powerful clubs in the world.

                    With even some of the Milan players rejecting the furore surrounding refereeing decisions thankfully the debate subsided allowing the analytic eye to shift back towards the real problems besetting the side. Milan started the season with three wins in a row but have won only once in Serie A since September 20; in the meantime, they have scored six goals and conceded eleven.

                    Their top-scorer, with two goals, is left-back Marek Jankulovski, while Alberto Gilardino, Pippo Inzaghi and Ricardo Oliveira have one each. The forwards have been getting intermittent service from midfield, owing in part to Andrea Pirlo's loss of form following a great World Cup, and any semblance of wide play - never Milan's forte in the first place - dissolved when Serginho was sidelined by injury and Cafu started feeling his age.

                    Ancelotti rarely veers away from his favoured 4-3-1-2 as the starting formation but this has often meant Gilardino and Inzaghi, when paired together, have stepped on each other's shoes and made the same runs towards the same spots. Gilardino, as he did for Parma, plays better as a lone striker, but this is not what Ancelotti has in mind, although he did use him alone up front in a 4-2-3-1 against Roma.

                    Milan have been desperately missing Andriy Shevchenko, whose outstanding movement across the front line tied up defenders, moved them out of position and created space for team-mates, and this has led to an endless stream of innuendo, rumour and speculation about the Ukrainian's return to Milan, but this is yet another example of the chaotic thinking that often dominates Italian football.

                    For Milan's illnesses need a more radical remedy than bringing back a player who has already given the rossoneri seven years' great service and would not represent an investment for the future but rather a stop-gap solution.

                    This does not even take into consideration the fact Shevchenko is entitled to live his life away from Milan, although reading some of the stuff that has been written about him here, with a badly concealed glee at his failure to set Stamford Bride alight, you'd believe he weren't. That Milan's problems are spread so evenly across the squad is another reason why Shevchenko should be left alone in London.

                    The strikers may have been firing blanks, but as I said the midfielders are not helping them, and the wonderful Kaka, who ran rings around Anderlecht in the Champions League, cannot be expected to do it all alone, not when all around him are either slowed by injury or suffering from a post-World Cup letdown.

                    Milan's slow-down tactics, with passing which tends to send opponents to sleep while advancing yard-by-yard and waiting for an opening only makes sense if a consistent goal-scoring production is guaranteed, otherwise it can become a fruitless exercise in milking the clock.

                    It is therefore supremely important that the midfield is running at full-strength, which has not been the case this season, even before Rino Gattuso, who is acquiring an iconic status for his Vodafone commercials alongside Totti, went down with a knee injury at Atalanta last week.

                    On top of this, the defence has been suffering for a while. Puzzlingly for the fans and insiders who were clearly aware of the inevitable decline of the 38-year-old Paolo Maldini and the injury problems that have often hampered Nesta, Milan did not seem in a rush to strengthen the unit that had grown old (Cafu is 36, Giuseppe Favalli is 34, Ale Costacurta is 40) and had lost a very valuable member in Jaap Stam.

                    Milan have conceded 12 goals in 11 matches, but it hasn't always been the defence at fault. In fact the problems in midfield have impacted its ability to shield the back four and have left them exposed to counter-attacks and too many one-on-one situations: witness the Aquilani-Mancini-Totti combination, Ibrahimovic's run for Inter's third in the October 28 derby and one of Palermo's goals - not surprisingly all of them at the San Siro, where Milan are more likely to take the game to their opponents. However, this does not mean Milan's season is headed for complete disaster.

                    They squeezed the life out of Roma for long stretches in the second half before Aquilani's memorable flick sprang Mancini and Toti loose, and they could summon enough energies and strength to mount a credible attack on the Champions League, but it is clear they should - and are, whatever the smokescreen owner Silvio Berlusconi and his cohorts are spreading - think about overhauling the side and start afresh.

                    At the moment, Milan have only a handful of players at the top of their game and with a solid chance of improving themselves and the side. Milan's useful squad members are Kaka, Pirlo, Nesta and Gattuso if healthy, the young Frenchman Joann Gourcuff, Gilardino (yes); with Daniele Bonera, Kakha Kaladze, Seedorf, Brocchi, Ambrosini, Jankulovski.

                    This means they should add at least three world class players to keep up with the likes of Inter domestically and Barcelona in Europe.

                    All the rumours about Ronaldinho - his agent is Oliveira's brother and this has led to speculation on the real reasons Milan signed the Brazilian striker this past summer - may have Milan fans excited at the thought of him conjuring up his magic at the San Siro, but ironically the rossoneri would be better off signing a couple of central defenders and an attacking fullback on either flank than bringing in the Brazilian.

                    It is already well known they are following the progress of Udinese's Felipe and Zapata, who fit the description of the young, alert, athletic central defenders the club needs, but Berlusconi has repeatedly warned he's not going to break the bank, so fans should not expect headline signings.

                    Then he goes out and says Shevchenko told him he'd like to come back, but hey, he made his fortune in the entertainment business and knows that the timing of some sentences is sometimes better than their actual content."

                    Roberto Gotta
                    jokers to the right
                    clowns to the left of me


                      GOALKEEPER: Kalac, Fiori, Facchin
                      DEFENDERS: Antonelli, Bruscagin, Cafu, Darmian, Kaladze, Jankulovski, Simic MIDFIELDERS: Brocchi, Gattuso, Gourcuff, Guerci, Kakà, Pirlo, Seedorf STRIKERS: Gilardino, Inzaghi, Ricardo Oliveira

                      Cafu - Simic - Kaladze - Janku
                      Brocchi - Gattuso
                      Kakà - Pirlo - Seedorf

                      Koosseis on siis täna arvatavasti midagi taolist. Nagu näha, on kaitsega suuri probleeme ning sellepärast on meeskonnas noormängijad Antonelli, Bruscagin ning Darmian. Bonerast on tõesti kahju, kuid rõõmu teeb jaanuari algus.

                      Ancelotti sõnul naasevad meeskonda 2. jaanuaril Maldini, Favalli, Costacurta ja Ambrosini. Dida on tagasi 8., 9. jaanuaril ning Nesta ja Serginho liituvad hiljem. Nädala keskel oli tulemuse poolest hea mäng ning täna loodame samuti võitu.

                      Borriello situatsioon on kahtlane. Peale imevärava (Torinole?!?!) pole ta mulle muuga silma jäänudki. Selle hooaja kohta ütleks, et tavaline Milani ründaja. Positiivne dopinguproov anti väidetavalt novembri lõpus. Eks kuule me, mis saab.

                      FORZA MILAN!


                        "Cafu, defender whose 36 years old, but still flies through the right flank!"

                        Live-audio kommentaator AC Milani kodukalt sai praegu aasta naljaga hakkama


                          ei ole võimalik Oliveira lõi värava


                            3-0 ja lõpetasime aasta võidukalt. Lõbus. Loodetavasti vorm kolinaga alla ei saja ning paar kolm-nulli võiks veel tulla uuel aastal

                            Edit: Parimad hetked siit kohast:http://www.acmilanclub.com/site/modu...getit&lid=1886

                            Hailaitse vaadates jäi meelde Kalac, kes ei puterdanud ühtegi korda Tubli poiss. Oliveira värav oli nagu ta oli. Jopates VV jalge vahelt


                              see, et vist ollakse Manchesteris Heinze jahil. ManU kuulab pakkumisi alates 12 miljonist
                              Catalunya is not Spain!


                                Algselt postitas lorenzo Vaata postitust
                                see, et vist ollakse Manchesteris Heinze jahil. ManU kuulab pakkumisi alates 12 miljonist
                                Huvitav, mis kasu Manu sellest saab siis? Heinze peale vigastusi pingipoisiks langenud?

                                Ja viimases mängus olevat Kalac olnud juba tase. Tore. Ning erinevate sündmuste tõttu mängis Pirlo lõpus keskkaitsjat.

                                Varsti on tulemas mäng Juventusega(6. jaanuar).
                                jokers to the right
                                clowns to the left of me

