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    Algselt postitas orbitaaljaam Vaata postitust
    Lati alt ei jooksnud vist keegi otseselt läbi.

    RR penaltit lööma panna oli küll mu meelest riskantne, kuna oli just mängu tulnud. Mis Kessie ei löönud? Ja Borini kahes viimases mängus vahetusest tulles kaks väravat
    Abate karjäär on läbi.

    Ricrod ka 11m ekspert. ei pea riskantseks.
    jokers to the right
    clowns to the left of me


      Algselt postitas Jasper Vaata postitust
      Abate karjäär on läbi.


        Nädala statistikaporno
        13 - Patrick Cutrone has scred 13 goals this season in all competitions, at least five more than any other AC Milan player. Unchained.
        Homme ilmselt põhikoosseis, ainult Kessie asemel Locatelli. Mis seletaks ka seda, miks ta polnud isegi bulgaarlaste vastu koosseisu arvatud.


          Loca oli keelu all, liigas on sama saatus Kessiel.
          jokers to the right
          clowns to the left of me


            Algselt postitas Jasper Vaata postitust
            Loca oli keelu all, liigas on sama saatus Kessiel.
            Algselt postitas orbitaaljaam Vaata postitust
            Kessie tean, Loca ei teadnud.

            Täna muidugi pakutakse juba Montolivot alsutama. Mis oleks halvem variant imho.


              Gattuso pressikal
              #Gattuso: "We are taking it easy on #Cutrone. He must not get distracted by the fact that he is the youngest player in #ACMilan's history to score that many goals. He has to work and to rest. I hope he finds a beautiful girlfriend so he can rest and make love"


                90 minutit head mängu. vastaste liinid pandi kinni, ise tekitati pidevalt. ja seda tabelis eespool oleva satsi vastu. Hakan ja Calabria olid suurepärased, isegi Andre Silva oli hea. võidu kroonis Biglia-> Hakan --------> Suso -> Calabria --> GIACCCCCCCCCCC

                mu lemmik pressikalt aka ajakirjanik jääb ka ellu:
                jokers to the right
                clowns to the left of me


                  Esitus oli korralik, Sampi ründajad nulliti suht korralikult ära. Väravaid oleks võinud ka mõned rohkem lüüa, RR penalti oli eriti halb sooritus seekord.
                  Montolivo suutis enamvähem Kessie ka ära asendada, mis oli positiivne üllatus.
                  Suso stiilinäide


                    Kas see oleks reaalne, et järgmine hooaeg näeks tipus Cutronet ja Silvat v jääb see mu märjaks unenäoks?
                    THEO HERNANDEZ


                      Algselt postitas Ericc Vaata postitust
                      Kas see oleks reaalne, et järgmine hooaeg näeks tipus Cutronet ja Silvat v jääb see mu märjaks unenäoks?
                      Nende koosmängitamine eeldaks ilmselt kas formatsiooni muutmist või emma kumma mängitamist positsioonilt väljas. Et tundub keeruline hetkel.


                        Elliott on nüüd uus omanik, kui praegune pankroti välja kuulutas?
                        Inter - ausaim klubi Itaalias.


                          Algselt postitas Halb ründaja Vaata postitust
                          Elliott on nüüd uus omanik, kui praegune pankroti välja kuulutas?
                          Nii see firma üldjuhul töötab:

                          The harsh financial realities, combined with mystery surrounding Mr. Li’s ownership, are seeming to add up him losing the club in November. His loss will be Elliott’s gain, as they’d virtually acquire one of the most marketable teams in the world for a mere 303 million euros.

                          Wiki: By 2009 "more than one-third of Elliott’s portfolio was concentrated in distressed securities, typically in the debt of bankrupt or near-bankrupt companies. Elliott has widely been described as a vulture fund.


                            Korralik jackpot. Ilmselt oligi nõnda see planeeritud.
                            Inter - ausaim klubi Itaalias.


                              Paneme siis selguse huvides pankrotijutu ka. Eks näis, mis saab. Lega Pro vast ei terenda. Keegi ikka üles ostab. Hind hea ju ka.
                              The Corriere della Sera newspaper claims Milan owner Yonghong Li is insolvent and his assets will be auctioned off on Taobao (the Chinese version of eBay).This is certainly not the first time questions have been raised on the financial status of the businessman, as the New York Times and financial paper Il Sole 24 Ore also ran investigations pointing to a lack of funds.
                              However, this latest report suggests the situation has precipitated to the point where Yonghong Li is essentially bankrupt.
                              Packaging company Zhuhai Zhongfu, valued at €60m and of which his holding company owns 11.39 per cent, has been ordered on sale via an auction by the tribunal in Futian to repay the Jiangsu and Canton banks.
                              A few days ago, the China Securities Regulatory Commission also announced the start of an investigation into illicit practices from his holding company Shenzhen Jie Ande for hiding their bankruptcy for months.
                              He spent €740m to buy Milan from Silvio Berlusconi, who had been at the helm for over 30 years, but was only able to complete the purchase via a massive high-interest loan from vulture fund Elliott Management.
                              Now it’s claimed Yonghong Li not only can’t repay that loan, but he is also being sued for unpaid debts by two banks and the tribunal will put his assets up for auction via Taobao.
                              The Corriere della Sera reports Yonghong Li only had €100m of his own assets to begin with, funding the purchase through €300m from Elliott and €340m in offshore funds.
                              The timing outlined by the report suggests Yonghong Li was already insolvent by the time he was completing the Milan takeover in April 2017 and the original ruling to sell Zhuhai Zhongfu came in February 2017, but was held up by appeals.


                                Algselt postitas orbitaaljaam Vaata postitust
                                Nende koosmängitamine eeldaks ilmselt kas formatsiooni muutmist või emma kumma mängitamist positsioonilt väljas. Et tundub keeruline hetkel.
                                No peaasi et Silvat ei müüda, mul usku temasse.
                                THEO HERNANDEZ

