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    3-0 kotid. Keegi punast ei saanud; juhtus veel hullem ... Pato sai viga.


    Pippot oodatakse Bologna mänguks.

    interi epiloog 1:40
    jokers to the right
    clowns to the left of me


      Minusugustele, kes mängu ei näinud.



        MILAN - Here is what CEO Adriano Galliani, coach Massimiliano Allegri, Mario Yepes and Marco Amelia had to say following Milan’s commanding 3-0 win against Sampdoria:

        “We suffered in the first half, we weren’t even able to get a shot on goal aside from Clarence’s extraordinary free-kick. The second half, on the other hand, was fantastic. Coming off the bench, Cassano lit up the stadium. As usual, Van Bommel played with authority in front of the defence. Everyone did very well. Clarence is in great form as is the rest of the squad. It’s widely known that doing backheel passes one runs the risk of suffering a strain and tonight it happened to Patinho. But now let’s enjoy this situation: we're first with 71 points. If we can't be satisfied with this then I don't know what we need to be pleased.

        Cassano is an great player with extraordinary technical skills. I think we did very well in the January transfer window. Another great signing was Boateng. The fans have to be patient, because in certain years we do well in the transfer market, while in others not so well. Sometimes players can’t live to the expectations, it's part of the game. Let’s enjoy this season as this time things went well. There’s still a long way to go as 5 matches are left to play with 15 points up for grabs... The important thing is that the end of the season is getting closer week after week and if we keep this spirit for some more time... I always tell the coach that we need to keep this 3-point advantage until the very end. Now it’s been 23 weeks that we’re first. We broke the deadlock with a free-kick and the next goal came from the spot. Generally, we suffered in the first half, but after Antonio’s strike it went much smoother. Yepes is having a great season. But he's not the only one, every new player is doing exceptionally well. He’s an important player, one with personality. The fans had a lot of fun. We kept the ball thus avoiding risks, because you’re unlikely to concede goals if you have the ball.

        The players are fundamental, but in the end they come and go, while the club remains. And all our success is down to president Berlusconi and his financial sacrifices.

        We’ve done quite well lately. Congratulations to Napoli, who have managed to keep up with us. Most probably, the title race will come down to the last round. We have a 3-point advantage, 4, if we consider the direct encounters. We may have some regrets about lost points, but it’s the same for everyone.

        We’ll play the first leg of the Italian Cup semifinal Wednesday evening. Winning this competition is an important objective for us. Ibra will be available and he’ll certainly play. We still have two titles to fight for and we don’t want to relinquish either of them. It’s our duty to try to win both”.

        “We had serious difficulties until Seedorf’s goal, because Sampdoria were organised at the back and put a lot of emphasis on defence. But the lads did well. Actually, I was hoping that a goal from a set piece could break the deadlock and that’s exactly what happened in the end. Now I’m thinking of the match against Palermo, because it will be a semifinal, an important game. We have to win in order to advance to the final. After the match on Wednesday we can start looking ahead to Saturday’s Serie A clash.

        The team showed great maturity. Cassano is having an excellent season as proved by his goals and assists. He's a player who brings something extra to Milan.
        He and Amelia came off the bench and did quite well. Football is a team sport and there’s a common goal for all, even for those who play less. Those who have spent more time on the bench will be decisive in the final rush of the season”.

        “When I arrived from Chievo, Mr Galliani was the first to show faith in me and he continued believing in me even when I was going through a difficult period. The fans have been great too, I couldn’t imagine such a warm reception. Right from my first game they've been standing by me. Now I’m looking forward to the end of the season to learn if I can stay for the long term. I wish I could finish my career here, at Milan.
        Abate is doing very well, he gives 100% every game. He’s improved a lot this season.
        I believe that even those who play less are important for the squad. These players have to keep their self-confidence up and do their best to help the team whenever it's needed”.

        “One has to be mentally ready to come on during a game. I am. The boss and Christian [Abbiati] know that they can count on me when we're in trouble. We knew that the match against Sampdoria would be difficult right from the start, but in my view there was no question of which team would come out on top in the end. Milan had a great game and I think the fans had a good time. Now we have to prepare for the game on Wednesday. We really want to do well in the Italian Cup, which is one of our objectives this season.

        Seeing all those children in stands was marvellous. The crowd at the San Siro always gives us a lift. Obviously, Napoli won’t give up, so we need to keep focused and keep the first place until the end of the season”.


        Ümbersündinud mees:

        jokers to the right
        clowns to the left of me


          No pagan, nii Merkel ja Strasseri areng peatubki, kui mingi vanamees ässatama hakkab


            Palju õnne Scudetto võitmise puhul! Et teil jätkuks jõudu, jaksu ja õnne koos Lazioga Serie A-d valitseda! Super lihtsalt super! Õnnitlen!
            FORZA ITALIA FORZA ROMA - "A Scudetto in Rome is worth a thousand elsewhere."


              Van Bommel. Ei tahtnud teda Milani, kuid keskvälja olukord oli jaanuaris nii halb, et tuli leppida. Nüüdseks on mees superesitustega mu ära võlunud, loodetavasti leitakse talle koht ka järgmine hooaeg. Tegu on ühe intelligentsema mängijaga, keda ma näinud olen. Olgu selle tõestuseks kas või see ilus intervjuu sündinud kindraliga:

              Lühike tribuutvideo:

              Keskmise tasemega blogipost kah - http://www.theacmilanblog.com/mark-v...ian-philosophy

              Rändom soundtrack:
              jokers to the right
              clowns to the left of me


                Pato 2-3 nädalat Barbara kaisus.

                Kui siin juba feimi jagamiseks läks, siis minu meelemuutuse auhind läheb puujalg Robinhole, kes suudab küll väravaid lüüa vaid siis kui palli korralikult ei taba, kuid sellele vaatamata on ennast näidanud töörügajana. Varem pidasin teda ärahellitatud ülehinnatud trolliks.
                Kokkuvõtteks, kui suudab kasvõi pooled oma sitatud võimalused väravaks lüüa, on 15 plus väravat hooajal reaalne.


                  Algselt postitas orbitaaljaam Vaata postitust
                  Kui siin juba feimi jagamiseks läks, siis minu meelemuutuse auhind läheb puujalg Robinhole, kes suudab küll väravaid lüüa vaid siis kui palli korralikult ei taba, kuid sellele vaatamata on ennast näidanud töörügajana. Varem pidasin teda ärahellitatud ülehinnatud trolliks.
                  Kokkuvõtteks, kui suudab kasvõi pooled oma sitatud võimalused väravaks lüüa, on 15 plus väravat hooajal reaalne.
                  Jep. Seda minagi. Aga kui Robinho oma võimalusi ära hakkab lööma, sii võib fännide seas liiga palju kaineid inimesi olla - hetkel levib joomamäng 'every shot Robinho doesn't score you take a shot yourself'. Olevat garanteeritud mäluprojekt ... teiseks poolajaks.


                  tantsu ka
                  jokers to the right
                  clowns to the left of me


                    Kui F.Totti juba mainis sajandivahetuse Laziot, siis üks ilus intervjuu selle satsi kõige kirkama kriidiga.

                    jokers to the right
                    clowns to the left of me


                      Väga hea lugemine


                        MILAN: Amelia, Oddo, Thiago Silva, Papastathopoulos, Antonini, Seedorf, Pirlo, Flamini, Boateng, Ibrahimovic, Cassano.

                        PALERMO: Sirigu, Cassani, Goian, Bovo, Balzaretti, Migliaccio,Acquah, Nocerino, Pinilla, Pastore, Hernandez.


                          Elioni kanal 124(футбол) siis peaks tänast mängu üle kandma(pallmängu 21.45 meie aja järgi). Kui järgmine-päev-lõpetan-tellimuse projekt siiamaani toimib, siis peaks see maksma ~0.20€.

                          Oddo tsenderdab Palermo tükkideks!
                          jokers to the right
                          clowns to the left of me


                            Algselt postitas Jasper Vaata postitust

                            Oddo tsenderdab Palermo tükkideks!

                            Nastja on oma töö teinud. 4 minutiga.


                              Algselt postitas keenjus250 Vaata postitust
                              Nastja on oma töö teinud. 4 minutiga.
                              Juba sai punase või

                              Ega Palermo poisid vist ka niisama platsile jalutama ei tulnud. Neil ju vähemalt millegi eest mängidagi.
                              May the Violet flag flutter in the wind on all fields of challenge and valour, a vivid hope is our solace, we have eleven athletes and one heart. Go, Fiorentina, we want you to be the queen of all teams, go, Fiorentina, fight with bravery and prowess everywhere! In any hour of dismay and victory, remember you're the history of football!


                                mul lõi pildi mustaks ~60. minut - telekas ütleb et tuleb mingi 'magazin' ja hea koduleht, et "00:30 Абердин-Селтик. Кубок Шотландии. Сезон 10/11. ? финала". värdjad.
                                jokers to the right
                                clowns to the left of me

