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AC Milan

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    No oli see Arsenal mis ta oli...aga Milanile ka respekt ikka, toorelt võtsite Wengeri poisid läbi.


      Algselt postitas jamesblake Vaata postitust
      No oli see Arsenal mis ta oli...aga Milanile ka respekt ikka, toorelt võtsite Wengeri poisid läbi.
      "Many on this forum, including me, pretty much underestimated Milan. They are 7 time Champions league winners, current Serie A champions and are still on top of Serie A. Unfortunately this mentality was shared through the media and possibly the players too. They've got fantastic big name players among a strong squad. From Silva in defence to Ibrahimovich in attack, world class players. Today they showed their class.

      Let this be a lesson. "

      midagi tõetruud Arsenali suurimast foorumist. retsept.


        Ilus, väga ilus. Kõik premface'd võite nüüd südame rahuga oma suu kinni hoida selle jutuga et Prem on ikka niiiii palju parem kui kõik teised liigad. Suck that! Aitäh Milan, et tõestasite fakti.

        E: Jasper, sul selle Gipsy raamat e-bookina olemas?
        So self aware so full of shit


          Keegi polegi väitnud, et prem niiii palju parem on. Ainukesed kes seda pidevalt rõhutavad olete teie (sorry Jesper, Orbitaaljaam ja teised kes te suudate asjadest normaalse inimese kombel aru saada) ja üritate pidevalt tõestada selle ebaõigsust, vt. Tofoa kusagil Inglise alafoorumis üritas midagi tõestada, aga feilis + muud itaalia (peamiselt Rooma) tondid kes Inglise alafoorumis trollimas käivad. Muidu itaalia alafoorum tore koht kus lugemas käia, aga pidev pasatoodang raskendab tugevalt seda. Kasvatage nahk endale ja ärge pritsige klaviatuurile kõike mida sülg suhu toob. Nagu vanasõna ütleb, 7 korda mõtle ennem kui postitad.

          Selgelt parem meeskond võitis eile.


            Arsenali alistamisega Premmi tugevust hinnates olete ikka way off target ohmoonid.


              Algselt postitas zelee Vaata postitust
              Keegi polegi väitnud, et prem niiii palju parem on. Ainukesed kes seda pidevalt rõhutavad olete teie

              vt. Tofoa kusagil Inglise alafoorumis üritas midagi tõestada, aga feilis
              Sinu hinnangul. Sinu hinnag ei võrdu tõega.

              Kasvatage nahk endale
              Äkki peaks Inglise foorumi härrad/prouad endale munad kasvatama, mitte jonnima et keegi käib nede liivastis mängimas.

              Selgelt parem meeskond võitis eile.
              Oled asjast õigesti aru saanud.


                Palun. Ei. Mitte jälle.
                Pühapäeval vs Cesena. Loodetavasti säilitatakse kaine pea ning minnakse keskendunult mängule. Jooks karikale on täies hoos.

                eeh, fakk, selle peab ikka üle kandma
                Algselt postitas coco Vaata postitust

                Henry näide oli muidugi eriti mugav. Kuidas teile Shevchenko, Mutu, Aquilani esitlused PLs meeldisid? Isegi shitty flop Robinho on peavarju leidnud Seria As.


                  Mul ei ole geelküüsi
                  JUST DO IT.


                    Hhähähääh. 2003/2004 oli vastas ka MEESKOND - Deportivo La Corouna. See Arsenal pole tollase Depori küünemustagi väärt. Arsene Wenger Comedy group since 1996.
                    "I like an aggressive team, I want to see a team that is strong, committed and quick on the break.
                    These are things which Atletico fans have always liked, it helps them identify with and love this shirt."


                      Algselt postitas atleticomadrid Vaata postitust
                      Hhähähääh. 2003/2004 oli vastas ka MEESKOND - Deportivo La Corouna. See Arsenal pole tollase Depori küünemustagi väärt. Arsene Wenger Comedy group since 1996.
                      Deporit ja Arsenali võrrelda on tõesti tõsiselt ülekohtune. Depor on ikkagi lugupeetud jalgpalli meeskond, Arsenal on kodutute neegripoiste varjupaik.
                      Mäletan veel seda Depori 4:0 võitu nagu see oleks eile olnud. Jooki voolas ojadena. Pidu kestis mitmeid päevi. See oli jalgpall. Aga jah, ArseAnaal ei suuda isegi kodus ühtegi väravat lüüa, niiet Dima võib saata oma reservid kohale ja mõelda järgmise vastase peale.
                      Ja see härra coco väljaütlemine RobinWhore kohta oli ka päris mõnus FAIL ArseAnaalide fännideta oleks elu palju igavam, keegi peab klounirolli ka võma ju.

                      OT: Oletame et kõik 3 Itaalia klubi pääsevad edasi + Euroopa Liigas Udinese, siis millal on võimalik tagasi saada see õigusega Itaaliale kuuluv neljas meistrite liiga koht?
                      FORZA ITALIA FORZA ROMA - "A Scudetto in Rome is worth a thousand elsewhere."


                        No okei, Arsenal Barcale kätte ei maksa sel hooajal, Inter ka liiga kumm, et 2010. aastal toimunut korrata...võtke siis sel aastal teie Barcaga midagi ette.


                          Algselt postitas count Vaata postitust
                          OT: Oletame et kõik 3 Itaalia klubi pääsevad edasi + Euroopa Liigas Udinese, siis millal on võimalik tagasi saada see õigusega Itaaliale kuuluv neljas meistrite liiga koht?
                          Sinna veel üsna pikk tee minna, sest viimased aastad pole väga muljetavaldavad olnud, mistõttu veel hetkel vahe esikolmikuga üsna arvestatav

                          PS. Kui enne muidugi reegleid ei muudeta.
                          May the Violet flag flutter in the wind on all fields of challenge and valour, a vivid hope is our solace, we have eleven athletes and one heart. Go, Fiorentina, we want you to be the queen of all teams, go, Fiorentina, fight with bravery and prowess everywhere! In any hour of dismay and victory, remember you're the history of football!


                            19.02.2012 16.00 Cesena-Milan

                            Algselt postitas orbitaaljaam Vaata postitust
                            -e2- PATO ei saanud vigastada
                            On the eve of the game against Cesena at the Manuzzi stadium, coach Massimiliano Allegri underlines the importance of tomorrow’s game: “It’s a cross roads for our season because it comes before the Juventus match and we can’t slip up.”

                            MILANELLO – Here’s what Massimiliano Allegri had to say ahead of Cesena-Milan:

                            "I think that the motivation for this game should be the same as we had against Arsenal. Cesena will be an important crossroads for our season. Also because it’s the game before we play host to Juventus so we can’t slip up. We need to right concentration levels and good football otherwise we’ll have a lot of problems against a team that are tough to play against at home. Cesena is good at getting forward, they have quality up front and most of all when they play at home, they get at you and they don’t let you play.”

                            “Nesta’s knee is playing up, we hope to have him back as soon as we can. He’ll definitely be available for the game against Juventus. Pato suffered some muscle fatigue as did Boateng. The medical staff are evaluating it but with Boateng, we knew it would happen as we had to get him back before he was ready. Mexes will be back available in a couple of days.”

                            “Emotionally, I think we should be able to understand the importance of tomorrow’s game and have the right balance to play such an important match. We need the calmness and the maturity necessary to understand the importance of the game. Also it’s been 22 years that Milan hasn’t won in Cesena and we hope to remedy that taboo."

                            “Mesbah is ahead of Antonini who played a good game on Wednesday. It’s probably that Ambrosini will play tomorrow. I have to decide between Maxi Lopez, Inzaghi, Robinho and El Shaarawy. Muntari will start tomorrow.
                            Robinho played the best game of the year on Wednesday and it should be remembered that he missed two months due to injury. Lately he has been working with continuity and he getting into shape, physically and mentally.”

                            “I’m happy for Emanuelson who played well on Wednesday because he has been criticized a bit too much for some of his performances even in games where I think he played well. Players shouldn’t be judged over single moments. Urby is a professional, he’s flexile, he has great technique, he doesn’t lose the ball, if he could play as a trequartista the way he does as a midfielder, he’d be more appreciated.”

                            “Nocerino played well on the right, he got involved more in the game, playing on the left he was playing too much as a forward.”

                            “After training, Pato had a muscle problem. He had tow good training sessions which is normal as he’s been out for a month. I preferred to leave him at home and not to run the risk of losing him again so he’ll be ready on Tuesday when we get back to work.”

                            “I don’t think the referees will be conditioned by recent events. They’re very good and at the end of the seasons, the decisions cancel each other out. I have a lot of trust in the referees because just as I can make mistakes with the line up or the formation, they can make mistakes too. In the end you need balance.”

                            “I hope we can get to the game against Juventus with another three points. As far as we’re concerned there’s no need to raise voices but rather to concentrate on what we have to do because we lost in turin and in the first leg of the Italian cup semi-final.”

                            “We tryt o do what we can in all three competitions that we’re in. The squad that President Berlusconi and Adriano Galliani have put at my disposal is excellent and we have a duty to do all we can to win. I agree with the president. It’s been a year and a half that we have this relationship. He asks questions and it’s up to me to provide explanations. We discuss things often and I believe that it’s right that that happens.”

                            “Wednesday the team played the best gamer they could both in defense and attack.”

                            “Flamini is doing well in training. Aquilani will be evaluated when he tarts to push himself more.”

                            “Me personally, I feel a bit angrier than normal. When things go well, you need that anger not to fall into the trap of relaxing because of the euphoria. It’s important to have a degree of serenity as well as competitiveness to face the next few games in the best way possible.”



                            Muntari has chosen the No 14 shirt, reportedly in honour of former Diavolo man George Weah.

                            “Am I in the best team in Italy? No, I’m in the best team in the world.”

                            jokers to the right
                            clowns to the left of me


                              Algselt postitas Jasper Vaata postitust
                              Pato vigane
                              Tra, mismoodi. Fakk, ta tegi mingi terve mängu sooja platsi ääres ju.

                              Algselt postitas Jasper Vaata postitust


                                Algselt postitas orbitaaljaam Vaata postitust
                                Tra, mismoodi. Fakk, ta tegi mingi terve mängu sooja platsi ääres ju.
                                ühe korra, kui ta vv-le oma plahvatava spurdiga vv-le surve peale pani, siis ma märkasin teda pisut endasse tõmbumas(ei oska sõnastada ... päris ei lonkanud, aga kehakeel oli selline ... pisivigane). muidugi, ta võis vigastada ennast ka sooja tehes. või siis Barbaraga KPB style.

                                tracatania. trajuve. trapirlo. trachiellini. tra-varem-sa-olid-niiiii-normaalne-quagliarella. võidukohustus on peal.
                                jokers to the right
                                clowns to the left of me

