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    Algselt postitas -JalkafriiK_ Vaata postitust
    Ma saan aru, et võõrsil võib tulla selliseid seiku ette, aga kodus San Sirol mingite rumeenia jobude vastu...
    Ma mängu ei vaadanud, aga mitu rumeenlast siis platsil oli ka?


      Algselt postitas -JalkafriiK_ Vaata postitust
      rumeenia jobude vastu...
      Anderlecht on Belgia klubi.
      "Quality without results is pointless. Results without quality is boring." - Johan Cruyff


        Rumeenlased? Vaatasid mängu 10 sek ja oskad selle pealt öelda, et mehed ei pingutanud lõpuni? Äkki ütled veel midagi idiootset? Ahjaa, oled Saksamaa patrioot? Milles see väljendub?


          Kui sa pead Brüsseli Anderlechti rumeenia klubiks siis ma ei saa üldse aru miks sa jalgpalli peale panustad.

          Milanilt muidugi armetu tulemus taas, kuid eks see hooaeg olegi - tulegi selline. Suvel aeg rekonstrueerima hakata ja Allegri lahti lasta.
          "I like an aggressive team, I want to see a team that is strong, committed and quick on the break.
          These are things which Atletico fans have always liked, it helps them identify with and love this shirt."


            Algselt postitas atleticomadrid Vaata postitust
            Milanilt muidugi armetu tulemus taas, kuid eks see hooaeg olegi - tulegi selline. Suvel aeg rekonstrueerima hakata ja Allegri lahti lasta.

            Millal Allegri muidu viimati mõnda muud taktikalist lahendust peale 4312 katsetas? Millal prooviti mängu laiali tõmmata, äärtelt ohtu tekitada või kuidagigi teistmoodi mängule läheneda? Pagan, Allegril on peale Zlatani lahkumist käes uus meeskond ja kui on näha, et mäng ei suju, siis võiks ju oodata katsetamist ja parima lahenduse otsimist. Pagan, on ju näha, et Boa ründajate taga ei saa hakkama ja kolmemeheline puujalgne poolkaitseliin ei suuda mitte midagi toota. Allegri hirmsasti tuletab meelde Interi Gasperinit, kes järjepidevalt raius oma ühte lähenemist, mis ei toiminud ja lõpuks tõmbas meeskonna enesekindluse nii maha, et pädevad mehed mängisid platsil nagu hunnik paska.

            Igatahes Allegri on seni olnud kohutav. Ma ei saa siiani aru, kuidas mõned inimesed Allegrit veel kaitsevad ja mida varem see tiim uutmiskuurile läheb (kas Allegri poolt või uue treeneri poolt), seda parem.

            Mis muidugi ei tähenda, et praegune olukord ülinaljakas poleks.

            PS1 Gallianil ka nägu naeru täis- huvitav millal temal eelmise hooaja Morattilik "Käin mängudel sellise näoga nagu oleks suhu oksendanud tuleb"

            PS2 Samas on Milanifännidele ka häid uudiseid


              Milan have only sold 18.276 season tickets for the Champions League this year. Last year Milan sold 56.827 for the Champions League.
              Eilsel mängul oli samapalju rahvast kui Coppa esimeses ringis. Piletite hinnad suvel tõusid, aga mitte massiliselt. Mälu järgi paar -kolm eurot. Et jah. Mõttekohti jätkub.


                Algselt postitas eika Vaata postitust
                Millal Allegri muidu viimati mõnda muud taktikalist lahendust peale 4312 katsetas?
                jokers to the right
                clowns to the left of me


                  Algselt postitas Jasper Vaata postitust
                  hehe. kusjuures. seda ma kahtlustasin enne räntimist


                    Allegri on kergkaalane raskekaallaste seas.No krt saaks temast juba ükskord lahti,ma tõesti loodan,et Milan kotti saab,tänu temale.Ei viitsi vaadata mänge ka,enne kui see kamikaze kaob! Huvitav kas ta wingeritest on midagi kuulnud!?

                    ALLEGRI MERDA!


                      forza Allegri, forza Serie B!
                      The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of the darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy My brothers. And you will know I am the Lord when I lay My vengeance upon you.


                        AC Milan News ‏@Milanello Robinho is expected to be ready for the match vs. Cagliari (26/09), and Pato is expected to ready for the match vs. Parma (29/09).


                          Berlusconi:"Che brutto spettacolo, che vergogna. Se trovassi qualcuno che mi compra il Milan, venderei subito"
                          Berlusconi:"This Milan is shameful. If you know someone who are willing to buy I'll sell them"


                            Algselt postitas eika Vaata postitust
                            Berlusconi:"Che brutto spettacolo, che vergogna. Se trovassi qualcuno che mi compra il Milan, venderei subito"
                            Berlusconi:"This Milan is shameful. If you know someone who are willing to buy I'll sell them"
                            Mul on sponsoreerimisest kõrini, sest biznjeks pole viimasel ajal hästi läinud. vt ka jutud araablastele ja Gazpromile müümisest+ villa maha müük mingile sheigile, millega lapiti 500 millist trahvi, mis ta firma sai.


                              Report: Why Curva Sud Milano was at Milanello yesterday. #ForzaMilan #CurvaSudMilano
                              Around 10 of the Curva Sud leaders were at Milanello yesterday where they had a meeting with coach Allegri and the squad. The Curva Sud leaders arrived at around 15:15 CET, and the meeting lasted about an hour, before the fans left Milanello.

                              The supreme leader of the entire Curva Sud, Giancarlo Capelli (also known as Il Barone), was interviewed afterwards. This is what he had to say:

                              "We, the leaders of Curva Sud Milano, were present at Milanello yesterday. We really wanted make sure that the players felt our support.
                              It's not easy to play at San Siro. It’s a delicate moment. We haven't got the world class players that we once had.
                              There are players in the Milan players who really suffer when they feel the atmosphere at San Siro. In such a delicate moment, the squad needs to feel the support from the fans, but we want to see the players giving everything they got when they’re on the pitch".

                              "It was the players who began talking during the meeting and they know that the fans are the 12th man on the pitch. The players were very involved and attentive during the meeting. They want to eliminate this fear.
                              At least 8 players, who were the backbone of the Milan squad, have left the club this year, and it wasn’t easy to get back on track after that. We all hope that the squad will rise again. It’s too easy to jump on the bandwagon when the team is winning Serie A and Champions League titles.
                              The squad really needs the support from the fans now", declared Giancarlo "Il Barone" Capelli.

                              One of the other leaders of the Curva Sud, Luca Lucci, had this to say:

                              "Allegri seemed to be the most calm and steady of everyone during the meeting. Allegri thanked us for our support. Allegri also told us that he would like to have the entire San Siro supporting the team, because the squad is young and new, and therefore they all need support. We agree with Allegri: it's a very young squad that is taking shape. We need to stay close to the them", said Luca Lucci.

                              What Allegri was referring to was the fact that many people at San Siro were booing at the players during and after the Anderlecht match. To clarify: Curva Sud Milano did not boo or jeer at the squad.

                              Curva Sud Milano will travel to Udine on Sunday morning to follow and support the squad. The match will be played at the Stadio Friuli on Sunday at 15:00 CET. Forza Milan. 14 minutes ago


                                Kas see fännid kohtuvad juhtkonna, mängijate ja treeneritega, on mingi Itaaliale omane värk või mujal suurtes liigades ka tavaline?
                                Inter - ausaim klubi Itaalias.

