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    Berlusconi:"Che brutto spettacolo, che vergogna. Se trovassi qualcuno che mi compra il Milan, venderei subito"
    Berlusconi:"This Milan is shameful. If you know someone who are willing to buy I'll sell them"


      Algselt postitas eika Vaata postitust
      Berlusconi:"Che brutto spettacolo, che vergogna. Se trovassi qualcuno che mi compra il Milan, venderei subito"
      Berlusconi:"This Milan is shameful. If you know someone who are willing to buy I'll sell them"
      Mul on sponsoreerimisest kõrini, sest biznjeks pole viimasel ajal hästi läinud. vt ka jutud araablastele ja Gazpromile müümisest+ villa maha müük mingile sheigile, millega lapiti 500 millist trahvi, mis ta firma sai.


        Report: Why Curva Sud Milano was at Milanello yesterday. #ForzaMilan #CurvaSudMilano
        Around 10 of the Curva Sud leaders were at Milanello yesterday where they had a meeting with coach Allegri and the squad. The Curva Sud leaders arrived at around 15:15 CET, and the meeting lasted about an hour, before the fans left Milanello.

        The supreme leader of the entire Curva Sud, Giancarlo Capelli (also known as Il Barone), was interviewed afterwards. This is what he had to say:

        "We, the leaders of Curva Sud Milano, were present at Milanello yesterday. We really wanted make sure that the players felt our support.
        It's not easy to play at San Siro. It’s a delicate moment. We haven't got the world class players that we once had.
        There are players in the Milan players who really suffer when they feel the atmosphere at San Siro. In such a delicate moment, the squad needs to feel the support from the fans, but we want to see the players giving everything they got when they’re on the pitch".

        "It was the players who began talking during the meeting and they know that the fans are the 12th man on the pitch. The players were very involved and attentive during the meeting. They want to eliminate this fear.
        At least 8 players, who were the backbone of the Milan squad, have left the club this year, and it wasn’t easy to get back on track after that. We all hope that the squad will rise again. It’s too easy to jump on the bandwagon when the team is winning Serie A and Champions League titles.
        The squad really needs the support from the fans now", declared Giancarlo "Il Barone" Capelli.

        One of the other leaders of the Curva Sud, Luca Lucci, had this to say:

        "Allegri seemed to be the most calm and steady of everyone during the meeting. Allegri thanked us for our support. Allegri also told us that he would like to have the entire San Siro supporting the team, because the squad is young and new, and therefore they all need support. We agree with Allegri: it's a very young squad that is taking shape. We need to stay close to the them", said Luca Lucci.

        What Allegri was referring to was the fact that many people at San Siro were booing at the players during and after the Anderlecht match. To clarify: Curva Sud Milano did not boo or jeer at the squad.

        Curva Sud Milano will travel to Udine on Sunday morning to follow and support the squad. The match will be played at the Stadio Friuli on Sunday at 15:00 CET. Forza Milan. 14 minutes ago


          Kas see fännid kohtuvad juhtkonna, mängijate ja treeneritega, on mingi Itaaliale omane värk või mujal suurtes liigades ka tavaline?
          Inter - ausaim klubi Itaalias.


            MILAN: Abbiati, Abate, Zapata, Mexes, Mesbah, Montolivo, Ambrosini, Nocerino, Emanuelson, Pazzini, El Shaarawy.

            UDINESE: Brkic, Benatia, Danilo, Coda, Faraoni, Allan, Pinzi, Pereyra, Pasquale, Ranegie, Di Natale.

            De Jong ja Boateng pingil siis.


              No ma virisen kohe ära. Nah panna Mesbah mängu, kellest üritati terve suvi lahti saada kui pingil on olemas De Sciglio, kes suudab,suurepäraselt mõlemal äärel mängida


                Nonii poisid, kes siis pukki tulemas teil?


                  Päris hea mäng
                  FORZA ITALIA FORZA ROMA - "A Scudetto in Rome is worth a thousand elsewhere."


                    Tra esimene Abbiati pask täielik.
                    Kohtunik oli ka täielik lammas, no mille eest punased?
                    Gallianil oli ka siuke nägu ees, et vaatas moblaga treeneriteturul ringi, aga ei paistnud ikka kedagi head.


                      Algselt postitas Lambimees Vaata postitust
                      Kohtunik oli ka täielik lammas, no mille eest punased?
                      Esimene punane täiesti õige, Boatengi teise kollase üle võib vaielda.

                      Arvatavasti võtab peatreeneri tooli üle Tassotti. Räägitud on ka Benitezest.


                        Peale lüüakse, aga sisse ei saada. Montolivo on sitt (ma Fio mänge pole vaadanud, seega ei teadnud kui sitt ta on), Zapata oli ok, selle pendla olukorrani. Boateng, wtf? MIne närvi arsti juurde.
                        Shaarawy kolm väravat liigas, kõik vs Udinese.
                        Põhimõtteliselt oleme seal, kus Rooma eelmine hooaeg, Juve kaks aastat tagasi jne ehk pasas.
                        Ning ennetades mingit eika "vahetame liiga, aga muidu sama sisutu nali vol2".jpg-d siis jah, MIlani koha vaatamiseks tabelis on vaja juba tahvelarvutit.
                        MIdagi ilusat kah mängust.


                          Päris hea mäng.


                          päris mäng?
                          päris hea?
                          hea mäng?

                          hea mäng in Paris?
                          Pariisis mäng good,
                          Päris Hilton mäng.
                          jokers to the right
                          clowns to the left of me


                            Algselt postitas Lambimees Vaata postitust
                            Tra esimene Abbiati pask täielik.
                            eee, sest ta proovis Zapata ja Mexese hõljumist lappida?
                            jokers to the right
                            clowns to the left of me


                              Algselt postitas orbitaaljaam Vaata postitust
                              Montolivo on sitt (ma Fio mänge pole vaadanud, seega ei teadnud kui sitt ta on),
                              Montolivo oli ainuke vend, kes midagi jagas.
                              jokers to the right
                              clowns to the left of me


                                Algselt postitas Jasper Vaata postitust
                                eee, sest ta proovis Zapata ja Mexese hõljumist lappida?
                                2 võimalust, kas sa jõuad kindlalt selle pallini või istud joonel, Abbiati polnd lähedalgi sellele pallile ja kaitse oli ikkagi suht küljes sel rootsi hiiglasel.

