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AC Milan

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      Hooaja teine peagavärav. Kõige ebatõenäolisemalt mehelt.


        AC Milan News ‏@Milanello 27 of Milan's 36 goals (75%) in Serie A this season have been scored in the second half.

        Kolmapäeval coppa vs Juve, pühapäeva õhtul Sampdoria.


          Päeva tsitaat tuleb Berlusconilt, kes on seda 100 noore juttu ka varem ajanud.
          AC Milan News ‏@Milanello Berlusconi: "We're monitoring around 100 young players. We won't sign any top players that are older than 21 years."

          Ses osas noortele pühendumine on tore. Aga mingi raha võiks leida uues staadioni püstipanemiseks. See, et 80K San Sirol käib kohal liigamängudes alla 35K inimese on väga nukker vaatepilt. Coppa eelmise ringi 10K oli aga suisa naer läbi pisarate. Staadioni toovad täis mööndustega vs Inter ja Juve ning ilmselt Barca. Võrdluseks eelmine aasta oli kõige väiksem publikunumber vs Parma (u. 35K).


            Algselt postitas orbitaaljaam Vaata postitust
            Päeva tsitaat tuleb Berlusconilt, kes on seda 100 noore juttu ka varem ajanud.
            AC Milan News ‏@Milanello Berlusconi: "We're monitoring around 100 young players. We won't sign any top players that are older than 21 years."
            Berlu on kaval mees, sest kui ta toob Yepesi, Mesbahi ja mingi muu kolmandajärgulise 30+ prügi, siis tegu pole ju top playeriga
            The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of the darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy My brothers. And you will know I am the Lord when I lay My vengeance upon you.



              Do you really want to play this game?

              Fingering is the manual (genital) manipulation of the clitoris, vulva, vagina, or anus for the purpose of sexual arousal and sexual stimulation.

              *Pazzini saab kollase*

              *Felipe erutub niivõrd, et põhjustab hiljem penalti*

              Vaginal fingering is legally and medically called "digital penetration of the vagina", and may involve one or more fingers.
              jokers to the right
              clowns to the left of me


                Noppeid Berlusconi interviuust:
                Berlusconi: "I would like to bring Guardiola to Milan because I love beautiful football and he makes his teams play beautifully."
                Berlusconi: "The chances of Guardiola joining Milan are very low at the moment."
                Berlusconi: "Mario Balotelli is a rotten apple and he can infect all teams, including Milan."
                Berlusconi: "I would never accept that a person like Mario Balotelli becomes a part of Milan."
                Berlusconi: "We're considering to sign 3 youngsters. An Italian and two foreigners. The Italian plays in Italy."
                Berlusconi: "If Allegri will stay at Milan in the next few years? Next question, please."

                AC Milan News ‏@Milanello

                Ses suhtes, et peatreenerit ikka nii ei nussita. Kui midagi ei sobi, lase lahti. Selline "sa oled meil ainult sellepärast, et me seda ei saa keda tahaks" ajukepp võiks juba ükskord ära lõppeda. Vähemalt avalikkuse ees.

                Sky is certain that 2 of the young players Berlusconi was referring to are Perin and Van Ginkel.


                  Algselt postitas Jasper Vaata postitust
                  Do you really want to play this game?

                  Fingering is the manual (genital) manipulation of the clitoris, vulva, vagina, or anus for the purpose of sexual arousal and sexual stimulation.

                  *Pazzini saab kollase*

                  *Felipe erutub niivõrd, et põhjustab hiljem penalti*

                  Vaginal fingering is legally and medically called "digital penetration of the vagina", and may involve one or more fingers.
                  Nagu ma arusaan Felipe sai vaginaalse orgasmi, kus rahuldajaks pooleks oli Pazzo (Mõnuagent 007)?


                    Statistikaporno 2.
                    OptaPaolo ‏@OptaPaolo 27 - AC Milan are the team who have scored the most goals with Italian players in this Serie A campaign (27). Glocalization.


                      Algselt postitas orbitaaljaam Vaata postitust
                      Statistikaporno 2.
                      OptaPaolo ‏@OptaPaolo 27 - AC Milan are the team who have scored the most goals with Italian players in this Serie A campaign (27). Glocalization.
                      Roma 25 (kui Burdisso, Castan ja Oss on itaallased jee)


                        Ilmselgelt saame täna rämedalt pähe. Conte on pingil.


                          Juventuse staadion on ka õhtuseks mänguks valmis.


                            JUST DO IT.


                              Algselt postitas eika Vaata postitust
                              ja Gattuso

                              Gattuso: "Boateng did the right thing by walking off the pitch against Pro Patria."

                              jokers to the right
                              clowns to the left of me


                                Empoli ründaja Saponara on alates suvest milani mängija.

