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AC Milan
Algselt postitas Francesco Vaata postitustJärgmine klubi legend kellele näkku sülitate. Mingi austus võiks ju siiski olla.
Galliani: "When Ambrosini retires, he may return to Milan having a role in our management, if he wants to" [Corriere della Sera]
Algselt postitas Francesco Vaata postitustJärgmine klubi legend kellele näkku sülitate. Mingi austus võiks ju siiski olla.
Miks enamust enne karjääri lõppu klubist lahkunud Hall of Fame liikmeid pole klubi "austanud"?May the Violet flag flutter in the wind on all fields of challenge and valour, a vivid hope is our solace, we have eleven athletes and one heart. Go, Fiorentina, we want you to be the queen of all teams, go, Fiorentina, fight with bravery and prowess everywhere! In any hour of dismay and victory, remember you're the history of football!
Agostino Di Bartolomei ehk Totti enne Tottit.
Just like Totti and Conti, “DiBa” in which he was nicknamed was born in Roma. He grew up and went through the Roma youth sysem. In 1976 Agostino burst onto the seen and quickly became a indispensible player for the Giallorossi. His skill as a midfielder with excellent vision and great technical ability and not to mention the ability to bag a few goals, he became the undoubted leader of Roma. After Nil Liedholm took control of Roma he became one of the Roma’s greatest ever Captains, leading by example and always doing all he could for the shirt he loved. He like Conti and Pruzzo would win the scudetto in 1983 and win 3 coppa italia titles. However he would suffer missing out on lifting the Champions League trophy in which was his last game for Roma.
Although “DiBa” never wanted to leave Roma, fans were schocked when Roma board and Roma coach who was then Sven Goran Erikson agreed to sell him to Milan, there were was even protests. However “DiBa” would never return to his best when he left Roma, after spells with Milan, Cesena and Salernitana he hung up his boots. After retirement, Roma fans heard the worst possible news in 1994. Di Bartelomei who suffered from clinical depression commited sucide in his house.
Algselt postitas Maarek Vaata postitustHmmm...., natuke OT, aga nii puht uudishimust küsin, et kas kõik AS Roma legendid on olnud klubis karjääri lõpetamiseni?
Miks enamust enne karjääri lõppu klubist lahkunud Hall of Fame liikmeid pole klubi "austanud"?
Eesotsas Maldiniga, peaks nagu klubi suurim legend olema? Käituti nagu viimase kaltsuga.
Ambro - peaks nagu klubi kapten olema, kes ise palus et ta lepingut pikendatakse, saadeti perse, et sa oled liiga vana. Mis ajast üldse keegi Milani jaoks liiga vana on?
Kellel neist seal riietusruumis peale viimase mehe lahkumist üldse mingit autoriteeti on? Balotellil? Metroliivol?So self aware so full of shit
Algselt postitas Francesco Vaata postitust
Kellel neist seal riietusruumis peale viimase mehe lahkumist üldse mingit autoriteeti on? Balotellil? Metroliivol?
Sai väidetavalt väikese lepingupikendusega veel lootust tippklubi eest pallida.May the Violet flag flutter in the wind on all fields of challenge and valour, a vivid hope is our solace, we have eleven athletes and one heart. Go, Fiorentina, we want you to be the queen of all teams, go, Fiorentina, fight with bravery and prowess everywhere! In any hour of dismay and victory, remember you're the history of football!
Kõlakat kah.
Galliani läheb Monacosse Boatengi parseldama. Ja peatselt brasiiliasse Robinhot parseldama. Pazzini on vigastusega väljas, aga temale loodetakse asendust leida Primavera Petagna näol. Ilmselt oleks Robi minek eelduseks Tevezi tulekule. Kelle palganumber küll vähe suur tundub- viie mil eur ringis. Mäletamist mööda.
Algselt postitas orbitaaljaam Vaata postitustKõlakat kah.
Galliani läheb Monacosse Boatengi parseldama.
Õu fakk.
2012 deja vu
Algselt postitas Francesco Vaata postitustJärgmine klubi legend kellele näkku sülitate. Mingi austus võiks ju siiski olla.Milanista
Algselt postitas maimps1 Vaata postitust36a vend saadetakse pensile ja sinu jaoks on see näkku sülitamine! Austus sul on jah...
? ma ei mõista sind...So self aware so full of shit
Algselt postitas maimps1 Vaata postitust36a vend saadetakse pensile ja sinu jaoks on see näkku sülitamine! Austus sul on jah...Algselt postitas Francesco Vaata postitust? ma ei mõista sind...
Kui sul on mida klubile juurde anda sind siis palgatakse staffiks, kui ei ole, siis ei palgata. Jalgpall on siiski goddamn highrolling business, mitte pere pagariäri. Et edukas olla, peavad sul olema ka staffi positsioonidel parimad asjapulgad.
Kes on üks AS Roma fänn ütlema, mis on Milanile parim? Mitte keegi...
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