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AC Milan

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    See oli selle aasta kõige igavam mäng, mida ma olen näinud. Vahet pole, mis meeskonna esituses.
    See oli nii igav, et isegi ühtegi sobivat pilti pole internetis selle kohta.
    Peale väravaolukorra mõni raamidesse löök oli?


      Algselt postitas Uuu Vaata postitust
      Pioli ongi enim mures võimsasse vormi saanud Grossi üle.
      et te liiga palju ei higistaks võtsime hoo maha.
      jokers to the right
      clowns to the left of me


        jokers to the right
        clowns to the left of me


          Kõik ilus, aga mis/kelle raha eest te sellise monstrumi endale ehitada saate?
          The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of the darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy My brothers. And you will know I am the Lord when I lay My vengeance upon you.


            Algselt postitas Tofoa Vaata postitust
            Kõik ilus, aga mis/kelle raha eest te sellise monstrumi endale ehitada saate?
            euroz, dirhamz, yuanz
            jokers to the right
            clowns to the left of me


              Algselt postitas Tofoa Vaata postitust
              Kõik ilus, aga mis/kelle raha eest te sellise monstrumi endale ehitada saate?
              AC Milan Emirates Stadium


                Teie rahalist seisu vaadates ei suuda tee Lilleküla suurust staadion ka valmis teha. Aga edu superklubile!!!
                1.totti koondisesse.
                2.Money talks bullshit(totti) walks.
                3."Miks mind feminiinseks peetakse"-F.Totti
                "Kui Tottil oleks mu*nn oleks ta mees"-George W. Bush


                  Algselt postitas raudidas Vaata postitust
                  Milan: Diego Lopez; Abate, Paletta, Mexes, Antonelli; Van Ginkel, De Jong, Bonaventura; Suso, Pazzini, Menez

                  Milan bench: Abbiati, Donnarumma, Bocchetti, Bonera, De Sciglio, Rami, Zaccardo, Zapata, Poli, Cerci, Destro, Honda

                  haha, mu lemmik pats ka põhikoosseisu ära eksinud. Forza Milan

                  Taiwan pidavat vaene olema, kuid lootused tal head
                  Donnarumma ??? Ongi selline mängija seal ?


                    Algselt postitas jansa Vaata postitust
                    Donnarumma ??? Ongi selline mängija seal ?


                      Täna õhtul lisaks mängule ka tähtsad sündmused seoses klubi omandida. Härra Bee peaks tegema pakkumise 51% klubi eest 500miljoniga. Hiina ärikas Zong Quinghou on samuti huvitatud.


                        Kumb neist väljamõeldud tegelane on, et hinda ülesse ajada?


                          Algselt postitas zelee Vaata postitust
                          Kumb neist väljamõeldud tegelane on, et hinda ülesse ajada?
                          mõlemad on hologrammid, kelle omanikku kõik valgustatud inimesed teavad.

                          hind/hinnagud on kõik ühte auku, seega ei tohiks bluffi olla. kuigi valeraporteid on ja ma pole ka ise täpselt otsinud, kelle raha Bee taga on.
                          jokers to the right
                          clowns to the left of me


                            Kõlab nagu BEErlusconi.

                            The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of the darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy My brothers. And you will know I am the Lord when I lay My vengeance upon you.


                              irooniline ku inniang skooriks meie vastu + 3 kornerit juba genoal esimese 4 min jooksul. tore et me ei suuda ühtegi mängu alguses kohe käima saada. ForzaMilan

                              "AC Milan’s ultras to the tifo to a whole new level on Wednesday night in Serie A.

                              Before the Rossoneri’s match against Genoa at the San Siro, Milan’s fans stood behind the goal in the upper tier to spell out the word “Basta”, “enough”.

                              The message of the human mosaic was clear: the Curva Sud are sick and tired of the recklessness and awfulness of their team this season.

                              2014-15 has been an appalling year for the grand Italian club, who have had to sell off their team bus to cut costs.

                              Moreover, after Milan’s latest setback on Saturday night, when the red-and-blacks lost 2-1 away at Udinese, the squad had a bust-up on the team bus.

                              According to the Corriere della Sera (as reported by Football Italia), coach Pippo Inzaghi and his squad had a war of words on the way home.

                              It’s reported Inzaghi asked Vice-President Adriano Galliani to leave the bus so he could talk to the squad alone, at which point the former Milan marksman told his players that they were “unworthy of this jersey”.

                              Rather than take the insult on the chin, one unnamed player is said to have fired back at Super Pippo, replying “We might be unworthy, but you are unworthy to be the coach of Milan.”

                              By all accounts, Pippo Inzaghi is a dead-man-walking in the Milan hot seat as this disastrous season draws to a close."

                              MotM Lopez

                              JEEESH 0:1 OLEME TAGA, MEIL on PARIM KAITSE ITAALIAS täielik SerieB material, joppenpuhh


                                Galliani sai aru!


