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AC Milan

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    Algselt postitas Jasper Vaata postitust
    minu austus kõigile, kes suudavad nimetada järgmise üheksa klubid logosid piilumata.
    Aston Villa, Leicester, Caen, Leicester, Montpellier, Sunderland, Sassuolo, Lyon, Nice. Lebo.


      Algselt postitas ElNino9 Vaata postitust
      Aston Villa, Leicester, Caen, Leicester, Montpellier, Sunderland, Sassuolo, Lyon, Nice. Lebo.
      jokers to the right
      clowns to the left of me


        Algselt postitas ElNino9 Vaata postitust
        See oleks nii lahe, kui Suso/Cerci mängu ära teeks.
        Ei oleks.

        Nocerino homme ameerikasse


          Algselt postitas jansa Vaata postitust
          Donnarumma ??? Ongi selline mängija seal ?
          Derby dei Donnarumma

          võitis Gigio. lisaminutid välja arvata, siis oli rohkem tööd Antoniol. kuigi ei tea, mis ta seal pingil tegi. Bacca#13 + Honda. (Perin ) treeneri kommentaar lisaminutite fiaskole oli (+ zinger kohtumise eelt):

          Mihajlovic "Anyone not sacrificing themselves until the 94th minute won't step on the field again. The players know who I'm referring to" [põhimõtteliselt Balotelli sai pileti Liverpooli (ja sealt nad vaatavad ise edasi)]

          Mihajlovic: "What's missing Honda to score again from set-pieces? To have my left foot (laughs)." [nägid ikka mehe naeratust Honda kolli klipi lõpus?]
          jokers to the right
          clowns to the left of me


            Algselt postitas Ericc Vaata postitust
            Nojah, Euroopa jääb siis tänavu aasta ka saamata. Vuhuu
            Algselt postitas orbitaaljaam Vaata postitust
            Veits vara halaks. Ei?
            Algselt postitas orbitaaljaam Vaata postitust
            Muidugi Galliani usub veel ,et CL on võimalik.
            Algselt postitas Ericc Vaata postitust
            No on ju
            Head sõbrapäeva!
            jokers to the right
            clowns to the left of me


              Hea vend aga ja juuksed pean maha ajama nüüd
              THEO HERNANDEZ


                Algselt postitas Ericc Vaata postitust
                Ma olen lihtsal realist.
                Nojah, peaks vähem halama ja
                THEO HERNANDEZ


                  Inter tahab jah vägisi Milani EL vedada.


                    Pärva statistikaporno
                    AC Milan ‏@acmilan 12m12 minutes ago .@carlos7bacca scored 10 of his 12 Serie A goals with his first shot on target!


                      bacca suht isand ja
                      THEO HERNANDEZ


                        Algselt postitas Stok
                        Kas hiinlased Balotellit ei taha?
                        Milan may send Mario Balotelli back to Liverpool at the end of the season due to a rift between him and Sinisa Mihajlovic.
                        The Serbian Coach was not impressed with Balo's performance during Genoa. As the player failed to track back, he was seen screaming to him on the pitch: 'Mario, damn it!'
                        The Coach later blasted Balotelli in his post-game interview, although he didn't single the player out, claiming it was a problem with several elements in the team.
                        According to La Gazzetta dello Sport, the player is now Miha's last option in the pecking order for the strikers, even behind Jeremy Menez, who is still very much out of condition.
                        In addition the club has decided to try and send Balotelli back to the club that loaned him to them, that being Liverpool.

                        The striker will therefore have to try and put in some good performances capable of convincing current Red Coach Jurgen Klopp, or he risks another transfer market drama like the one last summer, in which he struggled to find a team to pick him up.

                        Rotten apple


                          Ja Nocerinhoga leping lõpetatud.

                          No Ibra no Party.

                          Jääme meenutama hailaiti

                          Milan Fans ★ ‏@MilanEye Milan Primavera Manuel Locatelli will be promoted to to the senior squad after Nocerino's departure.


                            Milan rejected a €60m offer from China for Carlos Bacca in January, according to reports.

                            Agent olla ka paar päeva tagasi mingit juttu ajanud.
                            Tselski ja Manu tahtvat Donnarummat, millepeale Milan pidavat vv uut lepingut pakkuma. Tore oleks. Kas teine väravavaht on Abbiati või Lopez? Ilmselt Abbiati, kuna on olnud Coppas väravas?


                              THEO HERNANDEZ


                                Lopez on ikka ees pecking orderis. aga ta pole teise vv kohast huvitatud ja nii ongi tema hooaeg selline imelik. nähes, et Gigio tõusu saadeti mingit häda ravima.
                                jokers to the right
                                clowns to the left of me

