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AC Milan

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    Algselt postitas Tanel Vaata postitust
    Jalg on tal täpne. Selles pole kahtlustki.
    Vastupidi, mööda lõi ju pallist. See, et see klassikalise Interi värava moodi lõpuks välja kukkus-noh, shit happens.
    Teistel teemadel:
    Niang: "I'm not afraid of pressure. I want to stay at Milan forever."

    Interview with Milan's 18-year old striker, M'Baye Niang:
    "I want to keep on doing well. I’m in a good moment now and I hope that I can continue like this. I’m happy and surprised that I’ve played so much this season. I didn't expect it. But I’m a confident guy and I’m not afraid of pressure.
    I always give it a 100% in training, so that I can get to play in the matches."

    "My relationship with Allegri? Allegri has always shown faith in me. Allegri knows when I’m ready to play, and if he has let me play then it’s because he believes that I can help the team. I hope that he’s satisfied with my performances.
    I’m young so I have to work harder than others. Allegri always asks me to do more in training because I'm very young.
    However, two good matches doesn’t make you a qualified Milan player."

    "My hair-style? I already had it in France. El Shaarawy hasn't got anything to do with it.
    El Shaarawy is like a brother to me."

    "I want to stay at Milan for the rest of my life even though I have only been here for 5 months."

    "Kakà? He’s a great player and he would be important for us youngsters. He’s a champion. Kakà has great experience and he would add enormous quality to the team."

    "Balotelli? Yes, I think I can play with him. If Allegri also thinks that Balotelli and I can play together, then that's a very positive thing."

    "There are many good teams in Serie A, like Napoli, Juventus, Roma and Fiorentina. But we can also compete with them."

    "I haven’t prepared any goal celebration. Let's hope that I can score soon."

    "My Italian is better than Paul Pogba’s? I also studied it for a bit in school in France. That’s where I learned the basic stuff. But he’s better than speaking English than I am."

    Niang concluded the interview with an Italian-English mixed phrase: "Io no speak English" before he smiled.


      Zaccardo diili kiidan heaks, halvimal juhul selline väga hea bäkkup, parimal juhul selline geniaalne juvelüke(barzagli).Kõik oleneb nüüd sellest ka, kuidas Zapata ja Mexes hakkama saavad, viimastes mängudes on Zapata väga äss juba olnud, samas pole ka mingit arvestavat vastast olnud.Sooviks näha Zaccardo-Zapata koostööd, mis samas jätaks kõrgepalgalise ja brainfartiva Mexese pingile, mis omakorda tähendaks seda, et Mexes imebki paar järgmist aastat pingil palka nagu juve lemmikud Amauri ja Iaqinta.Kokkuvõtteks jee, sitast trussikumunni Mesbahit pole.


        Algselt postitas F.Totti Vaata postitust
        Mesbahi trussikud väikeseks ei jää Zaccardole?

        Nüüd oleks vist passlik koht küsida mis suurusega on tegu S või M?
        jokers to the right
        clowns to the left of me


          Strasser läks hooaja lõpuni Parmasse laenule. Official.


            Algselt postitas Milanista Vaata postitust
            Zaccardo diili kiidan heaks, halvimal juhul selline väga hea bäkkup, parimal juhul selline geniaalne juvelüke(barzagli).Kõik oleneb nüüd sellest ka, kuidas Zapata ja Mexes hakkama saavad, viimastes mängudes on Zapata väga äss juba olnud, samas pole ka mingit arvestavat vastast olnud.Sooviks näha Zaccardo-Zapata koostööd, mis samas jätaks kõrgepalgalise ja brainfartiva Mexese pingile, mis omakorda tähendaks seda, et Mexes imebki paar järgmist aastat pingil palka nagu juve lemmikud Amauri ja Iaqinta.Kokkuvõtteks jee, sitast trussikumunni Mesbahit pole.
            Hmm, ma ei tea, Mexes minuarust suht äss olnud, kui omavärav välja jätta.


              Acerbi Genoasse laenule.


                Algselt postitas keenjus250 Vaata postitust
                Acerbi Genoasse laenule.
                Sellega on mingi keerulisem teema, kus vahetati 50% Acerbit 50% Constanti vastu.




                    kolm punkti, kolm punkti! positsioon tabelis paranes, leiame end viiendalt realt.


                      Euroopa Liigas, CL 6 punkti kaugusel.
                      Mängust nägin esimest poolaega, teine läks munnis Haapsalu interneti ja hakkivate striimide nahka.
                      4 päeva üleminekuakna lõpuni.

                      10 aastat mureta.

                      Napoli olla 30 mil eur pakkunud Shaawa eest. Saadeti kohvile.


                        Teisel poolajal oli 2:0 Falminil võimalus ära lüüa. Sai väravavahile pihta. Väga kaartide rohke mäng!
                        Please don't call me arrogant, but I'm European champion and I think I'm a special one!!!
                        I veri tifosi non seguono l'Inter, sono l'Inter!!!


                          Itaalias jagati auhindu eelmise aasta eest. Jalgpallurite ühenduse vms poolt.
                          El Shaarawy-"Revelations of the Year." (Koos Murieliga) ehk "Best Youngster"

                          Ibra valiti parimaks ründajaks.

                          Inzaghi sai auhinna selle eest, mida saatis korda viimase kümne aasta jooksul.


                            Robinho jagas sukeldujale õpetust.

                            vänker sai daivimise eest ka trahvi
                            Atalanta's Carlos Carmona has been fined €2.000 for diving during the match against Milan.
                            AC Milan News ‏@Milanello RT @SkyBet: We’ve suspended betting on Mario Balotelli’s next club after a flood of money on him to move to AC Milan.



                              Kasutu statistikaporno:
                              OptaPaolo ‏@OptaPaolo 1 - AC Milan would be top of the Serie A table on 30 points, taking into account only the last 14 match-days of this campaign. Revival.


                                Käivad jutud,et Balotelli tegi täna viimase treeningu City eest ja tuleb Milanosse. Siin läbib medicali. Kas Inter siis andis rohelise tule ja City? City sai oma 25 milli kätte? Milan pakkus ju vaid 23?
                                Please don't call me arrogant, but I'm European champion and I think I'm a special one!!!
                                I veri tifosi non seguono l'Inter, sono l'Inter!!!

