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Milano Inter

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    Ja mõlemad väravad olid nii profilt löödud, et Frey lihtsalt seisis postide vahel ja ei saanud halligi aru.
    Mis näo sina teeks, kui esimesel juhul 10 meetri pealt pommitatakse ja teisel juhul kaitse lihtsalt eest ära oskab astuda. Väravavahtidel pole sellisel juhul eriti midagi teha. Ainus võimalus oleks lihtsalt ette olnud jääda.
    May the Violet flag flutter in the wind on all fields of challenge and valour, a vivid hope is our solace, we have eleven athletes and one heart. Go, Fiorentina, we want you to be the queen of all teams, go, Fiorentina, fight with bravery and prowess everywhere! In any hour of dismay and victory, remember you're the history of football!


      Stankovici värav oli üle 15 meetri kauguselt imo. Adriano väraval oli väikene deflekt.

      Materazzi ja Toni bitchimine esimesel poolajal oli tõeliselt tobe kui aus olla. Õnneks teisel poolajal oli vähemalt viimane rahulik, Materazzil aegajalt käed ikka pidid käima.


        Vahe Romaga on juba 11, kes viimasel ajal on hakanud vaikselt murduma. Totti saab tõenaöliselt komisjoni käest ka karistada ja Interi mängust osa ei võta. Ja selle viimasegi lootuse võtame neilt 4ndal veebruaril.


          Et siis täna jälle Coppa poolfinaal võõrsil Doria vastu. Mancini kutsunud viis noort Primaverast. Sampdoria on küllaltki ebamugav vastane. Millegi pärast suudavad nad Interi vastu peaaegu alati head mängu teha ja meie värava all probleeme tekitada. Keda eriti hoolikalt peab jälgima on ju nende uus tõusev täht Quagliarella. On ta ju väga hästi esinenud ja seisab Ibraga skoorijate tabelis ühel pulgal. Interil Cruz-Crespo siis täna ründes arvatavad starterid. Hea uudis, sest Ibral ja Adril oligi aeg natuke hinge tõmmata. Igatahes loodame parimat. Ja mis SerieA-sse puutub siis Totti pääses ühe mängukeeluga ja mängib SanSirol 10 päeva pärast, Ibra pääses.


            Väidetavalt on Inter teinud Villarrealile 15miljoni naela suuruse pakkumise Riquelme eest. Eks lähipäeval saab teada, kas see jutt ka tõele vastab.
            “Whatever we plant in our subconscious mind and nourish with repetition and emotion will one day become reality.”


              See kõik tundub lihtsalt liiga lihtne. Võõrsil Sampi vastu 3-0 ja mängida ligi 25 minutit. Kui nii edasi siis minu pärast pangu Mancini järgmine nädal terve Primavera nende vastu. Oleme finaalis igatahes. Bravissimo


                Ja igast väravast pool peaks Figo nimele kandma, kelle tsenderdustest 3 väravat sündis.


                  From La Gazzetta Dello Sport

                  There's a story behind that samba dance. A few steps of a happy dance which Adriano, after his goal against Fiorentina, wanted to share with Maicon, a dear friend of his that spends a lot of time laughing with him, but also with Ibrahimovic, his teammate and friend.

                  It was a spontaneous gesture, which made it ever more authentic. "It wasn't staged, it just came up", explained Ibrahimovic, the "intruder" among the three (as he's Swedish and not Brazilian). But is he really? There's definitely something South American about him, not just in the way he plays.

                  It's the story of a friendship. Adriano e Zlatan call each other "amico" (friend). Becoming friends was a natural process, helped by Maxwell, who shares a room at Appiano with Zlatan (they were teammates back at Ajax) but also talks a lot to Adriano in Portoguese.

                  Adri and Ibra felt right straight away on the pitch, and their striking partnership only got better during training. All this was clear to all that night in Palermo, when Adriano chested down a ball and with an intuition that would have escaped most, unleashed Zlatan's will to try and score a goal that most wouldn't have even considered.

                  And Ibra hasn't forgotten, and since that day he has concentrated, looking for the opportunity to achieve one vital objective: help Adriano score.

                  He's encouraged him with his words, looked for him with his eyes and his passes, put him in front of the keeper, he would have even pushed him all the way into the goal together with the ball if he could have done.

                  During those days when goal seemed to avoid Adriano like the plague, Ibra was the best help Adri could get on the pitch. But in the meantime they had discovered that they had a lot in common: both recently became fathers, the passion for music (they love to swap tracks), and a sensible nature.

                  They became closer off the pitch, sitting next to each other during plane trips and at restaurants.

                  They're always together at the Pinetina as well, and it was there that Zlatan started his "brainwashing". When Adriano was feeling trapped in a tunnel with no exit, Ibra kept telling him (quoting Zlatan): "You are strong, never forget it".

                  Back then Adriano was smiling, still a little sad, now he's found the strength to prove it.



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                    Njaa, ime, et ühes voodis veel ei maga.
                    jokers to the right
                    clowns to the left of me


                      Inter - Sampi mängust varane kild.

                      Materazzi saab jälle peaga. Delvecchiole punane. Seekord sai vastu hambaid.


                        Oi ta ikka oskab. Ühekordne rippus lõugade vahel. Aga mäng on jah ülipingeline. Tundub, et täna meil nii kergelt ei lähe kui nädala keskel.


                          Headbutt Materazzile.


                            Ibrahimovic lõi oma kümnenda värava. Kuigi tähistada ei saanud, sest vajus peaaegu kokku kuna põrkas õhuvõitluses vastamisi kiilaka sampi mängijaga.

                            Ibra on üldse suht suur figuur. Mitu tõrjet juba Castellazzist välja toonud, kes vaatamata minule mängu eel jõudnud infole mängib.


                              Ibra andis ka väravasöödu Maiconile ning 2:0 võit on nagu naksti kirjas. Super Inter!

                              MoM'is pole kahtlustki - Il Genio aka Ibrahimovic


                                Krt Channel4 ütleb, et Burdissol ühemänguline keeld. Lootsin väga, et ta Roma vastu üles astub aga peab hoopis vahele jätma. Kahekesi Matrixiga moodustavad nad võimsa keskkaitse paari( Cordoba-Samuel on pingipoisid!!), Mõlemad on oma võimsate ja täpsete pealöökidega Figo kornerite ja freekickide juures asendamatud. Aga pole hullu. Vähemalt on Matrix olemas ja pink on meil tugev.

