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Milano Inter

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    Moratti: ''Milani ründeliin on muljetavaldav, lõpuks ometi nad võivad meiega konkureerima''

    Head sõna! Eelmised hooajadel nad tahavad lihtsalt PROOVIDA konkureerida


      Algselt postitas Stok
      Rafa allkirjastas kokkuleppe, et ei võta Liverpoolist ühtegi mängijat kaasa. Ja Liverpooli võlaga nüüd nii kiire ka ei ole, et peaks oma parimad mängijad võla katteks maha müüma ja ise liigast välja langema.
      Kust seda lugesid? Sul oli kokkuleppe käes?
      Ma pole seda üldse lugenud Itaalia ajakiris. Kui oleks Inglise ajakirias, siis kindlast on cut+paste meil omal...


        Algselt postitas Stok
        Ma ei loe eriti ajakirju, teades, et ajakirjanikud saavad palka klaviatuuri kulutamise eest.. Praegu leidsin sellise teate: http://www.liverpoolfc.tv/news/lates...ls-inter-talks, aga kuskilt on ka meeles, et Rafal oli taoline kokkulepe, artiklit kahjuks ei leinud ja praegu ple aega otsida ka.
        Siis oli lihtsalt sinu oma arutlus.


          Algselt postitas Stok
          Sa ei saanud aru. Ma ei loe goal.com'i ja dailymaili ja The S*n', aga ma loen Liverpooli ametlikku kodulehte. Ja vahel tsekkan teiste klubide lehti ka. Ja enne ei usu, kui pole ametlikku teadet ning aeg on näidanud, et enamasti ongi ajakirjades puhas jama.
          Ma sain aru, aga:

          "I spoke to Massimo Moratti on Wednesday about the fact that they are not going to buy any Liverpool players, and Kuyt comes into that category," said Hodgson.

          "I believe Inter were only interested in two of our players and they are not going to buy them. Moratti said they are not going to do that. Kuyt is not for sale."
          Kust said see asja et oli kokkuleppe et Rafa mänjia Reds´ilt ei küsi?
          Mina ei loe seda.
          Hodgson lihtsalt ütles et nende ei anna. Ja Moratti välja näeb et ei taha.
          Kindlasti on palju ajakirja värk, aga kui ütle et oli kokkuleppe Rafa-Liverpooli vahel (seda ma sain aru) seda ei loe mitte kuskil. Ametlik või mitte.


            Ma mõtlesin et minu silmad on juba päris palju näinud, aga ikka suudetakse mind veel üllatada:
            Mihajlovic: 'You can't buy success'
            voh teile lollikesed!
            FORZA ITALIA FORZA ROMA - "A Scudetto in Rome is worth a thousand elsewhere."


              Oleme ju ennegi näidanud, et kui kohtunikesse investeerida, siis suudame maailma mitteametliku parima klubi Roma, kellele tehakse oi kui palju liiga, jääks kõigi vilemeeste suurima sponsori Interi seljataha.

              Muidu olema kaks aastat jutti üleminekuturul märkimisväärset kasumit tootnud ning meie päris algkoosseisus on 2-3 meest, kelle eest on välja käidud mingi tõsiseltvõetav summa.


                Algselt postitas Angelo Nerazzurro Vaata postitust
                Olen uhke teadustama et hooajal 2010-2011 sündib

                INTER CLUB BALTICO

                Interisti kes on huvilised liiged saada on kutsunud mulle kirjutada siia:


                Meie klubi osaleks ´Centro Coordinamento Inter Club´, Inter Club võrk Itaalias ja kogu maailmas (http://interclub.inter.it/cgi-bin/home)

                FORZA INTER!
                Kohe tulen tagasi rohkem infoga
                Tanel: vastasin sinu e-mailile


                  Soccerneti uudisest:
                  Interi president Massimo Moratti sõnul on klubi muutnud oma üleminekute poliitikat ja nüüdsest hakatakse meeskonda tooma erinevaid noormängijaid. Uue süsteemiga tahetakse algust teha juba uuel aastal.
                  In Rafa we trust!


                    Rafal pole sellega absull mingit pistmist. See on seotud klubi finantsseisuga... ning algust tehti reaalselt juba aastate eest kui noorteakadeemia reformiti.

                    Noortest rääkides on juba ootused järgmise hooaja peal kui Ranocchia saabub ja Juve-Milani-Roma fännide suud lahti jätab.


                      Tanel, kuidas sa niivõrd sügavalt klubiga seotud oled?

                      Sa tead vist Interist.... kõike ja kõik, mis üldse seal toimub, on ka sinul teada. Ebanormaalne vend oled. : )


                        Tanel oskab lugeda


                          Algselt postitas JanK Vaata postitust
                          Tanel, kuidas sa niivõrd sügavalt klubiga seotud oled?

                          Sa tead vist Interist.... kõike ja kõik, mis üldse seal toimub, on ka sinul teada. Ebanormaalne vend oled. : )
                          See on paari viimase põlvkonna viga, et ei osata enam lugeda.. Taneli näol on lihtsalt tegu inimesega kes seda 'imelist' asja oskab teha.


                            Algselt postitas Tim| Vaata postitust
                            See on paari viimase põlvkonna viga, et ei osata enam lugeda.. Taneli näol on lihtsalt tegu inimesega kes seda 'imelist' asja oskab teha.
                            right, vaata budukat...
                            The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of the darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy My brothers. And you will know I am the Lord when I lay My vengeance upon you.


                              Algselt postitas Tim| Vaata postitust
                              See on paari viimase põlvkonna viga, et ei osata enam lugeda.. Taneli näol on lihtsalt tegu inimesega kes seda 'imelist' asja oskab teha.
                              paar viimast põlvkonda on mingi 50 aastat. vaevalt on siin tegu viimaste põlvkondade lugemisharjumuste massilises puudumises, vaid viga taandub ikka üksikisiku tasemele. OT lõpp Aga jah, õnneks on iga meeskonna toetajate sees ka vähemalt üks inimene, kes suudab mõistlikku teksti kirja panna ja tundub teemat valdama.


                                INTER CLUB BALTICO

                                Interisti kes on huvilised liiged saada on kutsunud mulle kirjutada siia:


                                Meie klubi osaleks ´Centro Coordinamento Inter Club´, Inter Club võrk Itaalias ja kogu maailmas (http://interclub.inter.it/cgi-bin/home)
                                Ma vabandan et on nii pikk, aga panin tähtis info punasega.

                                INTER CLUB PROGRAMME 2009/2010

                                The Inter Club Coordination Centre (hereafter ICCC) is a structure belonging to the commercial area of F.C. Internazionale Milano S.p.A. (hereafter referred to as "Inter"). The ICCC manages the services offered to its members, in respect of the principles that distinguish Inter in the international panorama of sport. Only the Inter Clubs established in the ways, conditions and terms that are specified hereafter, can join the present programme, in order to make use of the services and reductions reserved for Official Clubs.

                                The ICCC does not provide for an electoral organ, either intermediary or peripheral. If the ICCC believes it is necessary, it can make use of the voluntary collaboration of the Presidents and Officials of the Inter Clubs, in order to better coordinate and aid the development of local activities. Specific assignments (in the capacity of Coordinator) may therefore be assigned for a limited time, which in any case remain revocable at any time by the ICCC, only to members of Inter Clubs with a minimum experience of 3 years as President or Committee Members. Each Inter Club will have managerial and administrative autonomy.
                                Each newly constituted Club will require a copy of the Statute, the reference model of which is sent by the ICCC according to the terms and conditions attached to the letter of transmission. The contents of the above-stated model cannot be modified in any way. Moreover, the Statute must be authenticated and filed at the competent Registrar's Office.

                                ART. 1) ADHESIONS TO THE PROGRAMME
                                a) The Club shall send to the Inter Club Coordination Centre, Via Piccolomini, 5 - 20151 Milano, the present programme compiled in all its parts and signed here below "for acceptance" by the President of the new Inter Club.
                                b) Adhesions must be communicated as above, in the first instance, from 14 July until 31 October of each year. This being understood, the Inter Clubs wishing to increase the number of membership quotas will have the possibility to make the deposits, for a minimum of 10 quotas at a time, until 31 December.
                                The Inter Clubs waiting to regularise their position are considered suspended from the reductions that the ICCC reserves for its members.
                                c) Concomitantly to the communication of membership, the amount for the individual quotas for annual membership (15 Euros, VAT included for each Senior member; 8 Euros, VAT included for each Junior member) should arrive at the ICCC. In the payments it is indispensable to specify the subdivision in ... number of Senior members and ... number of Junior members, with the module/acquittance compiled in its entirety containing the consensus of the treatment of personal data ex Legislative Decree 196/2003. The first payment of quotas should not be less than that for 50 (fifty) Senior members for Clubs in Italy and 25 (twenty-five) Senior members for Clubs outside Europe. European Inter Clubs can request the ICCC for special conditions of initial affiliation (25 Senior members), on the condition that they guarantee reaching at least 50 Senior members by 31 December.
                                No exceptions will be made. Inter Clubs that do not reach the minimum number of adhesions will indicate to the ICCC another Inter Club that will assume the administrative function, keeping the name and seniority of the club for just one single season.
                                When the payment of quotas is made, the ICCC will assign membership cards for each member and will supply to each member the propagandistic material which is differentiated between Senior and Junior members.
                                The new official photos of posters of the team, compatible with the time it takes Inter to complete their realisation, will be available for collection by the individual Inter Clubs at ICCC's headquarters.
                                d) The Inter Clubs will send to the ICCC the modules/acquittances, subdivided into Senior and Junior members, duly compiled and signed, before 30 November.
                                e) The ICCC will issue a declaration of membership valid for the administrative and fiscal practices regarding the Clubs with commercial activities (internal bar, sale of gifts, etc.), which will accurately report the name of the club, its headquarters, and the number of members enrolled with the ICCC, which declines any responsibility towards Clubs who may incur sanctions due to differences in the number of members declared officially to the ICCC, and the number of members who frequent the headquarters. In any case, if it is found that not all of the Club members are enrolled with the ICCC, the services delivered to the Club will be automatically suspended for the sporting year in progress.
                                f) The ICCC reserves the right to accept or refuse requests for membership, even if such requests have been made correctly and within the above-stated time frame. In the same way, the ICCC reserves the right to suspend at any time the services delivered to the Clubs who are found to be responsible of particularly serious conduct towards other Clubs or the ICCC itself. The ICCC will have to provide to the Club in question a justified written communication of its refusal of adhesions, by 15 January, while any suspension of services will be made with the utmost urgency, by registered letter, to the Club and the competent coordinator.
                                In the case that the ICCC decides to reintegrate the Club, it will be communicated by registered letter to define the full reintegration of the Club in question.

