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Milano Inter

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    Kui siin räägite et Roma 2tk olid joppmised, siis vaadake enda väravad ka üle...Aga noh tulemuse vastu ei protesteeri. 5tk sisse imedes ei olda kottigi väärt.

    Kohtunikul oli ka kergem mäng kui ennustada võiks. Ainus olukord, mis tulemust kuidagigi mõjudata võis, oli Ranocchia vs Borri situatsioon, kus meie Sexmees ikka päris kuri oli.

    Teie poolt olid väga head Eto'o, Cesar, Maicno ja lendav hollandlane. Meie poolelt ei kiidaks eriti kedagi nagu.


      Algselt postitas Tanel Vaata postitust
      5:1 või 6:1 või 7:1 oleks teise poolaja põhjal küll ausam skoor olnud.
      Roma vääris siit mängust ainult ühte väravat? Käi perse nupp punaseks!

      Algselt postitas Tanel Vaata postitust
      väike närv muidugi oli, et Romal jälle joppab
      Mida vittu sa ajad? See oli 5 aasta järel esimene kord, kus normaalne vile oli San Sirlo. Mis kuradi joppamistest sa siin räägid?


        No väravad tulid totaalselt vastu mängu käiku standardolukordadest, kus a) rikosetist pall Vucinicile lendas ja b) kus meite mehed juba väga mugavalt mängimas olid. Seda mõtlen joppamise all. Rohkemat Roma teisel poolajal ei teinudki.


          Vucinic on eluaeg Interi vastu nagu Messi 3 olnud. See peab mingi märk olema. Tulgu meile üle. Palga ka kahekordistame.


            Ah ei. Las Roma naudib oma juveele. Toome Sancheze.

            Ja lisan veel, et tänase esitusega julgen ma juba küll Bayerni vastu minna.


              Algselt postitas Tanel Vaata postitust
              No väravad tulid totaalselt vastu mängu käiku standardolukordadest, kus a) rikosetist pall Vucinicile lendas ja b) kus meite mehed juba väga mugavalt mängimas olid. Seda mõtlen joppamise all. Rohkemat Roma teisel poolajal ei teinudki.
              Dude, kui Inter jala sirgeks lükkab ning laseb endale väravaid taguda, siis pole see joppamine vaid võitlusvaim. A no see poleks ju tüüpiline Tanel, kes hea Interi mängu korral ei pea ühtegi vastase väravat õigeks või teenituks.


                Algselt postitas cannuman Vaata postitust
                Kui siin räägite et Roma 2tk olid joppmised, siis vaadake enda väravad ka üle...Aga noh tulemuse vastu ei protesteeri. 5tk sisse imedes ei olda kottigi väärt.

                Kohtunikul oli ka kergem mäng kui ennustada võiks. Ainus olukord, mis tulemust kuidagigi mõjudata võis, oli Ranocchia vs Borri situatsioon, kus meie Sexmees ikka päris kuri oli.

                Teie poolt olid väga head Eto'o, Cesar, Maicno ja lendav hollandlane. Meie poolelt ei kiidaks eriti kedagi nagu.

                Minu arust oli Roma poolt just Vucinic väga ohtlik kogu aeg. Tema katmisel oli vahel ikka palju probleeme. Kahekesi Menezega ikka keerutasid kaitseliini juures korralikult.
                Please don't call me arrogant, but I'm European champion and I think I'm a special one!!!
                I veri tifosi non seguono l'Inter, sono l'Inter!!!


                  Peale esimest väravat lasti kuidagi jalg sirgu. Ei usutud nagu ise ka,et see kord mindi ise 1:0 juhtima ja ei pea hakkama taas kedagi taga ajama. Aga Roma karistas selle kohe ära. Mäng oli vägev ja sellisele suurele vastasseisule kohane. Teisel poolajal suutsime küll 4:1 juhtima minna aga jällegi lasime standartitest 2 tagasi lüüa. Standard olukorrad kaitses ongi ikka suureks probleemiks olnud terve hooaeg.
                  Tulemus aga võit. 3 punkti tabelisse ja pühapäev juba Juventus. Milan on mänginud viiki, Napoli ja Palermo mega heas hoos ja Udinsese samuti. Meil rasked mängud ees. Scudetto pole kauge ja ulme unistus aga kerge pole. Kuid hooaja lõpp läheb mega huvitavaks.
                  Cesar super jälle! Eto, Sneijder, Maicon, Kharja rünnakul. Muidugi Zanetti taas. Ja väga hea debüüdi tegi ka jaapanlane- vasak äär kohe ka sealt ohtlikum. Leonardol mõtlemisainet on.
                  Please don't call me arrogant, but I'm European champion and I think I'm a special one!!!
                  I veri tifosi non seguono l'Inter, sono l'Inter!!!


                    Milito väljas Bayerni vastu. Järjekordne venitus. Oh jumal..


                      Algselt postitas Jr Vaata postitust
                      Milito väljas Bayerni vastu. Järjekordne venitus. Oh jumal..
                      Nojah, tuleb teil vist ka Pandevile lootma jääda. Mõni aasta tagasi tuli ju Lazio eest ju natuke välja küll ja suutis isegi Realile 3 väravat lüüa. Mis see Bayern siis ära pole
                      May the Violet flag flutter in the wind on all fields of challenge and valour, a vivid hope is our solace, we have eleven athletes and one heart. Go, Fiorentina, we want you to be the queen of all teams, go, Fiorentina, fight with bravery and prowess everywhere! In any hour of dismay and victory, remember you're the history of football!


                        Kui ülejäänud tiim on hea, siis kannatab Pandevit täitsa vaadata.

                        Aga jube. See on ju see sama vigastus juba kolmandat korda vist.


                          Algselt postitas Angelo Nerazzurro Vaata postitust
                          Täna selgitas. Võidame scudetto ära.
                          Kordan uuesti.


                            Inter and Leonardo will have to clear more than one historical hurdle if they are to be crowned Italian champions again. Antonio Labbate remembers 1971 “The changing room rebelled against Heriberto Herrera,” says Roberto Boninsegna. “With all due respect, he wasn’t a Coach – he was a physical trainer. He used to tell us that we only needed to understand 20 per cent of what he was saying to win games. The problem was getting to that 20 per cent…”

                            It was back in November 1970 when Heriberto Herrera, not to be confused with the mythical Helenio, was shown the door by the Beneamata. Already unpopular with sections of his own squad, a 3-0 derby loss to Milan left Inter down in 10th place and, after just five League games, his dismissal was inevitable.

                            President Ivanoe Fraizzoli, who at the time also made it clear that he was willing to sell the club if the right offer was tabled, handed control of the side to youth team boss Giovanni Invernizzi. A former Inter player, Invernizzi was initially appointed on a temporary basis yet ended the campaign by making Italian football history.

                            Invernizzi rejuvenated a tactically exhausted and an under-performing squad. He turned Tarcisio Burgnich into a sweeper, played the young Mauro Bellugi at right-back, reintegrated Jair into the team, replaced summer signing Mario Frustalupi with Mario Bertini and asked the club’s senators – Giacinto Facchetti, Sandro Mazzola, Mario Corso and Boninsegna – to perform to their status.

                            The turning point in their season came after a defeat to Napoli in Week 7. On the flight home, Invernizzi and some of the side’s more experienced elements sat down with a fixture list to hand. Together they plotted their path to what many perceived as unlikely title glory and the tabella, as it was known, became part of Inter folklore.

                            Following defeat at the San Paolo, they went on an unbeaten run which saw them take 21 points from a possible 24. The Nerazzurri won the return derby, wiped out a significant point gap that winter champions Milan had over them and netted the championship with two games to spare.

                            Invernizzi not only became a hero of consequence, he also made sure his name would be inscribed in the footballing annals of time. Never before and not since has a Serie A team changed Coach mid-season and gone on to be crowned champions of Italy.

                            Four decades later though and Inter are seemingly in that same position with more than one similarity evoking memories of the past. Rafael Benitez’s frosty relationship with elements of the changing room, the appointment of a past professional with little coaching experience, Milan’s charge as Scudetto candidates and Inter’s own tabella of winning their postponed Club World Cup affected ties in hand.

                            With five points currently separating them from leaders Milan and with a game up their sleeves, there is no doubt that Inter are serious title challengers again. While Leonardo may not be as tactically astute as his predecessor, he has less injury problems to deal with, a January transfer window enhanced squad and old guard elements – such as Julio Cesar, Douglas Maicon and Esteban Cambiasso – who are again making the difference.

                            Factor in the statistic that no Italian club has ever won six titles in a row and the historical hurdles are mounting up against the current Italian, European and world champions. But Leonardo and his Inter side at least have a chance to re-write history – even if only a 20 per cent one.


                              Invernizzi scudetto on ajaloo mälestus.
                              Selle kordama on unistus.


                                Derby d’Italia koosseisud

                                Inter: 1 Julio Cesar; 13 Maicon, 2 Cordoba, 15 Ranocchia, 4 Zanetti; 15 Kharja, 8 Thiago Motta, 19 Cambiasso; 10 Snejider; 7 Pazzini, 9 Eto'o.

                                Juventus: 1 Buffon; 43 Sorensen, 15 Barzagli, 19 Bonucci, 3 Chiellini; 27 Krasic, 4 Melo, 14 Aquilani, 8 Marchisio; 20 Toni 32 Matri.

                                FORZA INTER!

