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Milano Inter

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    Loodame, et Teie dinosaurused nüüd ka ilusti kutile alluda suudavad.


      Balotelli pressikonverentsikräsh on siit juba läbi käinud?

      Maicon läks viimases mängus Full Retardi! Ma tõsiselt kahtlen, kas Maiconist kunagi veel Mängumeest saab.


        Algselt postitas eika Vaata postitust
        pigem nii.
        jokers to the right
        clowns to the left of me


          More people making comparisons, this time it's Arrigo Sacchi in his regular editorial column for GdS.

          "Has Moratti chosen Andrea Stramaccioni as the man to rebuild the team or as the last desperate card to save a year that has had two victims (Gasperini and Ranieri) and that seems without solution? In the first case, it would be an innovative choice that would do honor to a president who always seems to be a generous fan more than an illuminated director. It would be a choice that reminds me so much of Laporta, when he entrusted Barcelona to Guardiola. The Blaugrana, after winning the Champions League under the guidance of Rijkaard, declined and some players began to frequent disco clubs more than the field (it seems that the same Messi followed that route).

          "Management, in order to save what left, made a very unpopular and difficult decision. The club decided to change the coach and in his place, they entrusted the club to a very young and inexperienced Guardiola who until then, had only coached in Serie C of Spanish football. He immediately asked for the sales of some popular players (Ronaldinho, Deco and Eto'o), those he saw as unprofessional and not fit in his project. The club realized this revolution despite strong opposition from fans and the media. The critics were particularly heavy after the first two games (one draw and one loss), but then the Josep's youngsters exploded, some names like Pedro and Busquets who also came from Serie C.

          "Barca have been enchanting all the world today. Could history repeat itself in a country like ours, where teams are the oldest in Europe and team bosses are shortsighted and driven by conservative attitudes and lack of patience? I think it is possible, we too must grow. I hope and wish that the decision of Moratti and the sacrifice of a serious and responsible person like Claudio Ranieri is due to a modern strategy in long duration to allow the young, brilliant and capable Andrea to closely evaluate in advance all those players that are available, functional and complementary to start a new project for a new Inter. If so, Moratti would indicate a new, capable direction for renewal and unusual innovation in our ancient world. Very courageous Massimo and Andrea, good luck."



            Tänasel treeningul olid Andrea Sala, Ibrahima Mbaye, Joseph Alfred Duncan ja Samuele Longo ka.


              Mind huvitab väga millise koosseisuga minnakse esmalt vastu nädalalõpus mängule. Ning kuidas suhtuvad need mängijad asja, kui neid välja jäetakse jne...
              Sest iga treener tuleb oma stiiliga, Tal kujunevad välja mingil määral omad mängijad ja kes ei mahu koosseisu, peavad lahkuma.
              Jälle on nagu selline väike ärevus...
              Please don't call me arrogant, but I'm European champion and I think I'm a special one!!!
              I veri tifosi non seguono l'Inter, sono l'Inter!!!


                Algselt postitas Solfice Vaata postitust
                Tänasel treeningul olid Andrea Sala, Ibrahima Mbaye, Joseph Alfred Duncan ja Samuele Longo ka.
                Mbaye oleks väga kõva tegelane Nagatomo ja Chivu asemel äärele. Longo aga ette ründesse...näiteks Forlani kohale ja Militoga paaris...
                Please don't call me arrogant, but I'm European champion and I think I'm a special one!!!
                I veri tifosi non seguono l'Inter, sono l'Inter!!!


                  Valentino Angelonist räägitakse, et mees on Lõuna-Ameerika spets ja Udinese viimaste aastate ostudel Isla,Armero,Sanchez oli ka tema panus sees. Inter hakkab nüüd skautimisse rohkem investeerima kui varem, sellest kirjutab ka Internews.


                    Manchester United have had 18 full-time managers since 1892. Inter have had 18 Coaches since Massimo Moratti took over in 1995!

                    Antonio Labbate ‏ @antoniolabbate


                      Külalised tulid.


                        jokers to the right
                        clowns to the left of me


                          Said juba eile tagasi... Moratti käis eile salaja San Siro vihmuteid kinni panemas (parandatud).

                          Või õigemini saatis ta Ranieri seda tegema... siiski on mees me palgalehel veel ja pidi mingi ülesande saama endal.


                            Inter chief Moratti puts Villas-Boas pursuit on hold following advice from Mourinho

                            Ei oska öelda, kui tõsiselt sellist juttu võtta, aga üsnagi huvitav avaldus oleks selline.


                              Minu esimene lootus on siiski see, et Stramaccioni jääb.

                              Vaatame ära, mida ta suudab.

                              Nii kiiret nüüd pole, et järsku AVB, Bielsa, Blanc ja kõik see ports mehi eest ära kaovad.


                                Muidugi, ma ootan suure huviga, kas ja mida ta üldse suudab ära teha.

