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Milano Inter

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    Oot, alles kaks nädalat tagasi oli seis umbes selline--AVB, või ei oot, äkki ikka Pep või oot, ehk ikka AVB, samas on ka Blanc, või ikka Pep.
    Nüüd võidetakse mingi karikas ja uus messias on saabunud? Millisest hetkest see uus nägu valikuks number üks sai? Pärast või enne finaali? Poolfinaalis?


      Siis kui talle põhitiim kätte anti.


        Ennustan faili!!! Ja eeldan, et te juba valmistate omapoolseid OH-NOOOOOO plakateid Lazio mänguks. Hooaja alguses tegin nalja, aga hetkel on asjad täpselt teispidi...olete madalamal, kui muda ja teete meile teene tagasi.
        Mis kõige hullem...täna päeval mõtlesin selle peale. Sneijder oli täielik kunn natuke aega tagasi...aga hetkel tänu Interile võib tõesti öelda Who the fuck is Sneijder! Kurb!
        1.totti koondisesse.
        2.Money talks bullshit(totti) walks.
        3."Miks mind feminiinseks peetakse"-F.Totti
        "Kui Tottil oleks mu*nn oleks ta mees"-George W. Bush


          Noh, eks ole kõigil tõusud ja mõõnad. Alati ei saagi hästi minna.


            Vihmutid 44 sek. Aga lahja ja ei tundu meelega tagasi tegemine.


              Algselt postitas orbitaaljaam Vaata postitust
              Millisest hetkest see uus nägu valikuks number üks sai? Pärast või enne finaali? Poolfinaalis?
              siis, kui pandi tähele sarnasust


                No nii võiks musta mambaga ta teda võrrelda ...
                The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of the darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy My brothers. And you will know I am the Lord when I lay My vengeance upon you.


                  Algselt postitas Uuu Vaata postitust
                  Sneijder oli täielik kunn natuke aega tagasi...aga hetkel tänu Interile võib tõesti öelda Who the fuck is Sneijder! Kurb!
                  Aga just tänu Interile Sneider üldse kunn oligi.
                  "I like an aggressive team, I want to see a team that is strong, committed and quick on the break.
                  These are things which Atletico fans have always liked, it helps them identify with and love this shirt."


                    Väga hea artikkel James Horncastle'ilt Stramaccioni kohta:

                    If Andrea Stramaccioni was still in need of a reminder that Inter has a reputation as a club for which craziness is nothing out of the ordinary, then seeing Mario Balotelli gate-crash his first news conference as its new manager on Tuesday afternoon left him under no further illusion.

                    On returning to his seat after shaking the former Inter striker's hand, he expressed surprise, made a little joke and gave a shrug. Stramaccioni was unfazed. He has done his best throughout his life to be prepared for anything.

                    Reflecting on his sudden promotion from his position as coach of Inter's principal youth team, the Primavera, Stramaccioni struck the right balance between having confidence in his own abilities and conveying humility at receiving the chance to take charge of a club that until the end of last year was the reigning world champion.

                    Asked whether he felt like this was his destiny, Stramaccioni replied: "More than anything I'd say I feel lucky." He spoke of watching and admiring the first team from "the other side of the bushes" at Inter's training ground. It evokes the image of a curious kid spying on the grownups. To put that into some perspective, Javier Zanetti is his senior by nearly two and a half years.

                    Yet don't labor under the misapprehension that the young Stramaccioni is wet behind the ears. He feels ready for this job. "I am not afraid," he insisted. "I don't even feel like I am running the risk of being burned by it. Coaching Inter, for whoever does my job, is a dream. I have been asked to bring back enthusiasm and get my ideas across. I only have one certainty, and that's my work. I believe in it."

                    The self-assurance he exudes is just one of the reasons he has inevitably been dubbed Stra-Mou-ccioni or The Stramacci-One. On the one hand, the nametag represents nostalgia for Jose Mourinho. His shadow continues to loom large over the club. It came as no surprise on Tuesday night when Mourinho broke his recent media silence after Real Madrid's 3-0 win against APOEL in the Champions League, that he chose not to talk about his current team but to maintain his personality cult at Inter by suggesting, as he always does with his former clubs, that "one day I will return."

                    Stramaccioni knows exactly what game Mourinho is playing not least because he played it himself during his official unveiling by presenting the image that he is close to the fans. "I watched Inter play Marseille from the Curva," he revealed. "The passion impressed me. Seeing the supporters cry touched me deeply." A shared understanding of the power of communication aside, it will ultimately be facts, not words, that substantiate the comparisons between Stramaccioni and Mourinho.

                    He is without question one of Italy's brightest coaching prospects. In his column for La Gazzetta dello Sport, Arrigo Sacchi likened the hiring of Stramaccioni to when "Joan Laporta entrusted Barcelona to Pep Guardiola," drawing the parallel that they both had great success with their clubs' youth teams. Such an opinion from one of the most respected and influential tacticians of all time carries weight. So what's the story behind Stramaccioni's rise to prominence?

                    Born in Rome to a well-to-do family, his background isn't typical of most footballers. Stramaccioni's father is an architect, and his mother an Italian and Latin teacher. That's not unimportant. Structure. Composition. They're all things that come in handy when it comes to coaching. As a boy, Stramaccioni showed promise as a center back at local side Romulea. He was thought of as among the best in the capital and went on to represent it in a regional championship, playing on the same team as Alessandro Nesta, Francesco Totti and Marco Di Vaio.

                    Recognizing his potential, Bologna drafted Stramaccioni into its academy, but a knee injury suffered while playing for their under-20s, which was made worse by one of his surgeries, brought a premature end to his playing career. Stramaccioni went to law school instead, writing his thesis on the Bosman and Calciopoli rulings, before trying his hand at coaching.

                    Everything he touched turned to gold. Stramaccioni led the Zeta Sport under-16s to a national title and the Romulea under-14s to a couple of regional championships. One of his former players, Umberto Improta, recalled to Il Corriere dello Sport what it was like working under him. "Strama knew how to transmit this extraordinary motivational charge. There were newspaper articles on the walls. Chalkboards with tactics on them. We thought that this was what it was like in the professional game, not among the amateurs."

                    His achievements didn't go unnoticed. Stramaccioni received a phone call from Bruno Conti, the head of Roma's academy, and was offered a job at his hometown club. He didn't disappoint. Stramaccioni won the equivalent of the Scudetto with the under-14s in 2007 and the under-16s in 2010. Again, his eye for detail and painstaking preparation marked him out as a cut above the rest. La Repubblica related an anecdote from the coach of Bari's under-16s who was shocked to discover that his team had been secretly filmed by one of Stramaccioni's assistants. No wonder one of its set pieces, which had caused all sorts of havoc against everyone else in the division, had been figured out by Stramaccioni's Roma.

                    Conti planned to offer Stramaccioni the Primavera bench, but politically it was impossible. Its current incumbent, Daniele De Rossi's father, Alberto, could not be asked to step aside for the obvious reason that it would cause a problem between the club and one of its best players. The time had come for Stramaccioni to move on, and there was no shortage of takers. Inter went above and beyond to lure him to Appiano Gentile as a replacement for Fulvio Pea, and he has more than lived up to expectation.

                    Last weekend, Stramaccioni looked on as Inter's under-20s overcame Ajax in a penalty shootout to win the inaugural NextGen series, a competition that aspires to be the Champions League of youth football. He had been up until late the night before watching tape of his team's penalty takers with the goalkeeper Raffaele Di Gennaro. As usual, Stramaccioni's meticulousness paid off. In attendance at the final in London was Inter's president, Massimo Moratti. What he saw caught his imagination. Could Stramaccioni be the answer to problems of the club's first team? Who better to oversee the rejuvenation of an aging squad than the man responsible for getting stars of the future like Lorenzo Crisetig, Daniel Bessa and Samuele Longo to fulfill their potential?

                    There was a buzz about Stramaccioni. It was a marked contrast to the malaise over on the other side of the bushes. Sunday's 2-0 defeat to Juventus, the 10th of Claudio Ranieri's spell in charge of Inter, added to the depression. But it wasn't necessarily curtains for him. For an hour or so, Inter had, relatively speaking, played its best football under his tenure. Door-stepped outside his offices on Monday afternoon, Moratti was pressed on whether Ranieri would keep his job until the end of the season. "I think so," he said.

                    Five hours later, a statement was released. Moratti, impulsive as ever, had changed his mind. Stramaccioni was to become his third manager this season and his fifth since Mourinho left after winning the treble in 2010. When Milan plays Inter in May, its boss Max Allegri will have faced a different coach in each of the five derbies he has participated in these past two seasons. It's a damning indictment. Nothing has changed at Inter, except the managers, of course, which tells its own story -- namely that the problem lies not with the tacticians but elsewhere, in particular with the players and the board.

                    Which begs the question: Can Stramaccioni realistically triumph where his predecessors have failed? There's a lot to admire in his appointment. It does indicate that Inter is perhaps genuinely serious about heading in a new direction. By handing the reins to Stramaccioni, who Moratti for now insists is not a caretaker, Inter appears to be thinking long-term. But since when has that ever been in the club's vocabulary?

                    Moratti gave a very revealing insight into his outlook on football only a couple of weeks ago when he said: "A sensible idea might be to start thinking about the future not in immediate terms and build an essentially young team. The problem is that if after three games everything doesn't go well, you start to regret it."

                    Starting with Genoa this weekend, Stramaccioni has nine matches to persuade Moratti to trust in youth. It might be the beginning of a new cycle for Inter. Then again, it could also be Groundhog Day.
                    Esimesel mängul paistab, et (kahjuks) loodetakse rohkem vanade meeste peale. Nädala sees on iga päev 3-4 noort põhitiimiga treeninud ja kahjuks on Bessa vigastatud hetkel, aga homseks on näiteks Marko Livaja mängule kutsutud. Koosseisu koha peal on suur küsimus see, kas Poli ja Guarin mängivad koos või istub Guarin pingil. Zarate saab vist uue võimaluse 4-3-3 formatsioonis Milito ja Forlaniga.


                      28 minutit ja 2-0. Algus on paljulubav.


                        Tuju on meestel hea, mäng on hea, vanurid teevad väga head esitust. Lucio sööt Samuelile ja värav peab küll Aprillinali olema.

                        Guarin 2 poolajal sisse.


                          Lõpuks lasti ikka üks ära panna. Karta oli ka, poolajaks juba 8 nurka Genoa kasuks. Üleüldiselt võib vägagi rahul olla, täiesti teine hingamine tiimil ning mänguisu tundub üldiselt suurem olevat, kui Ranieri ajal.

                          Teist poolaega kahjuks ei näe, aga loodan parimat!


                            Oli ikka vaja see värav lõpus sisse lasta. Kui Genoa selle korneri viimasel minutil sai siis oli kohe tunne, et mehed kindlasti mõtetes juba riietusruumis ja lasevad ära lüüa.


                              Nurgalöögid tõmbavad hinge kinni igakord. Õnnelik värav neile, nüüd tuleb lihtsalt Militol 3s lüüa ja 5 võiks meile kokku tulla. Sama pressiga ka teisel poolajal.


                                Tundub et treenerikohal tehtud noorenduskuur mõjub. Viimati lõite üle 2 värava Palermole (4äravat). Muidugi D.Milito abiga on tulnud enamus teie väravaid, mõni mängija võiks oma palgast loobuda interis ja anda see Militole preemiaks. Igastahes on uus treener meeskonnale hästi mõjunud.
                                FORZA ANCHE SAMP E GENOA

                                Matteo Pessina e Nicolò Barella “Perché non hanno vinto loro? Perché sono invidiosi, gelosi”

