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Milano Inter

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    John Alieu Carew on hea mees ründesse, omal ajal mäletan, et Fifas paugutasin temaga kõvasti kolle.Arvestades, et tal on Romaga itaalias kogemus olemas ja väga suur flop ta polnud, siis lühikeseks perioodiks parem ikka kui mittemidagi seal ees, arvestades tema pikkust ja jõulisust, siis standardites ja peapallides kahtlemata ohtlik mees, olgugi, et ta vorm võib tänu Kihnu Liigale olla hetkel hullem kui Voskoboinikovil, aga 300 000 ja 4 kuud on hästi räägitud Moratti poolt.

    Rocchi assisteerimas Carewt, usun, et selline tandemiga hirmutatakse nii mõnigi vastane ära ja võetakse korralikult punkte, peaaegu 2 meetrise koljatiga võib seda scudettot isegi mägede tagant näha olla!!!


      Carew puhul 15 päeva aega poodi tagastada.


        Ja saadeti juba pikalt. Arvata oli, et ta pole mitte ligilähedaseski vormis.


          Moratti jutu järgi olevat Rocchi treeningutel head vormi näidanud. No on meil muid variante?!?!
          Please don't call me arrogant, but I'm European champion and I think I'm a special one!!!
          I veri tifosi non seguono l'Inter, sono l'Inter!!!


            Nonii, Nagatomo hooaeg võib samuti läbi olla. Kuidagi jube hästi joppab nende vigastustega see hooaeg. Joel Obi elab üldse? 4 korda platsile pääsenud see hooaeg kõigi võistluste peale kokku. Mis tal üldse viga on?


              Nagatomo pidi 3 n2dalat olema eemal. Rocchi alustab Catania vastu algkoosseisus.
              Obi vigastus on mystika.
              Interil nende vigastustega veab! Hea punt on eemal.
              Sry aga ma ei saa endiselt aru, miks Livaja pidi Atalantasse saatma ja Rocchi tooma?
              V2ga kuri noorenduskuurkyllmeil!!!
              Please don't call me arrogant, but I'm European champion and I think I'm a special one!!!
              I veri tifosi non seguono l'Inter, sono l'Inter!!!


                Väike intervjuu Morattiga, kus teemaks Interi müümine, uus staadion, treenerid, lepingud jne.

                Massimo Moratti speaks exclusively to Tuttossport on several different subjects related to the world of Inter including the dreaded will to sell the club. “Will I sell Inter? I think that everything was born with the Chinese investors who expressed the interest to manage the club. Then there were other connections in Europe and the East,” said Moratti. But is it true that there was contact with Lazard bank to test waters? “Yes, I will admit. I know the Lazard company very well. It is a bank that has a lot of experience in dealing with mergers and acquisitions. The line, however, is the Chinese. I am looking for a partner to build a new stadium. Percentage? It does not matter because I am staying with 51% minimum. It is important that the stadium is something that belongs to the club and there are also potential American buyers. Other than partnership, we will build a new stadium. I want a modern home of Inter, but not too modern. It has to function well and represents the style of the city. I have a number of projects on the table and one of which intrigues me very much. Obviously we need the laws to expedite the paperwork.”

                THE DESIRE TO GIVE UP EVERYTHING – “Many times I have been tempted to sell the club. I think that this thought has happened to all except Andrea Agnelli because he has just became Juventus president. I will sell the club if the time is right because after a while, you need a change of faces at this club and increase the need for new ideas. Selling a club comes to mind for many reasons but then… I think of the fans and the confidence that they still have in me. To them I would say that I will not let them down.”

                REBUILDING INTER – “Evidently we have chosen a lower profile but it had already happened with the Grande Inter. We must lay the foundation for the future and must have patience. The season of rebuilding is passing by. At first there were many obstacles and then the situation got better and now we are well on our way. Revolution in June? Patience is necessary to be able to resist temptation. The constraints come from the opponents. When they buy a champion and what do you do? You would think that we would open ourselves up to spend but that argument is no longer sustainable.”

                RONALDO AND CALCIOPOLI – “Ronaldo was the most intelligent acquisition of my management, made by me personally. But now, it would be unthinkable. Once I felt obliged to try to win but there was Calciopoli. Fantastic team, fantastic bench but nothing: we just could not win. Now it seems to me that Calciopoli is over, more or less. At least we hope. After seven years, I believe that I am no longer waking up to a nasty disease because it has been eradicated. Now I think football is cleaner. Before there was an criminal organization and now there is the betting scandal but that is another story. I want to clarify that with Andrea Agnelli, the relationship is good and I love him. He is young, a gentleman and very good at what he does. Among us there is affection and even alliance in Lega where we share the same ideas and plans. Galliani? He has his own winning tactic. He likes to have the levers of power but he is a very well prepared person.”

                CHAMPIONS LEAGUE, STRAMA AND MOURINHO - “The Champions League is worth 30 million and also the foundation on which our work is based on. It is a matter of survival. With Stramaccioni, we cannot make the same arguments made with more mature colleagues. He has a lot of strengths and so that is why I am very careful not to throw those strengths way. Mourinho? With Jose there is a lot of affection. Maybe at Real they do not appreciate when he said “We Interisti…” When he entered into the dressing room, it was like one thousand lamps got lit up. Then Bentiez, completely different and… let’s forget it…”

                THE ARGENTINIANS, CASSANO, ICARDI AND… – “Zanetti is not going to stop, he will continue. Have you seen him running? Milito and Cambiasso are two that want to do well at Inter and available are two new and reduced contracts. We will talk but there will not be problems of any kind. Samuel? No, he is not going to retire. Yes he has had a lot of battles on his back but he is still a rock in the defense. And Cassano still has a year of contract with us. Then there is Icardi: he would be our reinforcement if we are able to close it with Sampdoria. But he is not the vice-Milito, who is injured in a very weird and unfortunate way. Milito is still fired up and charged for next season. However, I see Icardi doing very well for us. Livaja? We are regretful to have sold him but Schelotto got that goal in the derby. Let’s go back to Livaja. He was not going to stay and had to leave to play but then Milito immediately got injured right after. Carew is a good person but it would take him a month to get in shape.”

                TREBLE AND REBUILDING – “After the treble, there was no need to fold everything, no reason to revolutionize the team. There must be the correct opportunities on the transfer market. Eto’o and Balotelli then left. And also the coach. The dilemma was: continue with the champions that perhaps were satisfied (of winning many trophies) or focus on the young players those that would need three years to understand how Inter work and how to win. We are in rebuilding mode and in football it takes patience.



                  Tundub, et Cassano on omi vanu trikke tegemas jälle. GdS väidab, et Stramaccioni ja Cassano läksid kättpidi üksteisele kallale. Nagu probleeme vähe oleks, nüüd vaja kaklema ka minna. Stramaccionil pressikas varsti, näis mis räägib.


                    1.totti koondisesse.
                    2.Money talks bullshit(totti) walks.
                    3."Miks mind feminiinseks peetakse"-F.Totti
                    "Kui Tottil oleks mu*nn oleks ta mees"-George W. Bush


                      Goalkeepers: 1 Samir Handanovic, 30 Juan Pablo Carrizo, 77 Raffaele Di Gennaro;

                      Defenders: 4 Javier Zanetti, 26 Cristian Chivu, 28 Simone Pasa, 31 Alvaro Pereira, 33 Ibrahima Mbaye, 40 Juan Jesus, 42 Jonathan;

                      Midfielders: 5 Dejan Stankovic, 7 Ezequiel Schelotto, 10 Mateo Kovacic, 11 Ricky Alvarez, 14 Fredy Guarin, 17 Zdravko Kuzmanovic, 19 Esteban Cambiasso, 21 Walter Gargano, 24 Marco Benassi;

                      Forwards: 8 Rodrigo Palacio, 18 Tommaso Rocchi, 47 Matteo Colombi.

                      Cassano jäeti siis välja, aga Tottenhami mänguks peaks tagasi olema jällegi. Saabki puhata pisut. Strama sõnul mingit füüsilist kontakti polnud. Kas see ka tõsi on? Kurat seda teab.

                      “There was no physical contact, it was just a discussion. It annoys me that it was reported outside the training ground, as these things should stay behind closed doors. Antonio is one of the players I have used the most.

                      “Leaving Cassano out was my decision. It happened in the locker room and we shouldn’t make a big deal of it. Whoever leaked this story outside clearly does not want what’s best for Inter. The locker room is sacred.

                      “Cassano will be called up for the Europa League game with Tottenham next week. This is my decision and he is not being punished, nor frozen out. Fredy Guarin and Ricky Alvarez are crucial to cover the gaps at the moment.


                        Stramal pinged peal. Cassano polnud millegagi rahul mängu süsteemis. Kuigi jah...normaalne see õhkkond küll enam pole!
                        Balotelli asi ka Citys sama asi oli. Mancini üritas ka pärast mingit udu ajada pressikal.
                        Sellised asjad unustagu ära! Mängida on vaja!! CL koht maksab!!!

                        Probable.....(4-2-3-1): Handanovic; Pereira, Chivu, Juan, Zanetti; Gargano, Kuzmanovic; Alvarez, Guarin, Schelotto; Rocchi

                        Coutinho lustis jälle Wigani vastu. Mitu, mitu värava söötu....

                        Cassano asi aga on äge! Asi võib mõjutada ka lepingu pikendamist...kuigi vend just mingi aeg tagasi ütles välja,et on maha rahunenud ja eelnevad lollused on ajalugu. Mõni vend ei muutu eal...

                        It is also possible this incident will stall contract renegotiations with Inter.

                        This is the latest in a long line of bust-ups for Cassano, who also had huge rows with Fabio Capello at Real Madrid, Gigi Del Neri at Roma, Sampdoria President Riccardo Garrone and Milan Vice-President Adriano Galliani.

                        He was also repeatedly left out of the Italy squad by Marcello Lippi.
                        Please don't call me arrogant, but I'm European champion and I think I'm a special one!!!
                        I veri tifosi non seguono l'Inter, sono l'Inter!!!


                          Cassano trall on igati positiivne kui kaugemale vaadata.

                          A) Ta ei saa uut lepingut.
                          B) Ta saab puhata.


                            No nüüd on suht selge, et ta suvel maha müüakse. Cassano + raha ja vastu Icardi oleks kõige parem variant.

                            Kuulujuttude põhjal hakkas kogu jama nalja pärast mida Cassano tegi Mourinho üle.


                              Vaevalt, et Sampdoria Cassanot endale tahab


                                Algselt postitas Solfice Vaata postitust
                                No nüüd on suht selge, et ta suvel maha müüakse. Cassano + raha ja vastu Icardi oleks kõige parem variant.

                                Kuulujuttude põhjal hakkas kogu jama nalja pärast mida Cassano tegi Mourinho üle.
                                Icardi jaoks uksed kindlasti lahti. Loodetavasti ei lähe asjad nii nagu seda Brasiilia klouni taga ajades( Paulinho).
                                Mis nalja Cassano tegi?
                                Please don't call me arrogant, but I'm European champion and I think I'm a special one!!!
                                I veri tifosi non seguono l'Inter, sono l'Inter!!!

