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Milano Inter

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    Indonesian businessman Erick Thohir has made a €280m offer for an 80 per cent share in Inter, according to reports.

    Renowned journalist Marco Bellinazzo of Ore 24 has claimed that the 42-year-old entrepreneur made the offer to President Massimo Moratti on Wednesday, with the club expected to make a decision within the next 48 hours.

    Nüüd siis reaalne pakkumine! Moratti mõtleb....

    It is understood that the Nerazzurri are looking for a cash injection to boost the squad’s competitiveness next season as well as investment to fund a new stadium.

    What is unclear however, is whether Moratti would be willing to give up such a large stake in the club he inherited from his father Angelo.

    100 milli oleks siis mängijate ostuks.
    Vaevalt Moratti sellega nõus on...
    Please don't call me arrogant, but I'm European champion and I think I'm a special one!!!
    I veri tifosi non seguono l'Inter, sono l'Inter!!!


      Algselt postitas Solfice Vaata postitust
      Kas agent mitte ei öelnud, et see on täielik jama?

      Sellised uudised on vaid siis õiged, kui nimi paberil...ehk siis ametlik...enne seda tehakse ulme liigutusi...Paulinho, Lavezzi jne...
      Please don't call me arrogant, but I'm European champion and I think I'm a special one!!!
      I veri tifosi non seguono l'Inter, sono l'Inter!!!


        Moratti: "Paulinho, easier in June"

        Juuni on kohe käes.


          “I feel very sorry for the players and fans, but I do not mind at all for others at the club that Inter finished only ninth this season and that the coach had to go,” Sneijder told De Telegraaf . “They did not even qualify for European football and I hope this has made the people in charge think about what’s happening at the club. What’s happened is not Inter-worthy. “Inter tried to break me time and time again. Had I not had such a strong personality, I would have hung up my boots. “A lot of people at the club are not worthy of my trust and respect. I had a lot of difficult moments, but what happened has made me stronger in the end.”


            Algselt postitas Solfice Vaata postitust
            “I feel very sorry for the players and fans, but I do not mind at all for others at the club that Inter finished only ninth this season and that the coach had to go,” Sneijder told De Telegraaf . “They did not even qualify for European football and I hope this has made the people in charge think about what’s happening at the club. What’s happened is not Inter-worthy. “Inter tried to break me time and time again. Had I not had such a strong personality, I would have hung up my boots. “A lot of people at the club are not worthy of my trust and respect. I had a lot of difficult moments, but what happened has made me stronger in the end.”
            2 varianti Sneijeder is a pussy of the year or Sneijder got the pussy of the yea. Ma annaks hääle esimesele. Hea et lahti saite 7 koht on käega katsutav!
            So self aware so full of shit


              Ezequiel Schelotto is said to be on the market after just six months at Inter, as Torino are interested.

              The Italian international of Argentine descent only arrived from Atalanta in January, but failed to impress other than scoring a goal in the Milan derby.

              According to TMW, Schelotto has been placed on the transfer market by new Coach Walter Mazzarri.

              He would be available for around €6.5m and Torino are said to be interested.

              Väga head uudised! Mulle Mazzarri juba meeldib
              Please don't call me arrogant, but I'm European champion and I think I'm a special one!!!
              I veri tifosi non seguono l'Inter, sono l'Inter!!!


                Oli siis vaja tema pärast pool Livajat + mingi 4-5 milli maksta? Management at its best!


                  Algselt postitas Solfice Vaata postitust
                  Oli siis vaja tema pärast pool Livajat + mingi 4-5 milli maksta? Management at its best!
                  Ägedamad uudised veel liiguvad...Gilardino jutud...ma ei tea kuidas saab kogu aeg ämbrisse astuda!?! Moratti hoiab veel hammastega Interist ka kinni...nädal mõtlemisaega.
                  Please don't call me arrogant, but I'm European champion and I think I'm a special one!!!
                  I veri tifosi non seguono l'Inter, sono l'Inter!!!


                    Paulinho seebi ooperil siis j2rgmine osa. Tehing tehtud Brasiilia lehe v2itel. Hind vennal 16 milli.
                    Itaalia lehed aga v2idavad, et mingit tehingut pole Londonis, CL finaali ajal tehtud.
                    Paulinho alustas muidu algkoosseisus Inglaste vastu.
                    Please don't call me arrogant, but I'm European champion and I think I'm a special one!!!
                    I veri tifosi non seguono l'Inter, sono l'Inter!!!


                      Mingid jutud, et Icardi medical Neljap2eval.
                      Paulinho seebika j2rgmine osa:
                      tyyp tahab tulla ja hinnasilt yle 20 milli.
                      Please don't call me arrogant, but I'm European champion and I think I'm a special one!!!
                      I veri tifosi non seguono l'Inter, sono l'Inter!!!


                        Homme kell 13:00 Mazzarri esitlemine: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature...&v=a578E6eS2Cs


                          Icardi Milaanos ja homme medical! (Y)


                            I didn't leave Napoli to come to Inter, or to go to Russia or anywhere else. At that point, having made the decision to leave Napoli, I might have taken a year off if I hadn't received an offer that really motivated me. I had lots of offers, one of which was from Inter and the president wanted to meet me. I was totally taken. I felt ready and up for it so I chose to go down this new path with Inter. I just want to go on record and explain what happened again so that people don't twist things."


                              BMD_IMwCUAAhE7f.png large.jpg

                              Branca Fantast ostud! Vend hetkel ka veel ei suuda end kuidagi käima tõmmata...tropp!!
                              Teised tiimid ostavad ja sõlmivad lepinguid. Meie omad vaid lasevad sadu nimesid läbi aga kaugemale ei jõua! Raskeks läheb Mazzarril Brancaga! :P
                              Please don't call me arrogant, but I'm European champion and I think I'm a special one!!!
                              I veri tifosi non seguono l'Inter, sono l'Inter!!!


