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Milano Inter

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    Jonathan on Mazzarri kindel valik olnud seni. Samas nagu siiani sitta pole pannud. Oleks üks ime juba Mazzarri poolt, kui suudab Jonathani mängima panna.
    Please don't call me arrogant, but I'm European champion and I think I'm a special one!!!
    I veri tifosi non seguono l'Inter, sono l'Inter!!!


      Inter winger Ezequiel Schelotto confirmed he’ll undergo a medical with Sassuolo tomorrow. “I want to have a great year.”

      You make my day!
      Please don't call me arrogant, but I'm European champion and I think I'm a special one!!!
      I veri tifosi non seguono l'Inter, sono l'Inter!!!


        Võõrsil 3:0 Catania vastu. Väravad Palacio, Nagatomo ja Alvarez. Catania kodus on alati ohtlik. Seis räägib ühte, kuidas mäng ise?
        Mängu kahjux ise ei näinud.
        Järgmisena kodus Juve!
        Forza Inter!
        Please don't call me arrogant, but I'm European champion and I think I'm a special one!!!
        I veri tifosi non seguono l'Inter, sono l'Inter!!!


          Peab rahule jääma, Catania oli ohtlik kuni oli aeg lüüa, nii et neil täna midagi väga välja ei tulnud. Üldiselt võib tiimiga rahule jääda, eriti teine poolaeg. Ainukesed, kes ansamblist välja langesid olid Guarin ja Kovacic, kes ka välja vahetati teine poolaeg, kuna ei saanud üldse hakkama oma sööduoskustega.
          Inter - ausaim klubi Itaalias.


            Vaatan praegu Brasiilia koondise koosseisu. No tee, mis tahad, aga ei leia sealt maailma uut parimat paremkaitsjat Jonathani!



              Hooaja algus igati hästi läinud, enda värav puhas hoitud ja Mazzarri pole veel rahul mida on igati hea kuulda. Juve vastu vaja totaalset beast mindset'i ja et mehed internationaalidest vigastusteta naasevad. Ei jõua derbyt ära oodata.


                Mul saab sbk ka läbi ja saab täpselt puhkusele selleks ajaks. Näeb üle pika aja korralikult mängu ka. Õnneks just selline kõva mäng tulemas.


                  Selline koosseis siis mängul kaasa. Milito on pingil. Mazzarri mängu panekut ei lubanud, kuid mine Sa tea....


                  Goalkeepers: 1 Samir Handanovic, 12 Luca Castellazzi, 30 Juan Pablo Carrizo;

                  Defenders: 2 Jonathan, 5 Juan Jesus, 6 Marco Andreolli, 14 Hugo Campagnaro, 18 Wallace, 23 Andrea Ranocchia, 25 Walter Samuel, 31 Alvaro Pereira, 35 Rolando, 55 Yuto Nagatomo;

                  Midfielders: 10 Mateo Kovacic, 11 Ricky Alvarez, 13 Fredy Guarin, 17 Zdravko Kuzmanovic, 19 Esteban Cambiasso, 21 Saphir Taider;
                  Forwards: 7 Ishak Belfodil, 8 Rodrigo Palacio, 9 Mauro Icardi, 22 Diego Milito.

                  “People only look at the result in Italy, but I’ve always looked at the performances,” the tactician stated. “What counts at the end of the day is being able to play as a team.

                  “A draw could be a good result, but don’t headline that I’ll be happy with a draw. I want a performance from my team, a great performance worthy of Inter. Then the result will be what it is.

                  “The mentality of my side is precise – one compact and solid to defend, but who can cause damage on the attack. We have players and tactics to cause Juventus difficulties.”
                  Please don't call me arrogant, but I'm European champion and I think I'm a special one!!!
                  I veri tifosi non seguono l'Inter, sono l'Inter!!!


                    Võrreldes eelmise aastaga on ikka mängupilt kordades etem. Ainukesena tunduvad pisut tagasi andnud olevat Guarin ja Juan, kes pole nagu enam nii teravad. Icardi üle hea meel, suutis jälle skoorida Juve vastu ja esimese Interi eest. Igati tubli esitlus temalt. Kahju muidugi, et peale Icardi väravat lõpetati mängimine, oleks pidanud seda hoogu üleval hoidma. Kiitma peab mõlemaid väravavahet, maailmatasemel tõrjed mõlemalt poolt.


                      1:1 oli kõva tulemus. Kuigi 1:0 ette, lasti jalad sirgu ja lõpus oli juba Juvel võimalus 2:1 lüüa.
                      Samal ajal Privmavera võitis Pescarat: 3:1!
                      Please don't call me arrogant, but I'm European champion and I think I'm a special one!!!
                      I veri tifosi non seguono l'Inter, sono l'Inter!!!


                        Algselt postitas Solfice Vaata postitust
                        Ainukesena tunduvad pisut tagasi andnud olevat Guarin ja Juan, kes pole nagu enam nii teravad.
                        Ole ikka, see polnud nüüd küll mingi teravus mis eelmine aasta tehti !
                        "I like an aggressive team, I want to see a team that is strong, committed and quick on the break.
                        These are things which Atletico fans have always liked, it helps them identify with and love this shirt."


                          Sheffidel on siis äri lõuna!!!

                          Inter chief Massimo Moratti will meet with Indonesian businessman Erick Thohir on Thursday for further talks about the sale of Inter.

                          According to the Gazzetta dello Sport, the two men are in Paris as they look to wrap up lengthy discussions about the Nerazzurri’s future.

                          Oil tycoon Moratti is apparently on the verge of selling a 70 per cent stake of his beloved Nerazzurri to Thohir.
                          Please don't call me arrogant, but I'm European champion and I think I'm a special one!!!
                          I veri tifosi non seguono l'Inter, sono l'Inter!!!


                            Räägitakse et tint pandi paberile.


                              Tänase GdSi esikaane lugu tõlgituna inglise keelde: http://fedenerazzurra.com/2013/09/19...hohir-reached/


                                MILAN – (Statistics by Football Data) Inter are on the verge of playing their 2700th match in Serie A. That's the number the Nerazzurri will reach when they take on top-flight newcomers Sassuolo next Sunday. The figure includes all regular-season fixtures (not play-offs) since a single national league was formed in 1929/30.

                                Inter will be the first Italian team to reach this milestone, as they are the only club to have spent every season in the top flight.

                                The numbers from the first 2699 games read W1338, D757, L604, with 4532 goals for and 2699 against.

                                16 of Inter's 18 league titles have come during the national championship era.

                                Javier Zanetti holds the most appearances (603 and rising) while Giuseppe Meazza is the highest goalscorer (195).
                                Loodan, et Mazzarri on suutnud tiimi niivõrd paikka timmida, et enam ei kaotata punkte relegatsiooni tiimide vastu nagu viimastel aastatel Siena ja Novara vastu.

