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Milano Inter

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    Candreva tuli 70. minutil ja tegi rohkem pahandust, kui ülejäänud meeskond ennem kokku. Kahju, et Keita selle imelise 3-2 sitter võimaluse nurjas. Oleks veel päris põnev mäng tulnud. Aga noh mäng oligi lahe....lihtsalt Laziol polnud kedagi tahapoole keskvälja....aaa mingi Kana ja Peerisha oli.
    1.totti koondisesse.
    2.Money talks bullshit(totti) walks.
    3."Miks mind feminiinseks peetakse"-F.Totti
    "Kui Tottil oleks mu*nn oleks ta mees"-George W. Bush


      „In this world, I'm not afraid from anyone, except from Zanetti“ - Marco Materazzi

      "The true icon in the world of football" - Roberto Mancini

      „He never said that he wants to be like me, but I want to be like him“ - Roberto Baggio

      „He taught me how to be a captain“ - Fabio Cannavaro

      „When you are on the pitch, you usually watch your coach, but with Zanetti, he is the coach“ - Wesley Sneijder

      „I knew the nature creates miracles, but couldn't believe this player is one of those. He showed me his passport, and i couldn't believe, 36 years old player to play like 25, or 29“ - Jose Mourinho

      „Every player wants to be like Javier“ - Jose Mourinho

      Zanetti? It's hard to find words to describe him, he is an example for all of us, and we, as an Argentineans, must be proud of him, because he made history in this club“ - Diego Milito

      „I'm very afraid from the calm Zanetti.“ - Lionel Zanetti

      „The enemy I respect the most“ - Paolo Maldini

      „Zanetti? Only one word, PERFECTION“ - Esteban Cambiasso

      „If I had 10% of Zanettis abilities, I'd be the best player in the world“ - Davide Santon

      „Even when you make mistakes during the game, there's no nervous expression at all on Zanettis face, he will help you and tell you what to do to get better“ - Maicon

      „If you want to learn how to become real sportsman, please call Zanetti“ - Fabio Capello

      „Zanetti is one of my all time favorite players. He plays every game, covers every part of the pitch. That's why he has 145 games for Argentina“ Phil Neville

      „The best opponent I have faced is Javier Zanetti. I met him for the first time in 99, in CLs 1/4 final. He was right back, I was left winger. He impressed me with his qualities: fast, powerful, intelligent, experienced. I played against him two more times. He was the best opponent i have ever faced. Excellent example for all of us“ - Ryan Giggs.

      „He is excellent player, but my friendship with him goes beyond the pitch, he is an example for everyone“ - Cordoba

      „With Javier we played for a long time together, and for 22 years he is strong as a bull and does everything a professional should do, Everything'. I don't know any other player that can do the same. He played all those games without getting tired.“ - Alvaro Recoba

      „Extremely hard worker, he doesn't lose the ball. He rarely was losing it, and the ball itself was like glued to his feet. That day when i first thought this, he will be in Inters history“ - Giuseppe Bergomi.

      „He is the strongest player I have ever seen“ SAF

      „The only thing I haven't seen in Zanettis behavior is the anger“ - Diego Simeone

      „If you want to be a proper football player, see Zanetti“ Pierluigi Collina

      „I don't know Zanetti in person, but if you pay attention to his abilities, behavior and influence outside the pitch, value 100 is not enough to be given for him“ Arsene Wenger

      „Inter still wasn't mine when a tape arrived from Argentina with u20 players that was given for me to watch Ariel Ortega. I watched the game, but not whole, Ortega didn't impress me. But instead, I saw something weird. I was under spell from a young fullback I haven't seen before: He defended well at the back, attacked well at the front, could dribble past few players at the same time. We signed him right away and he is still with us. I discovered that he comes from the planet Krypton, and will play for 4 or 5 more years at Inter. His name is Javier Zanetti and is still with us, even though he is the first player I have ever bought“ - Massimo Moratti


        Kahjuks ei näinud mängu kuna kükitan relvaga metsas aga vaatan kunagi kindlasti järgi. Kurb, üks ajastu on lõppenud aga kunagi pidi see juhtuma. Õnneks näeb teda väljaku ääres edasi teises rollis. Forza Zanetti! Forza Il Capitano!


          Totti ka tervitab

          “Players like Javier are not just symbolic or emblems who represent a club for many years, but are also real champions who will remain in the history of this sport for their behaviour, professionalism and obviously their attachment to the jersey.
          “Pupi, a strong embrace and thank you for all you’ve done for world football. You are a legend for all of us.”


            Pole minu asi võõrastes teemades kondamas käia, aga Zanetti ees võtan mütsi maha ja teen sügava kummarduse. Respect!


              Mida aeg edasi, seda vähem selliseid legende jalgpallis järel on. Tõeliselt hea ja geniaalne jalgpallur.


                Pärast tänast siis kõik legendid läinud...

                Seega uus Il Capitano on Ranocchia. Hehe



                  Teie uus särk.
                  FORZA ANCHE SAMP E GENOA

                  Matteo Pessina e Nicolò Barella “Perché non hanno vinto loro? Perché sono invidiosi, gelosi”


                    Algises tundus ülimslt veider aga kui nüüd uuesti vaadata siis tegelikult on päris huvitav. Õige hinnangu saab anda alles siis kui särk mängijatel seljas.


                      Minu arust on teie uue hooaja vorm päris kena. Erinevalt teie suurtest naabritest pole seda häbeneda küll tarvis.
                      The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of the darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy My brothers. And you will know I am the Lord when I lay My vengeance upon you.


                        Aasta lõppes siis väga mannetult. Sarnane mäng tolle Milano derbiga, kus veeretati ja veeretati.

                        Natuke liiga palju oli neid mänge siiski hooaja kokkuvõttes ja see on kindlasti Mazzarri parandada uue hooaja taktika, ettevalmistuse ja mängijatevalikuga.

                        Aga legendidega siis kõik kahjuks. Milito aeg oli selgelt käes, Zanettil pigem ka, aga Samuel ning eriti Cambiasso oleks võinud üksjagu pakkuda vähemalt lisamängijatena. Aga ilmselt on lihtsam tõesti täielikult puhas leht ette võtta... sentimentaalsust pole enam ühegi mängijaga väljaarvatud Handa ja Kova. Seega pole mingeid vabandusi jätta meeskonna tugevus kainelt hinadama.

                        Järgmine hooaeg peaks sihtmärgiks olema minimalselt 75 punkti. Ehk siis 15 punkti vaja juurde saada ning neid punkte saab tulla väravate löömise pealt. Tänavu ikka mannetult vähe... kui paar hiigelvõitu ära võtta (Sassuolo eelkõige), siis sisuliselt halvim rünnak esikümnes.


                          "Dear Inter fans and sports fans around the world: thank you!"

                          “Thank you for having supported my family and me with your warm and loving embrace and your friendship and respect in my final matches on the pitch. It’s a beautiful lesson as regards both sport and emotion!

                          “Thank you!

                          “In my life as a footballer I put in a lot of effort when it came to training, the pitch, my relationship with the fans, in the gym after injuries and with my PUPI Foundation. During all this time I always believed that football was not only the greatest sport and the job that brings the most happiness, but that it is also functions as a school that teaches values and feelings, whether it be a game between a few friends or a match being broadcast around the world.

                          “This is what my father taught me when I worked with him as a bricklayer. And it’s what you have taught me with your love and support!

                          “Dear Inter fans, you will always remain in my heart, with our colours, our flags and our style. I hope to serve the club as a director as I did on the pitch wearing the number 4: a captain both on and off the pitch. In our trophy-winning days and our forgettable periods, we always stuck together as Interisti, and that is how we shall remain.

                          “Dear Argentina fans, I had the honour of wearing the Albiceleste shirt as a captain. With you I await another victory and I will always be a fan. Just as it was when I was a child, jumping up and down on my mother’s sofa with each goal.

                          “Dear team-mates who saluted me with your embraces – the same embraces we shared so many times on the pitch after a beautiful victory – and dear fans of the opposing teams. It is sporting rivalry that makes winning so great, and renders losing acceptable. Facing off on the pitch makes sport a model for life. It is where individuals do not count, but rather the team, and where goals scored and let in always provide a lesson.

                          “So I say thanks. This captain salutes you, but he’s not hanging up his boots: the never-ending game has only just begun!”


                            Tom Ince is about to be confirmed as Inter Milan's next signing today.


                              Kui Championshipis lammutanud Taarabt sai hakkama, siis saab ehk temagi. Tuleb tasuta ka vist, isa soovitusel muidugi.
                              Inter - ausaim klubi Itaalias.


                                Algselt postitas Halb ründaja Vaata postitust
                                Kui Championshipis lammutanud Taarabt sai hakkama, siis saab ehk temagi. Tuleb tasuta ka vist, isa soovitusel muidugi.
                                Näitab vist ära, mis tase Interil on
                                Ilma vutita olla ei saa, vajan, kui õhku ma
                                Ei tohi koju küll jääda sa, kui mängib Tammeka

