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Milano Inter

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    Interi legendid vs Reali legendid: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RxUukGOzY-Y


      Zanetti eilne ilus värav:


        Toon välja huvitavamad lükked seoses co-ownidega.


        Ishak Belfodil - Parma ostis 50% tagasi ja nii lõppeski tema seiklus Interis umbes 300 mänguminutiga. Ei tea mis sai saatuslikumaks, mööda kõmmutatud penaltid hooaja eelsetes mängudes või tema väiksem panus hooaja eelsetes treeningutes tänu paastu pidamisele. Ei suutnud peale seda enam kuidagi tiimi sisse murda. Parma seisukohast igati hea diil.

        Cristiano Biraghi - Inter take the remaining 50% of the player's rights from Cittadella;

        Alessandro Capello - Bologna take the remaining 50% of the player's rights from Inter; Tundus andekas mängumees olevat, Primavera eest mängi suht asjalikult.

        Lorenzo Crisetig - Inter take the remaining 50% of the player's rights from Parma;

        Mauro Icardi - Inter take the remaining 50% of the player's rights from Sampdoria; Erinevate allikate kohaselt läks kokku maksma umbes 11-13m€.

        Rene Krhin - Inter take the remaining 50% of the player's rights from Bologna; Toodi poiss koju tagasi. Näis kas saab mänguaega ka või niisama kohatäiteks ELi jaoks.

        Marko Livaja - Atalanta take the remaining 50% of the player's rights from Inter; Pahapoiss Livaja täielikult Atalantasse. Tema eest toodi siia Schelotto, kes on samuti lahkumas. Igati perse kukkunud diil.


        Andrea Bandini - Inter take the remaining 50% of the player's rights from Bologna;
        Niccolo Belloni - Inter take the remaining 50% of the player's rights from Modena;
        Matteo Bianchetti - co-ownership between Verona and Inter renewed;
        Riccardo Bocalon - Inter take the remaining 50% of the player's rights from Unione Venezia;
        Alessandro Cannataro - Inter take the remaining 50% of the player's rights from Livorno;
        Raffaele Dalle Vedove - Lumezzane take the remaining 50% of the player's rights from Inter;
        Lorenzo Degeri - Cremonese take the remaining 50% of the player's rights from Inter;
        Yago Del Piero - Cesena take the remaining 50% of the player's rights from Inter;
        Marco Ferrara - Inter take the remaining 50% of the player's rights from Pergolettese;
        Francesco Forte - co-ownership between Pisa and Inter renewed;
        Gianmarco Gabbianelli - Inter take the remaining 50% of the player's rights from Pro Patria;
        Davide Guglielmotti - ownership between Pro Patria and Inter resolved via silent auction;
        Manuel Gullotta - Brescia take the remaining 50% of the player's rights from Inter;
        Simone Pecorini - Cittadella take the remaining 50% of the player's rights from Inter;
        Andrea Romanò - Inter take the remaining 50% of the player's rights from Bologna;
        Saphir Taider - co-ownership between Bologna and Inter renewed;
        Lorenzo Tassi - Inter take the remaining 50% of the player's rights from Brescia;
        Giovanni Terrani - Monza take the remaining 50% of the player's rights from Inter;
        Vincenzo Tommasone - co-ownership between Genoa and Inter renewed;
        Luca Tremolada - co-ownership between Varese and Inter renewed;
        Michael Ventre - co-ownership between Genoa and Inter renewed;
        Eloge Koffi Yao Guy - Inter take the remaining 50% of the player's rights from Parma;
        Giovanni Zaro- Inter take the remaining 50% of the player's rights from Castiglione.

        Lisaks on tiimist lahkunud:

        Javier Zanetti
        Luca Castellazzi
        Walter Samuel
        Diego Milito
        Esteban Cambiasso

        Ja veel on lahkumas:

        Hugo Campagnaro
        Gaby Mudingayi
        Macdonald Mariga
        Saphir Taider
        Zdravko Kuzmanović
        ja üks kahest Alvarez või Guarin.

        Hetkel kindel tulija ainult Vidic. M'Vila tundub ka lähedal olevat.


          Number 4 särk pensile ja Zanettiga kahe aastane leping, mis teeb temast Interi VP. Kuulujutud räägivad, et Mazzarriga pikendatakse aasta võrra lepingut, mis hoiab teda teoreetiliselt veel kaks aastat Interis.


            Mazzarri lepingu pikendus on ametlik. Leping kuni aastani 2016. Thohir lahkus CEO kohalt VIVA meediakompaniis ja keskendub täielikult Interile, mis on vägagi tervitatav otsus. Mercatost rääkides on siia tulemas Real Madridist Casemiro. Kuuldavasti puhtalt laen. Homme on Vidici ametlik esitlus. Iga mercato peab üks korralik saaga ka olema. Nii pole ka see aasta erinev. M'Vila pole ikka veel Interi mängija, väga segased asjaolud igatahes. Kolmandaks väravavahiks osteti Tommaso Berni, Inter kasvandik. Vist mingi 9 mängu üldse Serie As mänginud. Sunderlandist toodi tagasi Mirabelli, kelle ametiks sai chief scout.


              Algselt postitas Solfice Vaata postitust

              Milline neist selle suve mood on? Viimane aeg uksematt välja vahetada. Tundub, et see tumesinine on kõige praktilisem, mustus ei paista sealt esimese hooga kohe väljagi. Ja tegelikult võiks vannitoas WC ees külma kivipõranda peal ka üks vähe soojem riie olla. Sinna vist sobib helesinine kõige paremini.
              The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of the darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy My brothers. And you will know I am the Lord when I lay My vengeance upon you.


                Algselt postitas Solfice
                M'Vila pole ikka veel Interi mängija, väga segased asjaolud igatahes.
                Nii palju, kui ma lugenud olen, siis pidi asi olema selles, et Inter soovib Taïderi vastassuunas saata aga alžeerlane ise ei soovi minna.


                  Algselt postitas Mask Vaata postitust
                  Nii palju, kui ma lugenud olen, siis pidi asi olema selles, et Inter soovib Taïderi vastassuunas saata aga alžeerlane ise ei soovi minna.
                  See on üldse huvitav olukord, kus ühed räägivad, et M'Vila tuleb olenemata sellest, kas Taider läheb Rubinisse või mitte, teised räägivad, et ainult sel juhul diil toimubki. Samas kui asi ei oleneks Taiderist siis oleks diil ju ammu tehtud? Muidugi kõige etem diil oleks selline, kus M'Vila tuleb, Taider jääb ja Kuzmanovic lahkub.


                    Vidic siis

                    THEO HERNANDEZ


                      kes need kaks ta kõrval on?
                      jokers to the right
                      clowns to the left of me


                        Algselt postitas Jasper Vaata postitust
                        kes need kaks ta kõrval on?
                        Ferdinand ja Evra.
                        The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of the darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy My brothers. And you will know I am the Lord when I lay My vengeance upon you.


                          Try and picture the scene. Your wife smiling at you, or your husband hugging you. A friend you can count on, a dinner in a special place. Imagine music, art. Imagine the best goal Inter have ever scored, the game that gave you the biggest thrill. Imagine it. The best ever. Now that those sounds, tastes and colours are dancing in your head, now that you're thinking about the best thing ever, think of it in terms of the Nerazzurri. In terms of Inter. The team that makes your heart beat faster.
                          A picture is gradually filling your mind, right? First a few simple lines, then circles come together and finally a star. It is starting to take shape. "It" is our new logo, now part of our team. Our "corporate identity" to use the appropriate jargon. An image which will be used everywhere: in our communications, on the team bus, at the academy. One voice for a special team. A team that will be Milanese and international. Fair and surprising. It will be legendary just as it always has been. Imagine it. Then look at the new logo. You'll notice they're much the same.

                          So self aware so full of shit


                            Algselt postitas Francesco Vaata postitust
                            Try and picture the scene. Your wife smiling at you, or your husband hugging you. A friend you can count on, a dinner in a special place. Imagine music, art. Imagine the best goal Inter have ever scored, the game that gave you the biggest thrill. Imagine it. The best ever. Now that those sounds, tastes and colours are dancing in your head, now that you're thinking about the best thing ever, think of it in terms of the Nerazzurri. In terms of Inter. The team that makes your heart beat faster.
                            A picture is gradually filling your mind, right? First a few simple lines, then circles come together and finally a star. It is starting to take shape. "It" is our new logo, now part of our team. Our "corporate identity" to use the appropriate jargon. An image which will be used everywhere: in our communications, on the team bus, at the academy. One voice for a special team. A team that will be Milanese and international. Fair and surprising. It will be legendary just as it always has been. Imagine it. Then look at the new logo. You'll notice they're much the same.

                            See on ju suvaline paintis tehtud käkerdis. wtf is this shit. See ei kõlbaks isegi uksematiks.
                            The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of the darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy My brothers. And you will know I am the Lord when I lay My vengeance upon you.


                              Vidic, Dodo hetkel uued täiendused. M'Vila peaks official täna/homme olema. Benedetti müüdi Cagliarile 4M eest. Rano sai uue lepingu kuni 2018 ja saab ka kaptenipaela.


