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Milano Inter

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    Täiesti offtopic ja võite selle posti ära kustutada või midaiganes. Ma ei tea, mis poolfinaal Interil homme ees seisab või kes need mängijad on (noored vast?)...aga tore näha väga eestilikku nime...Marko Livaja, ei viitsi guugeldada ka, kustkohast selline herr tegelikult tuleb.


      Algselt postitas jamesblake Vaata postitust
      aga tore näha väga eestilikku nime...Marko Livaja, ei viitsi guugeldada ka, kustkohast selline herr tegelikult tuleb.
      Tegu on noore horvaatlasega.
      The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of the darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy My brothers. And you will know I am the Lord when I lay My vengeance upon you.


        Mis värvi siis GK riietus tuleb uuel hooajal,kui away särk punane on?


          Algselt postitas Tiit241 Vaata postitust
          Mis värvi siis GK riietus tuleb uuel hooajal,kui away särk punane on?
          Pole veel pilte näinud...
          Please don't call me arrogant, but I'm European champion and I think I'm a special one!!!
          I veri tifosi non seguono l'Inter, sono l'Inter!!!


            Algselt postitas jamesblake Vaata postitust
            Täiesti offtopic ja võite selle posti ära kustutada või midaiganes. Ma ei tea, mis poolfinaal Interil homme ees seisab või kes need mängijad on (noored vast?)...aga tore näha väga eestilikku nime...Marko Livaja, ei viitsi guugeldada ka, kustkohast selline herr tegelikult tuleb.
            Vabandust! Tegemist oli veerandfinaaliga!
            Inter-Palermo 2-0 (Mbaye´lt 2 väravat) nüüd on poolfinaalid, Milan või Juventus!
            Please don't call me arrogant, but I'm European champion and I think I'm a special one!!!
            I veri tifosi non seguono l'Inter, sono l'Inter!!!


              inter to breakaway from the san siro

              a 60 thousand-seat private stadium to be built in 4 years and with everything. Within 2-3 months the project will take off.

              milan – the new stadium project of inter is about to take off. Definitively. Another 2-3 months and the important news will come as inter are waiting the first official step that will mark the beginning of a major investment to provide significant revenue to the club. A new stadium for inter in 2016 is anything but fantasy. The model of this new black and blue home was already built several years ago but the economic crisis has advised the leaders of the club in corso vittorio emanuele to stop and wait for better times or interested lenders that would like to make a major investment. Now those lenders are starting to knock on the door of inter. The first interest came just a few months after the treble by a group in qatar and then a couple of weeks ago, president moratti met the leadership of china railway construction corporation, a leading chinese company that knows how to deal with big construction projects. To have the stadium realized, however, there are interests from other industrial groups and their proposals are under review by the moratti family.

              good foundation inter have been thinking of a new home for the past 10 years. The first idea, dated in 2002, was to restructure san siro profoundly through the redevelopment of some areas adjacent to the meazza. The quarto anello project, which envisaged the creation of restaurants, playgrounds, shopping areas, exhibitions spaces, however, never took off and inter changed direction. In 2005, a group working under the supervision of vice president angelomario moratti started to work on the new stadium project and, despite the economic crisis erupted in 2008 which imposed a slow down to the project, the foundations are solid.

              everything ready inter in recent years have studied the details of this operation from the financial and architecture perspectives. At first, they identified 30 potential areas in the milan area where the project could be brought forward. Now the choice is reduced to 4-5 areas: Some in the commune of milan, others are not. The most insistent rumors are in gratosoglio, pioltello, rozzano, rogoredo and the area between trenno and settimo milansese. A decision will be made probably by the end of the summer in order to proceed with negotiations for the purchase of the land to start the bureaucratic process with the city. An important condition will be the ability to easily reach the stadium via subway but the fundamental will be the development opportunities in the vicinity of the stadium such as restaurants, entertainment spaces that make the area vital not only before, during and after matches.

              60 thousand seats in 4 years the model of inter’s new stadium will be naturally adjusted to suit the area and will have between 55 to 60 thousand seats in line with the most modern buildings in europe that have been visited by angelomario moratti and his trusted men. They have been taking idea from each of the stadium that they have been too as well as some american arena dedicated to baseball, football and some english buildings dedicated to cricket. Those stadiums that make the biggest impression are the st. Jakob-park in basel, the etihad stadium in manchester, da luz in lisbon, veltins arena in gelsenkirchen and the emirates in london. Why 60 thousand seats? The goal is to create a shortage of tickets because the stands would be always full and to have a great demand from the fans. A little bit like juve did with juventus stadium which only has 40 thousand seats. Total investment will fluctuate between 200 and 250 million euros and will require 4 years to complete the work. The building, whose name comes from a sponsor, will be equipped with modern sky box that management could use as offices during the week, exclusive places with all the comfortability, concessions, restaurants, spaces for children, a museum for inter, 3d scoreboard for replays, and wifi throughout the area.

              boom income prices a new stadium will bring great benefits to the budget of inter. The variables at this moment are many and linked to the sale of advertising spaces but it is easy to assume that the income that inter are getting from the san siro (28 million) will be at least doubled. Important in this context will be the work of the new managing director marco fasone who handled the construction of the juventus stadium.



                A 60 thousand-seat private stadium to be built in 4 years and with everything. Within 2-3 months the project will take off.

                Milan – The new stadium project of Inter is about to take off. Definitively. Another 2-3 months and the important news will come as Inter are waiting the first official step that will mark the beginning of a major investment to provide significant revenue to the club. A new stadium for Inter in 2016 is anything but fantasy. The model of this new black and blue home was already built several years ago but the economic crisis has advised the leaders of the club in Corso Vittorio Emanuele to stop and wait for better times or interested lenders that would like to make a major investment. Now those lenders are starting to knock on the door of Inter. The first interest came just a few months after the treble by a group in Qatar and then a couple of weeks ago, president Moratti met the leadership of China Railway Construction Corporation, a leading Chinese company that knows how to deal with big construction projects. To have the stadium realized, however, there are interests from other industrial groups and their proposals are under review by the Moratti family.

                Good foundation Inter have been thinking of a new home for the past 10 years. The first idea, dated in 2002, was to restructure San Siro profoundly through the redevelopment of some areas adjacent to the Meazza. The Quarto Anello project, which envisaged the creation of restaurants, playgrounds, shopping areas, exhibitions spaces, however, never took off and Inter changed direction. In 2005, a group working under the supervision of vice president Angelomario Moratti started to work on the new stadium project and, despite the economic crisis erupted in 2008 which imposed a slow down to the project, the foundations are solid.

                Everything ready Inter in recent years have studied the details of this operation from the financial and architecture perspectives. At first, they identified 30 potential areas in the Milan area where the project could be brought forward. Now the choice is reduced to 4-5 areas: some in the commune of Milan, others are not. The most insistent rumors are in Gratosoglio, Pioltello, Rozzano, Rogoredo and the area between Trenno and Settimo Milansese. A decision will be made probably by the end of the summer in order to proceed with negotiations for the purchase of the land to start the bureaucratic process with the city. An important condition will be the ability to easily reach the stadium via subway but the fundamental will be the development opportunities in the vicinity of the stadium such as restaurants, entertainment spaces that make the area vital not only before, during and after matches.

                60 thousand seats in 4 years The model of Inter’s new stadium will be naturally adjusted to suit the area and will have between 55 to 60 thousand seats in line with the most modern buildings in Europe that have been visited by Angelomario Moratti and his trusted men. They have been taking idea from each of the stadium that they have been too as well as some American arena dedicated to baseball, football and some English buildings dedicated to cricket. Those stadiums that make the biggest impression are the St. Jakob-Park in Basel, the Etihad Stadium in Manchester, Da Luz in Lisbon, Veltins Arena in Gelsenkirchen and the Emirates in London. Why 60 thousand seats? The goal is to create a shortage of tickets because the stands would be always full and to have a great demand from the fans. A little bit like Juve did with Juventus Stadium which only has 40 thousand seats. Total investment will fluctuate between 200 and 250 million euros and will require 4 years to complete the work. The building, whose name comes from a sponsor, will be equipped with modern Sky Box that management could use as offices during the week, exclusive places with all the comfortability, concessions, restaurants, spaces for children, a museum for Inter, 3D scoreboard for replays, and WiFi throughout the area.

                Boom income prices A new stadium will bring great benefits to the budget of Inter. The variables at this moment are many and linked to the sale of advertising spaces but it is easy to assume that the income that Inter are getting from the San Siro (28 million) will be at least doubled. Important in this context will be the work of the new managing director Marco Fasone who handled the construction of the Juventus Stadium.


                  Väga positiivne uudis! 2016 saab niikuinii San Siro rendileping läbi ja oleks hea alustada uuelt staadionilt.

                  Rano lõpetas igausugused kuulujutud ja ütles, et team jääb lepingu lõpuni Interisse. Uuel hooajal pääseb vast rohkem mängima ka.


                    Uue staadioni ehitus oleks väga positiivne...eriti teha seda ennem Milani. Loodame,et nüüd siis tegudeni ka. Koha suhtes ka siis mitu kohta...aga asi liigub.
                    Primaveras siis mitu Derbyt ees...Inter-Milan ja Roma-Lazio!
                    Please don't call me arrogant, but I'm European champion and I think I'm a special one!!!
                    I veri tifosi non seguono l'Inter, sono l'Inter!!!


                      Primavera suutis end lisaaja viimase minuti 4:3 väravaga finaali mängida. Vastas Lazio.

                      Longolt kübaratrikk.

                      Teine pooaleg oli veider ja pärast 2:1'te jäädi imelikult kaitsma, aga lisaajal kaotusseisu jäämise järel ärgati üles ja näidati sel hooajal kolmandat korda Milanile kätte, kes Primaverat valitseb.


                        Uhke värk. Olles seda mängu ja Next Geni finaali näinud see hooaeg, ütleks et Interi jumbud on finaalis suure eduga favoriit. Lazio kaitse on kohati ikka päris naljakas ja Berardil on ülisuured teened, et nii kaugele jõuti. Aga esimene finaal 11 aasta jooksul on tõsiasi ja meeskonnavaim on läinud ainult tõusvas joones. Kohati suudetakse väga ilusaid kontraid ka mängida (eriti võrreldes põhimeeskonna uimerdamisega buildupil), niiet loodame tuleb põnev finaal ja on mida vaadata.


                          Väga kõva esitus! Kahjux ise seda mängu ei näinud. Longo on tõsiselt koputamas esindustiimi uksele. Lazio mängu kohta ei oska midagi öelda. Kui aga finaali juba jõuti, siis on tegemist kõva tiimiga. Ja finaalis võib kõike juhtuda.
                          Mis aga saab veel parem olla kui poolfinaalis Milani võita!!
                          Please don't call me arrogant, but I'm European champion and I think I'm a special one!!!
                          I veri tifosi non seguono l'Inter, sono l'Inter!!!


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                            Poolfinaali väravad ka...
                            Please don't call me arrogant, but I'm European champion and I think I'm a special one!!!
                            I veri tifosi non seguono l'Inter, sono l'Inter!!!


                              Kui me isegi ei võida Laziot, on meil tugevad noored olemas. Kahjux peaksid neist osa juba ammu mängima esindustiimis. Kas või väikest osa aga neile peaks andma mänguaega...loodame,et Strama alustab uut aega...ja noored saavad juba enam mängu aega esindustiimis. Pole mõtet selliseid tüüpe raisata...selliseid peaks voolima edasi...kõvadeks mängumeesteks. Kuid ega tugevaks saa ilma tugevate mängudeta!!!
                              Please don't call me arrogant, but I'm European champion and I think I'm a special one!!!
                              I veri tifosi non seguono l'Inter, sono l'Inter!!!


                                Palacio, 11 milj. eurot. Võib rahule jääda.
                                Inter - ausaim klubi Itaalias.

