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Paris Saint-Germain

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    Cavani siis nüüdseks löönud 100 väravat Parc des Princes staadionil.

    Fino alla fine FORZA JUVE


      No nii. Rahulolematu Rabiot on UNFP poole pöördunud.

      French international central midfielder Adrien Rabiot today contacted the legal department of the LFP, otherwise known as the professional French football club’s governing body, over what he views as inhumane treatment on the part of his current employers PSG, who have decided to exclude the Frenchman from 1st team training, condemning Rabiot to training with the reserve team.

      Rabiot is seeking to get the league to order PSG to allow him to reintegrate into the 1st team, after he refused to sign a new contract with Les Parisiens, with his current deal expiring at the end of the season.

      It is believed that the 23-year-old has an agreement to join Barcelona on a free transfer this June.

      The UNFP, the body that is charged with protecting the interests of professional footballers in France, commented on the matter in an interview with spokesman Mr Burchkalter to Goal France:

      “Adrien Rabiot must be reintegrated into PSG’s squad rapidly. If not, the club exposes itself to potential sanctions. From a legal point of view, PSG do not have the right to leave Adrien Rabiot to train in the reserves, as they didn’t have the right to do with Ben Arfa… If it does not happen quickly? We cannot anticipate what will happen. But the UNFP will be vigilant. Because today, PSG are looking to win time, and we do not want them to win any, especially with the transfer window’s end approaching. We want this player to enjoy training conditions that are befitting of his status, that he can train normally, and that this happens by respecting the rules.”
      Fino alla fine FORZA JUVE


        Algselt postitas Rocheteau Vaata postitust
        Tra Jesele pakuti laenule minekut Valladolidi, tropp keeldus. Lõpetage see leping juba selle klouniga!
        No nii nüüd vast saadab ka pullid pikalt

        Jesé of PSG has been offered to Torino and the Italian club are evaluating the feasibility of a potential deal
        Fino alla fine FORZA JUVE


          Hah Everton tahtis ju €40m tema eest saada

          Breaking | PSG have submitted an opening €25m offer for Everton midfielder Idrissa Gueye, which has been rejected. However, Everton have brought their initial demands down & PSG are now confident of a deal, according to tomorrow’s L’Équipe.
          Fino alla fine FORZA JUVE


            Täna õhtul mäng karikas Strasbourgi vastu. Lennatakse ka sellest sarjast välja?

            Fino alla fine FORZA JUVE


              Kuigi vähetõenäoline siis oleks tegemist hea ninanipsuga Barcale

              Premier League side Tottenham Hotspur have submitted a bid for PSG midfielder Adrien Rabiot in recent hours, according to Paris United.

              Spurs are offering a less financially impressive contract than Catalan giants Barcelona, and the Spanish side remain the Frenchman’s priority at the time of writing.

              Spurs boss Mauricio Pochettino is due to have a phone call with Adrien Rabiot this evening in a bid to convince the French international on rejecting a better financial deal from Barcelona in order to join the North London outfit.
              Fino alla fine FORZA JUVE


                PSG-Strasbourg 2-0

                Tänu Cavani ja Di Maria väravatele mindi karikas edasi. Mäng oli kenasti PSG kontrolli all üldiselt, kuid mõned ohtlikud kontrad vastased ikka said. Õnneks Areola väravas oli tasemel. Mängu jääb varjutama Neymari vigastus. Tundub, et sama vigastus mis eelmine aasta samal ajal sai. Ehk asi kipub hapuks. Kaks tähtsat mängijad hetkel audis ning Manu mängu kahtluse all

                Paris Saint-Germain is now the undisputed record holder for the most consecutive wins (26) in Coupe de France history! The last side to beat the capital club was Montpellier (1-2), back on 22 January 2012.
                Fino alla fine FORZA JUVE


                  Keegi sai eile väljakule PSG särgis üle pika aja.

                  Fino alla fine FORZA JUVE


                    Prantsuse karikas loositi vastaseks kolmanda liiga klubi Villefranche Beaujolais

                    Le tirage complet :
                    Guingamp - Amiens ou Lyon
                    Bastia (N3) - Caen
                    Croix (N2) - Dijon
                    Metz (L2) - Orléans (L2)
                    Villefranche Beaujolais (N) - Paris Saint-Germain
                    Entente SSG (N) ou Nantes - Toulouse
                    Vitré (N2) - Lyon la Duchère (N)
                    Rennes - Lille
                    Fino alla fine FORZA JUVE


                      No nii tundub, et varsti paneb Paredes allkirja ka lepingule alla, sest medical on tal igatahes läbitud kui uskuda viimaseid uudiseid.
                      Fino alla fine FORZA JUVE


                        Õhtul mäng kodus Ben Arfa vastu.

                        Fino alla fine FORZA JUVE


                          PSG-Rennes 4-1

                          Kodus võeti tänu tugevale teisele poolajale see võit ära. Cavani viis juhtima, kuid Rennes viigistas. Kuid siis tõmmati vurr korralikult käima ning Di Maria, Mbappe ja Cavani väravad vormistasid kenasti võidu ära. Pean tunnistama, et mulle meeldis see koosseis eile. Mäng oli rohkem laiali tõmmatud ning Mbappe ja Di Maria said kenasti teravust luua ees. Dani Alves keskväljal oli ka soliidne. Järgmine mäng siis Lyoni vastu võõrsil. Saab siis näha, kas ka nende vastu see lahtine mäng toimib või mitte.

                          It was a third win in a row in Ligue 1 in 2019, 3 points, 3-goal margin... but that's not all! Paris Saint-Germain have scored at least three goals in 14 of their 20 L1 matches this term!
                          Fino alla fine FORZA JUVE


                            Diiva on siis 45 päeva eemal. Järgmine nädal otsustatakse, kas läheb noa alla või mitte. Samas kui meeskond sedasi mängib nagu eile Rennes vastu siis võibolla parem ongi, kui Manu mängudest eemale jääb.
                            Fino alla fine FORZA JUVE


                              Kohtunik oli ikka saabas eile, sellises olukorras on kindel punane. Vaatas veel VAR'ist ka järgi ning andis kõigest kollase. Mis oleks pidanud toimuma, et see punane oleks? Luumurd?

                              Fino alla fine FORZA JUVE


                                Õigusega. Enam väga selgemat punast pole olemas. Vist vaid siis, kui jalg oleks otsast ära tulnud. Aga Prantsusmaa kohtunikud on ebakompetentsed. VAR-iga või VAR-ita.

                                Thauvini reaktsioon sellele olukorrale, kes sai viimati palju süütuma vea eest Lille'i vastu punase:

