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    Algselt postitas Mask Vaata postitust
    Kuidas on seotud Valbuena väljapressimine ja nahavärvi järgi mängijate lahterdamine koondises? Benzemat ei ole arreteeritud vaid ta kutsuti lihtsalt ülekuulamisele nagu ka Cisse`d. Ei tasu uskuda igasuguseid sopakaid, mis üritavad skandaali üles tõmmata ja klikke korjata. Valbuena, Cisse ja Benzema on (või mine tea - nüüdseks võibolla tuleb kasutada sõna olid) sõbrad. Benzema oli Valbuenale soovitanud väljapressijatele lihtsalt maksta, kui nad eelmisel koondiste kogunemisel kohtusid ja sellest juttu tegid. Vähemalt nii kirjutavad usutavamad allikad. Aga eks näis.
    Ennem kui kavatsed teha sõprust mingite araablastega mõtle, et kas sa temaga luurele läheksid. Benz istub siiani vangikongis ja täna viidi ka prokurööri jutule kohtumajja.
    "Kui sul on sellised sõbrad, siis pole vaenlast otsida vajagi..."
    Sõprus my ass!
    Messi...The never ending legend!


      Algselt postitas Staadium Vaata postitust
      Ennem kui kavatsed teha sõprust mingite araablastega mõtle, et kas sa temaga luurele läheksid. Benz istub siiani vangikongis ja täna viidi ka prokurööri jutule kohtumajja.
      "Kui sul on sellised sõbrad, siis pole vaenlast otsida vajagi..."
      Sõprus my ass!
      Helme Martin, sina või?


        Prokurör on siis esialgu Benzma süüdi mõistnud kaasosalisena ja keelanud tal Valbuenaga suhelda. Vabaks ta sai. Liiguvad jutud, et Benzema labsepõlvesõber, kes olla väljapressijatega seotud, oli nõu küsinud kuidas Valbuenaga kontakti saada ja teadmata kurjadest kavatsustest olla Benzema ka aidanud.

        Imelikul kombel muutis Valbuena täna oma facebooki profiilipildiks pildi temast ja Benzemast:


          Asi kisub vaid imelikumaks.

          Prosecutors have listened to a phone conversation where Karim explained he was certain that Valbuena was going to give in to blackmail [M6]
          Conversation between Karim & individual whose connection is unclear: “Do not worry. He has no choice. I’ll make him understand. He’ll pay.”

          Väidetavalt olla Valbuena Prantsuse teles öelnud, et ta mingeid sotsiaalvõrgustikke jms ei kasuta (ei soovi väita, et minu "allikas" kindlasti õigust räägib, sama kehtib ka ülemiste ridade kohta, samas läheb kaudselt kokku Maski poolt postitatuga). Kindel, et need pole mingid naljahambad?

          Kuid, ühest asjast ei saa ma veel aru. Mis oleks Benzema motiiv?


            Facebooki kohe kindlasti kasutab, kuna ma mäletan, et kui see jää-ämbri challenge käis, siis ta postitas sinna video sellest. Twitteri ta kustutas suvel ära, kuna Marseille fännid tegid ta elu seal põrguks.

            Aga ma jätkuvalt ka ei tahaks uskuda, et Benzema teadlikult osales selles väljapressimises. Mina isiklikult ei näe loogikat selles. Kui tõesti tõeks osutab, siis ta on ikka üks kuratlikult salakaval ja õel inimene.

            Edit: Benzema pidi lennul tagasi Madriidi olema. Vähemalt pildimaterjali sellest levib. Seega jutt, et tal keelati riigist lahkuda, ei vasta tõele. Üldiselt jah, jätkuvalt tasub neisse "breaking news", "Exclusive" jne uudistesse, mis tema kohta tulevad, paraja skeptilisusega suhtuda.


              Algselt postitas Mask Vaata postitust
              Waris'l lendas ikka korralikult katus pealt. Ime, et ainult kahemängulise mängukeeluga pääses.
              Kaks mängu tunduski kuidagi vähe. Kuumänguline mängukeeld tegelikkus.


                Algselt postitas Mask Vaata postitust
                Kaks mängu tunduski kuidagi vähe. Kuumänguline mängukeeld tegelikkus.
                Millal viimati analoogses olukorras nii karm bänn saadi (olukorras, kus vastasele vigastust ei tekkinud)?
                Elu on lühike, pidu on pikk.


                  Algselt postitas GoldenEagle Vaata postitust
                  Millal viimati analoogses olukorras nii karm bänn saadi (olukorras, kus vastasele vigastust ei tekkinud)?
                  Ära küsi nii raskeid küsimusi.


                    13. voor

                    Liigaliider PSG läks väiksele koondistepausile suureskoorilise võiduga, kui kodus nuheldi relegatsioonitsoonis istuvat Toulouse`i 5:0. Kahe väravaga sai antud kohtumises maha Zlatan Ibrahimovic, kel nüüd on käimasoleval hooajal koos üheksa väravat, millega rootslane tõusis ka liiga suurimaks väravakütiks.

                    Ajaloo viimane Rhône`i derby Stade de Gerland`il - uuest aastast kolib Lyoni uuele kodustaadionile - Lyoni ja Saint-Etienne`i vahel lõppes kodupubliku rõõmuks Lyoni eduga, kelle vedas võiduni Alexandre Lacazette`i, lüües kohtumises kübaratriki, millega Lyoni esiründaja andis kena ninanipsu teda nädala keskel kritiseerinud koondise peatreenerile Didier Deschampsile. Lyoni jätkab liigatabeli teisel astmel, olles tipust jätkuvalt kümne silma kaugusel. Saint-Etienne vajus aga viiendaks.

                    Selle hooaja senistest üllatusmeeskondadest naasis võidulainele Caen, olles kodus parem Guingamp`st, millega Patrice Garande`i hoolealused tõusid ka tagasi liigatabeli esikolmikusse. Neljandaks vajunud Angers`i meeskond kaotas aga teise kohtumise järjest, kui kodus jäädi Rennes`ile alla.

                    Viimaseaja kehvade tulemuste tõttu surve alla sattunud Bordeaux loots Willy Sagnol saab koondistepausile pisut rahulikuma südamega vastu minna, sest hoolealused võtsid 13. voorus üllatusliku 3:1 võidu Monaco meeskonna vastu. Bordeaux tõusus tänu kolmele võidupunktile esikümne ukse taha üheteistkümnendaks. Monaco vajus aga üheksandaks, jäädes esikolmikust nelja silma kaugusele.

                    13. vooru teises derbikohtumises - Mediterranean derby Marseille ja Nice`i vahel väljus võitjana külalismeeskond Nice, lõpetades sellega senise hooaja suurima ebaõnnestuja Marseille`i kahemängulise võiduseeria. Nice asub liigatabeli kuuendal astmel. Marseille aga on 13. real, asudes relegatsioonitsoonist vaid kolme punkti kaugusel.

                    Relegatsioonikolmiku moodustavad peale 13. vooru jätkuvalt Troyes, Toulouse ja Gazélec Ajaccio. Antud kolmikust oli läinud voorus ainukesena võidukas Ajaccio, kes võttis juba oma kolmanda võidu järjest, kui võõrsil oldi parem Reims`i meeskonnast. Tabeli punane latern Troyes` hävis võõrsil Lorient`ile skooriga 4:1 ja asub päästvast joonest juba kaheksa punkti kaugusel.

                    13. vooru tulemused:
                    Angers - Rennes 0:2
                    PSG - Toulouse 5:0
                    Lille - Bastia 1:1
                    Caen - Guingamp 2:1
                    Montpellier - Nantes 2:1
                    Lorient - Troyes 4:1
                    Reims - Gazélec Ajaccio 1:2
                    Marseille - Nice 0:1
                    Lyon - St. Etienne 3:0
                    Bordeaux - Monaco 3:1

                    Liigatabel: http://www.ligue1.com/ligue1/classement

                    L'Equipe`i 13. vooru sümboolne koosseis


                      Algselt postitas Mask Vaata postitust
                      13. voor

                      Liigaliider PSG läks väiksele koondistepausile suureskoorilise võiduga, kui kodus nuheldi relegatsioonitsoonis istuvat Toulouse`i 5:0. Kahe väravaga sai antud kohtumises maha Zlatan Ibrahimovic, kel nüüd on käimasoleval hooajal koos üheksa väravat, millega rootslane tõusis ka liiga suurimaks väravakütiks.
                      käib ka kogu liiga kohta.
                      jokers to the right
                      clowns to the left of me


                        Zlatan isiksusena on egoga munn ikka. Pean nõustuma Squillaci arvamusega peale PSG mängu Bastiaga ''“You’re sh**. You aren’t a great player. You should show a little more respect to others.”

                        Lisatud failid
                        Fino alla fine FORZA JUVE


                          Valbuena väljapressimisskandaalis ilmus uut infot

                          Benzema told his friend that he had said to Valbuena: "If you want the video to be destroyed, my friend will go and see you in Lyon," before saying that the Lyon midfielder thought he was joking, claiming "I don't think he's taking us seriously.”

                          The Real Madrid star continued: "I told him: 'I can help you out. You have to see this guy. You have my word that there are no more copies'. If you want the video to be destroyed, my friend will go and see you in Lyon and you can sort it out with him directly.”

                          He then claimed that Valbuena began to panic, to which he said: "You can do whatever you want. Ok, If you don't want to pay, it's your life but I have warned you
                          Fino alla fine FORZA JUVE


                            täispikk versioon ka

                            Transcript courtesy of Get French Football News

                            Benzema: Go ahead, I saw the other guy [Valbuena].

                            Zenati: And, what do you think?

                            Benzema: Um, what do I think, the truth?

                            Zenati: Yes.

                            Benzema: I think that he does not take us seriously.

                            Zenati: No.

                            Benzema: There you have it.

                            Zenati: Yes, so that means in reality, I think, he will not give anything away, no?

                            Benzema: Yes, yes, yes, yes, he is not taking us seriously.

                            Zenati: What did he say to you?

                            Benzema: What did he say to me, euh, you know at the beginning he believed, he believed (inaudible) you see, that it was a joke… I told him: I’m here to help matters. You need to see this guy. He will come. He will speak to you. But I give you my word that there is not another copy (of the sextape). After that we spoke, and spoke, in the video you see my tattoos (Valbuena asked).

                            You see everything, in short. I said to him. I am serious, I said to him, honestly, I have seen it, the video, I said to him. He said I know. But what do they want? I said to him, I have no idea what they want, I said to him, it is not me, he said to me yes, he wants money. Well, in my opinion you see, I said if I had a video like that of a guy… Well in any case they want to create a buzz, it would not be the same buzz if it was you…

                            Zenati: You’re right.

                            Benzema: Yes.

                            Zenati: (laughs)

                            Benzema: But brother, brother, it is true that it is true that it will not make the same buzz as it would for me, but brother you are putting an end to his career brother. It is needless, he is having tomatoes thrown at him. I said to him, it is not a question of buzz, but a question of pride.

                            Zenati: Um.

                            Benzema: I spoke to him about family, I said that it has nothing to do with buzz, we don’t give a shit, I said to him then. I said to him that now that if someone releases a photo, a video like that. That for me that does absolutely nothing but your mother, your father they will see your woman or I have no idea who. You see, after that he was thinking, thinking. I said to him that in any case he should do what he wants. There, I am with the French national team until Sunday, if you give me your number, I will give it, I will give it to my friend. He will come to see you in Lyon, you will discuss it, you see with him, he did not want to. Well, its your life, but I warned you eh?

                            Zenati: It is good brother, you have done really well.

                            Benzema: There you go, I said to him that. After that I do not know what he will do. He will call his agent, he will say that they have the video. I said to him, listen, there is no intermediary, no lawyer, no friend, no agent, no police, its not what you want.

                            Zenati: Um.

                            Benzema: I said to him that if you want the video to be destroyed, come see my friend in Lyon. You see him directly and you speak with him, you send nobody.

                            Zenati: Well, there you go, that’s good.

                            Benzema: He said to me where did the video come from? I said to him: I have no idea where it came from.

                            Zenati: When he goes to sleep, he will know that you have told the truth.

                            Benzema: Well no, he was completely white.

                            Zenati: Yes.

                            Benzema: He said to me, the video, where did you see it? How long ago? After, he was asking me questions, but it was like how… I saw him gulping, he started gulping twice, three times.

                            Zenati: (laughs)

                            Benzema: You see, you see a guy when he is panicking, have you seen that?

                            Zenati: You know that they are the best, when they do there little thing but na, na, na, na and after…

                            Benzema: Yes, he even said to me: you know who was the first who told me, it is Cisse. I said yes but Cisse had a hard time like that.

                            Zenati: Um.

                            Benzema: I said to him, he (Cisse) did what? He said to me: he paid. I said to him: and the video, was it released or not? He said to me no. I said to him: me when I say to you that I have one word, it is that the video will not be released. Now, you do what you want. I came to see you because I saw this video, I was told about it, I cannot laugh with you in the dressing room and not tell you.

                            He said to me yes but when do they want to release it, if they release it, for the Euros? I said to him, well, I think, it is then when they would probably release it eh. I said to him if it was me who had a video like that, me I would not ask for money, I would release it, I would sell it to journalists. You see, I told him that.

                            Zenati: Um.

                            Benzema: He said to me yes, well, thanks a lot and all, give me a day or two and I will tell you (Benzema laughs). He will call me, give me the contact details, please (he laughs).

                            Zenati: (he laughs) It is for him. Me, us, brother, we are helping him.

                            Benzema: Me, I am helping you (Benzema to Valbuena)… I said to him look, I don’t give a shit, it is not me. I came to see you. Yes thank you, it is good of you. He said to me: What do they want? I said to him: me I do not know. My aim, my thing ends here, you see, my train ends here. Now my friend (Zenati), he takes the matter up. He is the guy who knows the person, there is only one person who has your video. But I do not know him but my friend, he knows him.

                            Now if you want to sort this out, give your number, I will give it to him and you can take it up with him.

                            Zenati: Yes, perfect.

                            Benzema: I said to him: he is my friend, my mate, my best friend, he is like my brother. It is like as if he had a video of me.

                            Zenati: Hum.

                            Benzema: He said to me, yes, but you what would you have done? I said to him: me, I don’t give a s*** about buzz, you see, so I would have paid just for my family… I said to him: you, if it is about buzz, if it is just about the buzz and you have warned your family, and they don’t care, well then let it be released, I said to him.

                            Zenati: Well yes, even I would have said that brother, but there you have it… (he laughs) Yes, yes it us brother, we are here in any case to sort it out. If he does not want it, then leave him, he can deal with these piranhas, he will deal with these piranhas and then he will…

                            Benzema: They will p*** all over him.

                            Zenati: They will p*** all over him brother, I’m fired up eh.

                            Benzema: The piranhas they will eat him, bro.

                            Zenati: Yes when you said to me that he was a good friend, I said to you yes after maybe they will ask the friend, they will say to him, I do not know, two football match tickets or I do not know what else they are playing at.

                            Benzema: (he laughs)

                            Zenati: There you go, job done, after that he will do what he wants.
                            Fino alla fine FORZA JUVE


                              Algselt postitas Pogba Vaata postitust
                              "You should show a little more respect to others.” + "You aren’t a great player."
                              jokers to the right
                              clowns to the left of me


                                Esiliiga hetke neljas klubi Le Havre on veidral kombel peatreenerit vahetanud. Senist lootsi Thierry Goudet`d asendab USA koondise pikaajaline peatreener Bob Bradley, kes viimased kaks aastat töötas Norras, Stabæki klubi peatreenerina. Aga kui pisut asja süveneda, siis tegemist ei olegi väga üllatava käiguga. Puhas onupojapoliitikaga, kuna klubi on ameeriklaste omanduses.

