Meanwhile the stadium’s budget stands at impressive €405 million (or $530m). This sum is to have two major sources. According to club president Jean-Michel Aulas €135 million ($180m) will come from the club’s own resources, while further €144 million ($190m) is a bank loan, now secured. Remainder is to come through club revenues and construction deal structure that sees Vinci participate.
Stade Velodrome`i kohta:
Plans call for the private sector to cover two-thirds of the investment; the remainder will be shared by the region, the department of Bouches-du-Rhône, MPM and the city of Marseille. The French government will also contribute to upgrade the area's infrastructure. The city hopes to contribute at least €20 million. After several studies, the mayor selected the contract of partnership arrangements included in a PPP (public-private partnership).
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