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Football Manager 2005

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    Vastus teemale \'Football Manager 2005\'

    kes hostida viitsiks?


      Vastus teemale \'Football Manager 2005\'

      Teine hooaeg läbi!

      Enne hooaega oli juba tõsine plaan kadunuks jäänud scudetto tagasi meie auhinnakappi tuua. Suve alustasin väga üllatava üleminekuga, mis fännidele just väga head muljet ei jätnud. Müüsin maha Dejan Stankovici, Il Dragone. Manu maksis ta eest ligi 17 milli. Enne oli klubi andnud minu käsutusse umbes 11 milli. 28 milli käes helistasin Antonio Cassano agendile. Kuna ründetuusa kontraht oli unprotected, siis pidin välja käima 16 milli. Järgi jäi siis 12 milli.

      Müüsin maha kaks täkku - Juan Sebastian Veroni ja Francesco Coco. Nende eest ostsin eelmise hooaja Serie A paremuselt teise kaitsja - Atalanta Cesare Natali. Lisaks eelmainituile hankisin endale ka Morgan De Sanctise, kes oli meile siis juba kolmas täkkkollkipper. Varsti avastin, et parempoolikuga on kitsas. Ainuke mees sinna oli Alvaro Recoba. Siis hakkasin talle mingit meest varusse otsima, kes enam-vähem saaks hakkama asendatava kohustuste täitmisega.

      Eelmise hooaja põhjal oli teada ka üks asi - oli vaja endale korraliku kaitsvat poolikut. Kuna olin juhuslikult saatnud Lõuna-Ameerikasse skaudid, et otsida noori talente. Talentide hulka sattus ka üks DM. Tal oli keeruline nimi nii, et ma ei mäleta seda, aga maksin ta eest ligi 8 milli. Davids ja Cambiasso langesid pingile. Noor brassist täkk avaldas juba esimeste esitustega sõpruskohtumistega muljet. Toimus ka minu jaoks kohutavalt lõppenud pre-season liiga, mille osavõtjateks olid peale minu ka Real Madrid, Leverkusen ja ManU. Jäin 1 punniga viimaseks, võitis ManU. Peale turniiri leidsin ma endale ka oma parempooliku. Jay Bothroyd, polnud just kõige parem valik, aga parem kui minu reservmängija Bonvini. Sellega olin mina oma üleminekutele kriipsu peale tõmmanud.

      CLi kvalifikatsiooniringist sain lõtvi edasi. Vastane oli gruusiast, nime ei mäleta. CLi grupp oli võrreldes eelmise aastaga raske: Manu, Stuttgart ja Fenerbache. Kui Serie A hooaja eel küsiti minu ootuste kohta vastasin: \"Me anname endast parima.\" Jaht scudettole sai esimese tagasilöögi juba 1. voorus. Kaotasin 2:1 Fiorentinale. Kuid järgmises voorus näitasin enda tugevust Roma vastu. Suutsime võita 4:0 ning saime Torino sebrade ning kallite naabritega kes on Serie B-s käinud ühele pulgale. Edastistes voorudes tagasilööke ei tekkinud. Võit-võidu järel tõusime ajapikku teiseks - Sampdoria järele, kes nautis suurepärast hooajaalgust. Meie jätkasime ikka oma võit-võidu järel tempot kuni lõpuks hõivasime meile kuulunud esimese koha.

      Ideealselt töötanud Adriano-Cassano ründepartnerlus ei olnud, aga hoopiski see kõige tähtsam osa meie edus. Põhimõtteliselt mängisime me alati 4-1-4-2 taktikaga, jeah 4-1-4-2. Üks mees mängis kahe eest. Türgi täkk Emre pani seeriate viisi superesitusi, olles ülekaalukalt parim mees Serie A-s ning euroopas. CLis sain gruppifaasist teisena edasi ning järgmises ringis sain vastaseks Benfica. Kui pool hooaega mängitud, ei olnud me Serie A-s liidrikohta kaotanud. Ülirahul olnud klubijuhtkond otsustas mulle anda võimsad 23 milli. Üks osa milleks ma seda kulutan oli kohe juba välja valitud. Otsisin endale noort ja head paremkaitsjat. Il Capitano ja Ze Maria olid liiga vanad. Esimesest valikust, Lahmist, jäin ilma, aga teiseks valikuks olnud Heitinga liitus võimsa 10 miljoni eest meie kaitseliiniga. Tagala nägi välja päris ideaalne: Dede-Materazzi-Natali-Heitinga. Kuid, siiski Materazzi kõrval proovisin kolme erinevat meest kuna Natali sai üks hetk vigastada ning ei suutnud enda vormi uuesti leida. Lisaks Natalile käisid keskkaitsest läbi ka Kompany ja Burdisso.

      Mul oli üle jäänud kõvad 13 milli. Pöörasin oma pilgud noorele Atalanta täkkule - Montolivole. Poolkaitsja eest käisin välja 12 milli, kuid ei ole seni temas küll pettunud. Italian Cup-is jõudsime oma teise koosseisu mängijatega välja lausa finaali - pühkides oma teelt ka Milani. Finaalis saime Juvelt, aga häbistavalt 5:1 pähe. Kuna kõik väravad löödi esimeses kohtumises otsustasin teha teisel kohtumisel natukene pulli, rivistasin üles ainult itaallastest koosneva võistkonna. Enam-jaolt noortest koosnenud võistkond mängis sebradega 0:0 ning tekkitasid isegi kaks väravavõimalust.

      CLis langesin välja veerandfinaalis, kui kahe mängu kokkuvõttes kaotasin 4:2 Deportivole. Suurim põhjus oli ilmselt Emre puudumine mõlemast mängust. Tema puudmine tähendas enam-jaolt seda, et keskväli ei olnud just kõige tugevam kuna jah, Emre mängib kahe mehe eest. Isegi, kui ründaja lööb kübara on Emre tavaliselt see, kes Motm on.

      Serie A: Püsisin oma esikohal lõppuni! Inter võitis üle pikka aja scudetto. Ega Serie A kohta ma ei oskagi midagi kommenteerida.

      Küll on aga palju öelda mängijate koha. Cassano: Serie A parim mängija, parim itaallane, paremuselt teine väravakütt, parim noormängija ning aastavõistkonna liige. Meie hooaja paremuselt teine mängija. Ilario Aloe - tõstsin noore mehe suvel reservidest üles ning A koosseisu on ta ka jäänud. Mees on nüüdseks väärt 8 miljonit ning oma väärtuse on ta välja teeninud. Tema umbes 8 väravat olid suureks abiks scudetto võitmisel. Eriti just sellepärast, et enamuse neist väravatest lõi ta siis, kui me olime langenud kriitiliselt kaotusseisu või olime tobedas viigiseisus. Fabricio, jeah, nüüd tuli selle noore brassist kaitsva pooliku nimi meelde. Täkk, kuigi tal on probleeme Itaalias kohanemisega pani ta iga voor järjest ritta suurepäraseid esitusi. Materazzi - teist aastat meie kaitsetäkk nr 1. Mingi 1 või 2 korda oli tema hinne alla seitsme.

      Suvel loodan, et saan mõne rahvuskoondise peaks ka. Uusi mängijaid ma eriti ei osta. Aint üks mees tuleb - Roomast soetasin endale bosmaniga 12 milli väärt poolkaitsja(tegelt Foward): Daniel Corvia vist. Hakkavad Recobaga võitlema parempooliku koha peale. Uue hooaja eesmärgid on CL ja scudetto kaitsmine. Loodan ka, et teine koosseis suudab võita Italian Cupi.

      Forza Nerazzurri!


        Vastus teemale \'Football Manager 2005\'

        Ma sain läbi esimese hooaja Torpedo juhendajana. Nagu arvata võis moodustasid hea ründedua Oper ja Lebedenko. Kahjuks aga Lebedenko hakkas hooaja teisel poolel turtsutama ja trennidesse mitte ilmuma. Niisiis lasin ta klubist minema. Klubisse tõin jõu poolest Lindpere ja Rähni. Rähn võitles end koheselt põhikoosseisu, Lindpere oli regulaarne vahetusmees. Hooajakeskel üllatas positiivselt Stepanov, kes 6-s järjestikuses mängus lõi nurgalöökidest kokku 7 kolli. Liiga kokkuvõttes jäin aga kahjuks alles 4-ndaks. Ka karikas ei läinud hästi, kukkusin veerandfinaalis. Meistriliiga karikas jõudsin finaali, kus pidin kaotuse vastu võtma, kuna kõik klubi koondislased olid samal päeval rahvuskoondiste mängudel. hetkel alustasin teist hooaega, kuna raha vähe võtsin free transferina Mark Shvetsi klubisse, sai põhisse kah.


          Vastus teemale \'Football Manager 2005\'

          nüüd lubatakse ptch välja panna kuskil kahe nädala pärast.Ikka kolossaalselt badge parandatakse seal:
          Match Engine v322:

          > Known issues
          - Attempt to cut down on unusually high scoring games involving human managers
          - Lessened amount of dives by more sportsmanlike players
          - Further tweaks to prevent wild and inappropriate clearances
          - Stopped players turning repeatedly in different directions when at a loss for a pass or shot
          - Cut down number of lobs and chips
          - Improved length and variance of goal kicks
          - Stopped goalies taking free kicks ( unless they are an expert in it! )

          > Known Bugs
          - Fixed huge amount of injury time in extra time caused by human making subs in the interval
          - Fixed specific man marking bug where the wrong player may be marked after tactical changes regardless of human settings from tactics screen
          - Fixed bug where corner would be given in place of goal kick and vice versa after some clearances
          - Fixed match rating bug for out of position players
          - Fixed bug that occurs when injured player is treated while goal is scored then from kick off the ball is belatedly put out of play
          - Fixed bug where some goals would get an inappropriate \"he hit that from 105 yards\" message or similar
          - Fixed obscure crash when trying silly tactics for set pieces
          - Fixed dead ball goal kicks being passed inside own area

          > Player
          - Tuned effect of player mental stats on match depending on circumstances eg winning, losing etc
          - Some passes were a tad too slow, increased pace of ball for them which makes for better attacks
          - Further tweaks to passing AI
          - Improved \"letting ball run out\" AI
          - Tweaked running with ball AI
          - Improve marking of players running with ball
          - Improved AI regarding players covering for one another in the formation
          - Tweaked one on one vs goalie situations

          > Manager
          - Slightly improved computer team selection AI
          - Tweaked AI manager use of width slider
          - Tweaked AI manager use of depth slider
          - Tweaked AI manager use of ultra defensive tactics
          - Tweaked AI manager reaction to opposition width setting

          > Tactics
          - Tweaked formation positions and shape in relation to depth, width and attacking mentality

          > Referee
          - Fixed instance of offside being called at the expense of a significant advantage
          - Improved referee interpretation of professional fouls

          > Misc
          - Tweaked goal award judging algorithm
          - A player can no longer play for both teams in a club\'s reserves vs youth match.

          > Network Games
          - Fixed crash when breadcrumb menu was visible and another user continued.
          - The forced continue controls on the Preferences screen now store their settings properly.

          > Interface
          - Fixed problem with text being cut off in the lefthand column of the club records screens.
          - Fixed problem with player search nationality filter where sometimes a regional search would not filter out all players from outside that region.
          - Fixed the transfer offer screen displaying a player\'s basic value instead of his asking price when player is transfer listed
          - Fixed a crash on the startup screen when user moves the mouse scrollwheel up or down.
          - Fixed problems where there would be empty rows between subs on the match screen.
          - Fixed tactics names allwed to be too long, which could cause some file problems on the Mac.
          - Fixed date for non-human teams in tactics section being cut off (\"...\")
          - Fixed the sorting by squad status on the team screen.
          - Fixed favoured personel not showing up on team information screen.
          - Fixed the \"James Milner\" career history problem where the transfer fee would sometimes appear in the wrong place in the history.
          - Fixed a problem when a friendly competition is edited after teams reject invitations. New teams picked using the \"Choose Other..\" option are now added correctly to the proposal.
          - Fixed a problem when swapping players on the tactics screen. Sometimes it would not remember the swap if you browsed away and came back again.
          - Hidden faulty team report option for national team assistant managers.
          - Lowered the minimum bonus value in the contract offer screen.
          - Hard-coded column hiding when filter panel is visible on squad list has been replaced with generic XML support for hiding columsn when there is not enough space on the screen (use minimum column width & column auto hide priority)
          - Minor bugfix for user name being clipped on game status screen and wrapping onto multiple lines on titlebar
          - Cosmetic fixes to correct the alignment of various popup menus
          - Changed priority order of team screen status flags, to ensure retiring and leaving on bosman do not overwrite injured
          - Re-ordered the transfer offer confirmation news item buttons to show same order as the dialogues for that platform
          - Removed links to people that you cannot view.
          - The \"Co-owned by\" label on the player profile screen now always shows the other club.
          - The \"Set all to schedule\" options on the training screen now sets the correct schedule for all of the players.
          - Training schedule names are now translated into language used by network client and not that of the server.
          - When using overview on the squad screen, one player would always be missing.
          - Added startup sounds
          - \"Is At Most\" filter on person search screen now uses a lower or equal to operator instead of a just the lower operator.
          - Added --fullscreen_height and --fullscreen_width command line options (use with caution, setting them to silly values may cause crashes!)
          - Viewing other teams squad lists previous team selection on squad list (as well as tactics section)
          - Pressing F12 (keyboard shortcut for Game Status Screen) on Intro Screen before starting or loading a game would crash.
          - Exporting a tactic from \"Edit tactics...\" did not rename the actual (internal) tactic name to the new name
          - Can now go to team tactics when looking at an old match.
          - Pressing \"Escape\" in a Yes/No dialog now triggers the \"No\" action (instead of nothing happening and the dialog closing.)
          - The game now takes up less processor time when running in the background.
          - Selected nations now are retained in the \"keep players from nation\" menu.
          - Fixed a match screen problem where the control panel was not refreshed when you go from one match to the next on a matchday.
          - Fixed a crash when user cancels a friendly proposal.
          - A player can no longer play for the reserves and the first team on the same day.

          > Club Badges
          - England: Updated Nottingham Forest badge so that it shows up on both red and white backgrounds
          - Netherlands: Updated Roda JC badge
          - Netherlands: Updated Dordrecht badge
          - Netherlands: Updated Excelsior badge
          - Netherlands: Updated FC Eindhoven badge

          > Player Pictures
          - Added Brighton pictures
          - Added West Ham pictures
          - Added Grimsby pictures
          - Fixed wrong Richard Johnson picture and added a few more QPR pics

          > Kit Graphics
          - Eng
          - Championship updated: Wigan home
          - Lg 2 updated: Cheltenham away, Grimsby home, Grimsby away, Kidderminster home, Leyton Orient home, Leyton Orient away, Lincoln home, Lincoln away, Macclesfield home, Macclesfield away, Mansfield home, Mansfield away, Northampton home, Northampton away, Notts Co home, Notts Co away, Oxford home, Oxford away, Rochdale home, Rochdale away, Rushden home, Rushden away, Scunthorpe home, Scunthorpe away, Shrewsbury home, Shrewsbury away, Southend home, Southend home, Swansea home, Swansea away, Wycombe home Wycombe away
          - Conf N updated: Redditch home
          - Esp
          - Primera updated: Ath. Bilbao home, At. Madrid away, Deportivo home, Osasuna home, Osasuna away,
          - Ned
          - Premier updated: ADO Den Haag away, De Graafschap home, Heerenveen away, NEC home, NEC away, RKC home,
          - First updated: Cambuur home, Dordrecht home, Dordrecht away, Emmen home, Fortuna home, Go Ahead Eagle home, Haarlem home, Haarlem away, Helmond home, Heracles home, Heracles away, Sparta Rotterdam home, Top Oss home, Volendam home, Volendam away,
          - Por
          - Superleague updated: Benfica home, Benfica away, Braga home, Porto home, Sporting home, Sporting away, Vit. Gumaeres home,
          - Superleague added: Belenenses home, Gil Vicente home, Lieria home, Nacional Da Madeira home, Nacional Da Madeira away, Nacional Da Madeira third, Penafiel home, Sporting third, Vit. Gumaeres away, Vit. Setubal home
          - config.xml updated

          > Awards
          - Fixed Danish u21/u19/17 awards which now use reputation.
          - Fixed incorrect year being displayed for calender year awards.
          - Fixed past club award winners not being shown in history panel.
          - Fixed national awards not being shown in the nation award screen.
          - Fixed number of assists not being shown in award screen for assist awards.
          - Fixed club award not appearing under the nation section when it has no comp set.
          - Fixed international comp award news item using players club team instead of nation.
          - Fixed Ukrainian player of the week award being given during winter break.
          - Fixed awards that are set to specified date in the db not showing correct year for winners.
          - Fixed european awards were not finding enough people in later years.
          - Fixed some player weekly award using wrong sort type.
          - Fixed Team of the year award not sending news to the clubs.

          > Miscellaneous
          - Fixed problem where sometimes regenerated players would get first and second names from a different nation to their nationality.
          - Fixed a crash which might occur after the user views past years of certain competitions.
          - Fixed a problem where stadium moves would disappear after a season if the club had been using an alternative stadium, while waiting for their new one.
          - A few starting injuries were not always being set up at the start of the game.
          - A managers longest and shortest time at a club wasn\'t getting updated correctly when changing job.
          - Tweaked ask assistant maanger to rule out unrealistic targets filter rule

          > Competitions
          - Fixed Austrian cup crash when only Austrian premier is active
          - Fixed some match times for various competitions.
          - Fixed a scheduling problem with the Danish Under 18 leagues.
          - Fixed a problem with 2 European squad registration news items being generated within a few days of each other.
          - Fixed a crash which would sometimes happen around the end of 2005 when running the Irish league.
          - Fixed a problem with competitions which use Period league tables (e.g. Dutch First and Belgian Second Divisions). News items which refer to a team\'s current position are now more accurate.
          - Fixed some Czech competiton start times.
          - Fixed a problem with the English Championship playoff semi final sometimes getting the wrong draw.
          - Fixed some save game loading code which would sometimes cause friendlies not to be created.
          - Fixed some promotion/relegation issues in Chile.
          - Fixed some competition qualification issues in Peru.
          - Fixed a problem where delayed bans can sometimes last for 1 game too many.
          - Greek National Division B uses goal difference after results between teams on same points to decide position.
          - Greek National B Division teams have a 3 Non-EU player limit on their squads.
          - Some Welsh FAW Premier Cup dates changed.
          - National team bans now apply to the national team that the player was sent off for.
          - The English LDV Vans Trophy now uses the correct teams for 2004 and picks 6 Conference teams to play in each section.
          - Danish B teams now play in the reserve leagues.
          - Danish cup now uses cup runner up instead of league runner up if a team wins the double.
          - Confederations Cup draw now takes place after Oceania Nations Cup final and thus picks up the winner correctly now.
          - South American Recopa no longer uses extra time, just penalties.
          - Sometimes matches which should have been moved for TV were not being moved due to clashes with other competitions which should have been ignored.
          - Czech Under 18 leagues now have 16 teams per group.
          - Removed Czech Under 18 cup.
          - Correct teams get entered into each round of the Welsh FAW Premier Cup.
          - Squad numbers only apply to teams in the Turkish Premier Division now.
          - Tuned attendances in MLS ALL Stars Match
          - Tuned Korean player wages and valuations
          - Portuguese Under 19s can now be registered meaning that that they are eligible to play for A/B teams. (Registered B team players still need to be moved into the A team before they can be picked)
          - Increased Romanian loan lengths.
          - Italian Serie B now uses playoffs depending on the number of points gap between certain teams in the league.
          - Added some tv dates to the Danish Cup.
          - Danish divisions now only have a position playoff if teams have the same goal difference and goals scored.
          - Added a winter Norwegian transfer window.
          - German Second Division now has 7 subs instead of 5 allowed.
          - Argentina reserve competitions now have fixtures during the closing stage of the season.
          - Correct teams from Chile now qualify for the Libertadores.
          - Norwegian teams can now have more than 2 non-EU players in their squad but can only play 2 at one time.
          - Trialists cannot play in competitive matches in Belgium.
          - English Vans Trophy now uses extra time.
          - 1 team is relegated from the Singaporean League from 2008 onwards.

          > News Items
          - Fixed default string appearing if no responses to player being unhappy at club trying to sign a replacement
          - Fixed injured in training bug when in fact he was injured during a match
          - Fixed 0 year contract extension news bug
          - Fixed instances of \'young\' appearing twice in staff assessments
          - Fixed bug where wrong scoreline was being shown in a qualification news item
          - Fixed news item not mentioning penalty shootout win during world cup in post match news item
          - Fixed manager comment stating he intends to stop opponents title bid before it\'s even begun from, appearing in march
          - Prevented post_transfer news items being generated for players who were already on loan before the transfer or co-owned.
          - Stopped fans moaning about the signing of old player when he has signing in a non_playing capacity as well
          - Human managers no longer linked to jobs in nations which are not enabled.

          > Transfers
          - Adjusted down values for certain Championship level players at clubs like QPR who had slightly higher potentials than reputations but where those potentials were below top standard level.
          - Ensured young lads don\'t get put in the first team when they can\'t actually play for the first team
          - Tuned manager interest, stopped managers being interested in lesser stature club\'s than the ones they are currently at

          > International Management
          - Fixed player being removed from squad when he has 1 or 2 day injury.
          - International underage jobs now offered to human managers by computer managers.
          - Removed player pre match comment for second leg of a playoff( until text can be added to determine first leg score )
          - More national team managers are now retained at the start of the game.
          - Fixed national team news item saying team are already out of the competition when they are not.
          - Fixed news item says \'despite failing to win their last game\' when it\'s the first game.
          - Fixed high rep managers signing as human managers national team youth managers.
          - Fixed national teams playing big nations in small stadiums.

          > Player Profile
          - Fixed bizarre player reaction to media comment prior to relgation battle
          - \"Believes his manager may be overly about winning the title this season\" added confident to the previous string (english only)
          - Tuned removal of \'lost confidence\' in manager
          - Ensured that players don\'t request first team football until fairly fit

          > Scouting
          - Fixed problem where scout searches and also team coach reports for some small clubs would be full of 5 star players not worthy of such a rating.
          - Fixed a problem where scout search conditions were not always being saved down properly.
          - Fixed next opposition report indicating a player who is on loan is a \'key player\'
          - Stopped players being scouted while injured
          - Team coach report tweaking for reporting on AM and DM players in a 352 formation better.

          > Player Personality Model
          - Prevented rare bug where players seesawed between unhappy/happy with their amount of first team football
          - Improved AI behind removal of \'clarifacation of squad status\' unhappiness
          - Ensured players aren\'t too pleased when an unknown manager takes charge of a really big team at the start of a game

          > Manager
          - Tuned manager movement in smaller leagues and semi-pro clubs slightly

          > Training
          - Fixed incorrect coach text being displayed for injured players
          - Tuned player progression and regeneration player setup

          > Finances
          - Fixed bug where a few obscure Argentinian players had negative wages
          - Fixed bug where free-transfer compensation wasn\'t always subtracted from finances correctly
          - Slight tweaking to Korean player and staff wages
          - Slight tweaking to Singaporean player wages
          - Slight tweaking to Malaysian player wages
          - Tuned Korean semi-pro expenditure costs
          - Tuned Serbian sponsorship amounts
          - Tuning capping on player valuations for minor leagues to prevent \"big-name\" players in those leagues being over somewhat valued considering the clubs they are at.
          - Reduced level of TV payments in smaller leagues somewhat where appropriate
          - Tuned Czech player valuations
          - Tuned Czech club sponsorship amounts
          - Israeli wage and player valuation tuning
          - Chinese player valutation tuning

          > Mac Only
          - Fixed mac bug which was trying to scan font files in formats that we don\'t support
          - Fixed potential file error on mac; if filenames were too long, the wrong file could get returned from a routine, leading to file corruptions
          - Fixed crash when right-clicking on an edit box on the mac
          - Fixed double-clicking on game file to load a game
          - Fixed mac preferences, about and quit menus
          - Rewrote some low level file code to remove the old OS9 file name length limits

          > Windows Only
          - Fixed scanning files with invalid modification dates would cause game crash (If date was not between 00:00:00 01-01-1970 and 03:14:07 01-19-2038 (UTC).)

          > Hall Of Fame
          - International continental competition wins are now rated by the continent. Before an Oceania Nations Cup win was treated equally to a European Championship win.

          > Retirements
          - Fixed player\'s retiring day after announcing that they are about to retire due to injury at end of season
          - Re-tuned distribution of retirement news.
          - When a player gets converted into a coach/manager, he retains his city of birth and career history.

          > Data Editor
          - Making changes to playing histories no longer crashes the game or the editor.
          - The ratings of club and nation relationships can now be updated.
          - The editor can now save the datafiles to another location than the default one.


          Eesti Lokomotiv Moskva fännid



            Vastus teemale \'Football Manager 2005\'

            kas seda juttu poleks saanud kuskilt lingina anda?


              Vastus teemale \'Football Manager 2005\'

              ei, miks, tore ju kui kõik koos on.

              - Fixed huge amount of injury time in extra time caused by human making subs in the interval
              mul korra lõppes mäng justkui 138 minutil, aga ma ei olnud kindel kas asi mitte kellaajas ja joodud õlledes pole. ju siis mitte. selle ülearuse 18 min jooksul löödi mulle kusjuures 2 kolli.
              We have to disorganise their organisation so we have to be very creative.


                Vastus teemale \'Football Manager 2005\'

                nonii, igasuguste segajatega (nagu nt töö) võideldes sai esimene divarihooaeg läbi, ja ei olnud väga suur üllatus, et kaks vooru enne lõppu premieripääsu kindlustasin. (Oma liiga võitsid ka Motherwelli reservid.) 5 meest First Division Team of the Year\'is - pole paha.

                Jaanuaris olin küll sunnitud maha müüma oma kaks parimat mängijat, sest ei paistnud nende suvel lõppevale lepingule kuskilt mõlemat poolt rahuldavaid pikendustingimusi tulevat - aga õnneks see mu head \'minekut\' ei mõjutanud. Saadud raha eest tegin seni suurima ostu (580 k lausa!) - noor lootustandev ründaja Falkirkist, Duffy, liitub suvel. Lisaks on juba kokku lepitud mitu tasuta ületulekut - loodetavasti sel hooajal SPL-s mehi puudu ei jää, kui vigastused ründavad ja õnnestub isegi püsima jääda.

                Hooaja parim oli taas David Clarkson (26 mängu, 32 väravat), kellele sekundeerisid põhitegijatena Ritchie Partridge (First Divison Player of the Year) ja Brian Kerr keskväljal ning Norrast skauditud ründaja Stig Martin Aadnevik koos ex-ManU noore Colin Heathiga. (Neist esimese leping lõpeb aasta pärast ja kuna juba praegu on Barca, HSV ja Depor ukse taga, võib arvata, et tema teeneid kauaks enam ei ole.) Kaitse tugisambaks kujunes trinidadlane Brent Sancho - aga ka tema tahab suuremasse klubisse lahkuda. Oijah.

                Oma noortest on põhitiimi seni murdnud üks (Fitzpatrick, MC) ja ja pingilt sekkub sageli teine (Russell, AML). Paistab, et midagi tuleb sealt veel.

                Mujal maailmas: UEFA Cup Interile, CL-s ei suutnud Milan Bayerni vastu tiitlit kaitsta.
                Eestlastest Viikmäe Teplicesse läinud, muid liikumisi pole täheldanud.

                edit: Huvi pärast tegin uue kasutaja Untitled User ja võtsin Inglismaaga osa MM2006-st. Alagrupis kaotasid nii Iiri, Ghana kui Kreeka, siis playoffides järgemööda Kolumbia, Brasiilia, Hispaania ja finaalis Argentiina. Kuidagi väga lihtsalt käis asi, taktika oli sama mis Motherwelliga mängides. Ilmselt oli edu võti selles, et väravasse panin eksperimendi korras Robert Greeni.
                We have to disorganise their organisation so we have to be very creative.


                  Vastus teemale \'Football Manager 2005\'

                  Algselt postitas gamer

                  kas seda juttu poleks saanud kuskilt lingina anda?
                  ei mina küll mitte


                  Eesti Lokomotiv Moskva fännid



                    Vastus teemale \'Football Manager 2005\'

                    krt ma postitan siia juba way too much..
                    aga et kas mina sain yhe mehe kahest versioonist tõesti sitema? god damn!
                    We have to disorganise their organisation so we have to be very creative.


                      Vastus teemale \'Football Manager 2005\'

                      Olete tähele pannud, et Oliver Kahn\'i ei ole selles mängus? Keegi teab, miks?
                      Õhtul oli lahe juhtum, üks prantslane tuli hostelisse riidekapi suuruse kohvriga ja sai toa 3ndale korrusele no ja otsustas sinna siis liftiga sõita. Ronis oma kodinatega lifti… ja…. ja astus siis kirudes välja – see oli telefoniputka!!! Meil pole ju majas lifti!


                        Vastus teemale \'Football Manager 2005\'

                        Algselt postitas Totti

                        Olete tähele pannud, et Oliver Kahn\'i ei ole selles mängus? Keegi teab, miks?
                        Tema asemel on Jens Mustermann ju


                          Vastus teemale \'Football Manager 2005\'

                          motherwelli saaga, vol.3.
                          ehk kolmas hooaeg lõppes, võiks pidada isegi edukaks. Relegatsiooniga, nagu soovis board, võitlesin edukalt, saavutades lausa 8. koha - pigem võiks kahetseda seda, et enne liiga \'pooleks\' minemist vähe õnne oli ja ülemise kuue sekka ennast ei suutnud mängida. Lisaks oli ka rahalises mõttes kena aasta, pluss 2,2M, võib \'finances\' alt lugeda.

                          sisse kaheksa mängijat, õnnestunud ostudeks võib lugeda nii Darryl Duffy kui eelpool mainitud \'ühe versiooni\' leedukas Cesnauskisest, kes just hooaja lõpul heasse vormi tõusis. välja samuti kaheksa mängijat, loobusin nii Richie Partridge\'st kui David Clarksonist, kes rekordilise 3M eest Rangersisse (piiroja klubikaaslaseks) siirdus ja esimeses omavahelises mängus mulle hat-tricki lõi. Teda asendama meelitasin Kilmarnocki Paul di Giacomo seni rekordilise 1,7M eest. Lõpuks otsustasin ise ka mõne eestlase ära proovida, järgmiseks hooajaks Klavan oranzhis särgis.

                          uefa cup läks seekord Celticule, CL finaalis võitis Chelsea pennaldega ManU-t.
                          Eesti koondise euro2008 valikgrupp on väga tuttav kuidagi: portugal, slovakkia, läti ja venemaa on jälle esindatud..
                          We have to disorganise their organisation so we have to be very creative.


                            Vastus teemale \'Football Manager 2005\'

                            Algselt postitas fittibaldi

                            Lõpuks otsustasin ise ka mõne eestlase ära proovida, järgmiseks hooajaks Klavan oranzhis särgis.
                            Soovitan soojalt teda. Realiga mängides oli ta väga hea, vaat et isegi parem kui Carlos või Raul Bravo.


                              Vastus teemale \'Football Manager 2005\'

                              Algselt postitas Tanel

                              Algselt postitas Totti

                              Olete tähele pannud, et Oliver Kahn\'i ei ole selles mängus? Keegi teab, miks?
                              Tema asemel on Jens Mustermann ju
                              Seda ma tean ise ka! Aga ma tahtsin teada, et miks teda seal ei ole? Et kas Kahn jälle ülbitseb, et miks kasutatakse tema nime kui talt pole luba küsitud vms...?
                              Õhtul oli lahe juhtum, üks prantslane tuli hostelisse riidekapi suuruse kohvriga ja sai toa 3ndale korrusele no ja otsustas sinna siis liftiga sõita. Ronis oma kodinatega lifti… ja…. ja astus siis kirudes välja – see oli telefoniputka!!! Meil pole ju majas lifti!


                                Vastus teemale \'Football Manager 2005\'

                                Algselt postitas Totti

                                Algselt postitas Tanel

                                Algselt postitas Totti

                                Olete tähele pannud, et Oliver Kahn\'i ei ole selles mängus? Keegi teab, miks?
                                Tema asemel on Jens Mustermann ju
                                Seda ma tean ise ka! Aga ma tahtsin teada, et miks teda seal ei ole? Et kas Kahn jälle ülbitseb, et miks kasutatakse tema nime kui talt pole luba küsitud vms...?
                                Tõmba see. Igaksjuhuks back-upi data kausta failid ära. Lisaks Kahnile on ka ju kogu Saksa koondis p*rses. (Vähemalt mul) Seal on mõlemad ära parandatud.

