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Algselt postitas kaala Vaata postitustNäiteks peale seda kui Biden pajatas, et tömbab nafta ja gaasitööstusele sisuliselt vee peale,tegi "How can I change my vote" otsing rekordeid
Pealegi, arvestades et Trump lippas kohe twitterisse seda enda võiduks nimetama, võib see vabalt olla tema kampaania fabritseeritud. Ei ole just kuigi keeruline.20 LEGEND
Algselt postitas kaala Vaata postitustNöus, aga see tekst peaks nagu naljakas, mitte tösi olema. Lisaks on neil selline asi teise asjana põhiseaduses kirjas: "Ameerika Ühendriikide põhiseaduse täiendus, mis näeb ette õiguse relva kanda ja hoida."Am Sonntag um 13.00 Uhr haben wir ein Weißwurst- Wettfressen mit der Bayern-Spitze. Da bin ich gut dabei. (Rainer Calmund)
Algselt postitas kaala Vaata postitustNöus, aga see tekst peaks nagu naljakas, mitte tösi olema. Lisaks on neil selline asi teise asjana põhiseaduses kirjas: "Ameerika Ühendriikide põhiseaduse täiendus, mis näeb ette õiguse relva kanda ja hoida."
Algselt postitas vtp Vaata postitustFact check: Kaks päeva hiljem hakkas liikuma alles. Tipu saavutas veel kaks päeva pärast seda. Sinu pakutud kausaalsus on väga küsitav.
Pealegi, arvestades et Trump lippas kohe twitterisse seda enda võiduks nimetama, võib see vabalt olla tema kampaania fabritseeritud. Ei ole just kuigi keeruline.“Just because you're offended, doesn't mean you're right.”
Algselt postitas kaala Vaata postitustNjah vöimalik et see tuli rohkem Trumpilt kes meenutas et on vöimalik häält muuta, ma ei tea. Selline asi nagu "get rid of fracking" käib Pennsylvanias üle miljoni inimese sissetuleku pihta, kes esialgu vöisid talle hääle anda aga peale sellist flopi paljud seda kindlasti ei teeks. See saab talle ka ilmselt saatuslikuks seal osariigis
Algselt postitas kaala Vaata postitustNjah vöimalik et see tuli rohkem Trumpilt kes meenutas et on vöimalik häält muuta, ma ei tea. Selline asi nagu "get rid of fracking" käib Pennsylvanias üle miljoni inimese sissetuleku pihta, kes esialgu vöisid talle hääle anda aga peale sellist flopi paljud seda kindlasti ei teeks. See saab talle ka ilmselt saatuslikuks seal osariigis20 LEGEND
Algselt postitas Mõnuagent 007 Vaata postitust Ilmselt kallutatud.
In Pennsylvania Nearly 1 in 3 Republicans support a ban on fracking.
Surveys show growing skepticism about the fossil fuel industry. Even in swing states where the oil and gas industry looms large, fracked gas isn't a winner.
Kliimaaktivistide jutt on tore, aga gaasist ja naftast tehakse üle 6000 toote, mida päikesepaneeliga ei asenda
Ja mis siis kui üldse hetkel löpetada?
CoC warns that a U.S. fracking ban would devastate the economy. If a ban were imposed in 2021, by 2025 it would eliminate 19 million jobs and reduce U.S. GDP by $7 trillion. ... This would increase costs for American families, businesses, and utilities and cause household energy bills to more than quadruple.
Ei köla ka just hästi.
“Just because you're offended, doesn't mean you're right.”
Biden has repeatedly said he will not ban fracking; the policies he has released only call for no new fracking on federal lands. His policy also allows for existing fracking on federal lands to continue, and existing and new fracking on privately owned land to continue.
Biden, however, has also called for net-zero carbon emissions by 2050 — a plan that would include a systematic departure from the use of fossil fuels, which has implications for fracking. He hasn’t explicitly said how or when that move away from fossil fuels would affect fracking, but Trump has used the proposal to tell audiences, inaccurately, that his opponent wants to ban fracking now.
Algselt postitas rahvaspordipäev Vaata postitustBiden has repeatedly said he will not ban fracking; the policies he has released only call for no new fracking on federal lands. His policy also allows for existing fracking on federal lands to continue, and existing and new fracking on privately owned land to continue.
Biden, however, has also called for net-zero carbon emissions by 2050 — a plan that would include a systematic departure from the use of fossil fuels, which has implications for fracking. He hasn’t explicitly said how or when that move away from fossil fuels would affect fracking, but Trump has used the proposal to tell audiences, inaccurately, that his opponent wants to ban fracking now.
Algselt postitas vtp Vaata postitustSelle trendi taga on suurimad panustajad Hawaii, Montana ja Delaware, neist vaid Montanas on fracking teemaks. Pennsylvania on 32. kohal.“Just because you're offended, doesn't mean you're right.”
Algselt postitas Mõnuagent 007 Vaata postitustKallutatud! Trump ju ütles teisiti.
“Just because you're offended, doesn't mean you're right.”
Algselt postitas rahvaspordipäev Vaata postitustBiden has repeatedly said he will not ban fracking; the policies he has released only call for no new fracking on federal lands. His policy also allows for existing fracking on federal lands to continue, and existing and new fracking on privately owned land to continue.
Biden, however, has also called for net-zero carbon emissions by 2050 — a plan that would include a systematic departure from the use of fossil fuels, which has implications for fracking. He hasn’t explicitly said how or when that move away from fossil fuels would affect fracking, but Trump has used the proposal to tell audiences, inaccurately, that his opponent wants to ban fracking now.“Just because you're offended, doesn't mean you're right.”
Algselt postitas kaala Vaata postitustLisaks "vote trump" vs "vote biden" lükake "joe biden corrupt" vs "donald trump corrupt" google trendsi saate ka vahvad tulemusedAmorim <3
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