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    Härra Zelinski paistab oma ennustustega prohvetlik olevat. Päris mitu kõrge koefitsendiga tulemust täppi juba, kaasaarvatud Barca ja Milani skoor... kuigi nädalvahetuse Newcastle'i võit oli üsna kindel laks tegelikult ja ei saanudki aru, kuidas nii palju lolle oli, kes Liverpooli peale raha panid, et koef 3,1 peale tõusis. Tegin isegi tänu sellele (ja Juvele) 3 euri 20-ks.


      Hakkasin lugema Tim Donaghy raamatut, et kuidas sai toredast poisist NBA mängusid mõjutanud kohtunik. Sellest lähtuvalt mõtlesin, et teen ka enda arved tühjaks. Panin siis rõõmsalt viimase allesoleva raha Getafele (2,8), aga need sunnikud võitsid. Võitsid veel ülivõimsalt. Jee!!! Või õigemini, damn...


        Algselt postitas Mõnuagent 007 Vaata postitust
        Hakkasin lugema Tim Donaghy raamatut, et kuidas sai toredast poisist NBA mängusid mõjutanud kohtunik. Sellest lähtuvalt mõtlesin, et teen ka enda arved tühjaks. Panin siis rõõmsalt viimase allesoleva raha Getafele (2,8), aga need sunnikud võitsid. Võitsid veel ülivõimsalt. Jee!!! Või õigemini, damn...
        Seejärel panin ööseks täpselt võrdselt ühe osa Torontole ja teise Orlandole (NBA-s). Mõlemal koefitsent 3,0 ja ühe neist ka võitsin. Seega jätkan plussis. Nüüd ladusin kõik pingpongi peale, kus võistlevad kaks mängijat.


          Algselt postitas Mõnuagent 007 Vaata postitust
          Seejärel panin ööseks täpselt võrdselt ühe osa Torontole ja teise Orlandole (NBA-s). Mõlemal koefitsent 3,0 ja ühe neist ka võitsin. Seega jätkan plussis. Nüüd ladusin kõik pingpongi peale, kus võistlevad kaks mängijat.
          Selgus, et minu mängija võitis ja raha taas x1,57. Mis järgmiseks?


            Kuula Peeter Sood ja lükka kogu raha mighty Bayern Müncheni peale täna õhtuks. VÕi Gomez to score vms.

            edit: Ronaldo to score 5.0, miks mitte?


              Või kuula hoopis Zelinskit ja lükka raha Reali ja Barca peale
              May the Violet flag flutter in the wind on all fields of challenge and valour, a vivid hope is our solace, we have eleven athletes and one heart. Go, Fiorentina, we want you to be the queen of all teams, go, Fiorentina, fight with bravery and prowess everywhere! In any hour of dismay and victory, remember you're the history of football!


                Mul on nüüd tõsine probleem. Mäng on läbi juba tund aega, aga triobet pole maailma tähtsaima pinksiturniiri (no äkki on?) tulemust veel ära kinnitanud...


                  Algselt postitas Mõnuagent 007 Vaata postitust
                  Mul on nüüd tõsine probleem. Mäng on läbi juba tund aega, aga triobet pole maailma tähtsaima pinksiturniiri (no äkki on?) tulemust veel ära kinnitanud...
                  Panin Aasia Meistrite Liigale, et Tokyo võidab Pekingit. 7. mindil lõi Tokio 1-0. Samas läks ka 2. maailmasõjas Jaapanil esialgu sitaks hästi... (koef 1,40).

                  Tokyo juhib poolajaks 2-0. Jee!


                    Ja järgmisena Persepolis händiga mingi Al-Shalalalabi vastu. Sellise nimega meeskond ei saa alt vedada!


                      M007, kui raha peale vihane oled, kanna see mulle kontole. Annan sulle privas kontonumbri.
                      The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of the darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy My brothers. And you will know I am the Lord when I lay My vengeance upon you.


                        Algselt postitas Tofoa Vaata postitust
                        M007, kui raha peale vihane oled, kanna see mulle kontole. Annan sulle privas kontonumbri.
                        Esimene poolaeg on 0:0, et ilmselt ei ole mul sulle midagi kanda.
                        Tra see persepoolis, rsk. Rohkem ma ei mängi!
                        Löödi 1:0, siis hakati palli taga keerutama ja Katarsis lõi imekolli. Paras pärdikutele.


                          Täna oli siis Triobetis selline hea bet üleval:
                          Bayern München - Real Madrid (Team with most cards)
                          Equal 1.7
                          Bayern München 3.10
                          Real Madrid 5.25

                          Muidugi tuli mõlemad meeskonnad valida. Väga hea value. Hiljem aga avastasin, et mu Real Madridile tehtud panus on tühistatud ja Bayerni oma endiselt jõus. Läksin siis Live Chati oma murega, kus selgus järgmine:
                          * Nad muudavad Terms & Conditione, siis kui neil tuju tuleb ja kuidas iganes tahavad, ilma, et kedagi teavitaks.
                          * Nad võivad ükskõik millise panuse tühistada ja öelda, et tegu oli eksitusega.
                          * Nende reeglid räägivad üksteise vastu ning valitakse see kumb parasjagu nagu neile kasulik on.
                          * Vytautas: our site our rules

                          Lisaks tahtsin, et nad siis mu Bayerni peale pandud raha samamoodi tagastaks, sest see oli tehtud ainult nende juba tühistatud panuse tõttu.

                          Kogu vestlus on saadaval siin:


                          Vytautas: but regarding the rules, we are able to cancel all tickets or bets with wrong odds
                          Mihkel: this makes no sense...this way you could cancel all bets and say that we had wrong odds
                          Vytautas: no, we can not
                          Mihkel: you just said that you have the right to cancel all tickets that have wrong odds
                          Vytautas: correct
                          Mihkel: and who is there to tell if the odds are correct or not?
                          Vytautas: you can see by yourself, comparing odds on both sides
                          Mihkel: I have no way to know, I do not know how odds are calculated
                          Vytautas: you made bet on both sides knowing you will win in any case
                          Mihkel: no, I wont win in any case
                          Mihkel: if the number of cards is tied, I do not win
                          Mihkel: So basically, you are telling me, that whenever there is a threat that you have to make a slightly bigger payout, you just canccel the ticket and say that you are sorry but the odds were wrong.
                          Vytautas: all i am saying there is there is a mistake in odds, we will cancel it, so if you will place a bet knowing it, there is no reason to complain later on
                          Mihkel: and how exactly should I know if these are really good odds or another mistake done by you?
                          Mihkel: or should I stop betting on anything higher than 2?
                          Vytautas: you can bet on any odds you want
                          Mihkel: I can't, you cancel them when you want
                          Vytautas: only following the rules, nothing else
                          Mihkel: 3.4. Triobet offers single bets on all gaming objects, and the odds is guaranteed once a customer confirms the bet. However, Triobet reserves the right to change the odds on the objects being offered. Of course a customer keeps the odds on his/hers confirmed bet even if a change will be made later on.
                          Mihkel: there is a rule from your terms and condition
                          Mihkel: or does it not count?
                          Vytautas: 3.3 We reserve the right to deny accepting any bet. An already accepted bet can be cancelled if it does not comply with the Rules or if there is an obvious misprint from our point. In such circumstances a bet can even be cancelled after the result has been confirmed.
                          Vytautas: and what this rule is about?
                          Teine kord.
                          Vytautas: Is there anything else I can help you?
                          Mihkel: Yes, I want my bet to be reinstated.
                          Mihkel: I find it really weird that you punish a loyal costumer like this as I have been using your site for years now, taking part of your bonus offers, playing poker etc. and one they, out of the blue, you just backstab me like this.
                          Mihkel: And now, when this bet is canceled, I might find my other bet not reasonable anymore and this makes me loose money once again.
                          Mihkel: one day* sorry
                          Vytautas: if you bet you thought you gonna win
                          Vytautas: match is not over yet
                          Vytautas: it means your bet is not lost yet
                          Mihkel: I bet because I saw good odds. So I rather bet on value than thinking Im going to win this for sure.
                          Kolmas kord.
                          Vytautas: Is there anything else I can help you?
                          Mihkel: Yes, please work on the issue we have been talking about the last 15 minutes.
                          Mihkel: I doubt that there are many people asking for the bet to be reinstated
                          Vytautas: we apology for any inconvenience
                          Vytautas: no, not at all
                          Mihkel: so the likelihood that you will have to pay for your mistake is 0 but client will always have to pay for theirs.
                          Mihkel: I get it now.
                          Mihkel: Clients are not worth of anything.
                          Vytautas: rules are always online and there is always possibility to check them again and again
                          Mihkel: That is a good point! So I should not be livebetting because during the 10 seconds while you confirm the bet, you can change the Terms & Conditions and make a rule that all bets on this league, are not paid out.
                          Mihkel: So not only are you not taking any responsility for your mistakes, you also say that you can changes the rules whenever and however you want.
                          Vytautas: if you would think ir real like this you never would make any bet
                          Vytautas: right, we can change rules at any time- it's written in rules as well
                          Mihkel: Good. This has been eye opening for me.
                          Mihkel: I do understand that you cannot do anything. Do you have a supervisor who I could talk to?
                          Vytautas: you can sedn an email if you would like write to whom you want forward us the email and we will do it for you
                          Mihkel: Ok, thank you!
                          Vytautas: You are welcome
                          Vytautas: have a nice day
                          Mihkel: Do not go yet.
                          Mihkel: There is another issue.
                          Mihkel: I want my other ticket to canceled then as well.
                          Vytautas: sorry, but we can not cancel bet
                          Mihkel: Yes you can cancel a bet. We just went over it. You cancel 0.74 per cent of my bets.
                          Vytautas: it has to be a reason
                          Mihkel: You have a reason. I only made the bet because of the first one.
                          Mihkel: So if I can't ask the bet to be canceled, should I ask for refund when the bet misses?
                          Vytautas: you mean after bet lose?
                          Mihkel: Yes, I would even accept a balancing after I hit the bet so I do not get any extra money because this would be FAIR but you might now know anything about that...
                          Neljas kord.
                          Vytautas: Is there anything else I can help you?
                          Mihkel: Yes, cancel my second bet or confirm that I will get refund/balanced after this?
                          Vytautas: have a nice day
                          Mihkel: I hope I didn't ruin yours so have a nice day as well!
                          Vytautas: I hope you really will understand the situation
                          Mihkel: I do. You make a mistake and won't have any responsibilty for it.
                          Vytautas: because we follow the rules, nothing else
                          Mihkel: The rules you made and you changes whenever you want.
                          Vytautas: our site our rules
                          Eelistan Eesti vutti võõrale. Olgu see siis koondisemängud või ka meie oma ML. Kui hakkaksin ManU fänniks, siis ei muutuks sellest põhimõtteliselt mitte midagi. Oleksin üks kübe ookeanitäiest poolehoidjatest. Rooneyl on rohkem kui ükskõik, kas sa istud oma kulunud ManU särgiga pubis või mitte. Siin on iga fänn kullahinnaga ja kohalike klubisid toetades saad reaalselt midagist korda saata. Ja kui välismaalastel kõlbab siin mängida, siis mis perse pärast mul ei kõlba mänge vaatamas käia? - Myrgel


                            ebaterve huumor.


                              issand mai teagi kuidas ma viitsisin kõik selle lihtsalt läbi lugeda..... aga jah, pean võtma eeskuju sinust. ma tavaliselt ei viitsi nendega üldse eriti vaielda, aga nagu näha, siis annaks küll see 0,74 comeback täitsa meeldis mulle


                                Ma eeldan mängu tulemusest, et nad nüüd ikka tühistasid selle Bayerni beti.
                                "The great fallacy is that the game is first and last about winning. It’s nothing of the kind. The game is about glory. It’s about doing things in style, with a flourish, about going out and beating the other lot, not waiting for them to die of boredom". - Danny Blanchflower, legend

