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Leeds United

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    Vastus teemale \'Leeds United\'

    Algselt postitas elBiD

    14.00 CET Wigan Athletic [1] – [1] Leeds United

    Ja jäigi nägemata. Kas keegi jälgis, ehk jagate oma kommentaare.
    Vaatasin ja jagan kah siis Ütleme nii, et meeskonnad olid võrdsed. Leedsile löödi värav kasti lükatud pallile puute andmisel ja paarilt meetrilt polnud ka SUliivanil midagi teha. Leeds lõi oma värava peale seda kui kasti antud pall oli mitme mängija pead puudutanud ja kukkus Hulsele rinnale, kust ta palli ka võrku virutas.

    Teatud ajahetkedel (peale avaväravat) tundus, et Leeds annab alla. Ei suudetud enam midgai korralikku luua ja lasti Wiganil ainult rünnata. Viimased 20 minutit aga kuulusid täielikult Leedsile. Eriti tõi teravust vahetusest sisse tulnud Cresswell, kuna Blake oli minu silmis täielik null. Ka Milleri sihik oli paigast ära kui ta üritas kasti joonelt pealelööke soovitada. Üldse tundus Leedsi ründemängus käega löömist kui sööt natuke viltu läks, ei käidud agressiivselt peale.

    MIs muud öelda, oodake aga Replay-d Elland Roadil ja ehk pääsete edasi.


      Vastus teemale \'Leeds United\'

      Bloody lucky-lucky-lucky once again!

      Viimased 20 minti mängis Wigan äkki 10 mehega ka? Mitte punase, vaid lihtsalt ebaõnne tõttu, kuna vahetused olid tehtud ja mees sai vigastada.



        Vastus teemale \'Leeds United\'

        lucky my arse

        nägin küll ainult teist poolaega, kuid selle põhjal oli 1:1 igati aus. igati võrdne mäng, mis on muidugi vahva, sest see oli võõrsil kõrgliiga meeskonna vastu.
        «Kuule, konn, kas vesi on soe?»
        «Mina istun siin, muide, nagu konn, aga mitte nagu termomeeter!»


          Vastus teemale \'Leeds United\'

          Tuesday, 17 January 2006 FA Cup Leeds v Wigan, 21.45

          Võimalik, et näidatakse teles.

          Uue ringi loosimine: esmaspäeval, meie paari number on 20.
          When I get sad, I stop being sad and be awesome instead. True story!


            Vastus teemale \'Leeds United\'

            vaadake allkirja
            minul jooksis see hiinaime suht ladusalt... vaid paar korda kiilus kinni. Siinkohal kasutaksingi juhust ja tänaksin meie Suurt Juhti ja Õpetajat, kes seda kõike võimaldas.
            Mängust vast nii palju, et Teamtalk-i report ajab suti pada. Minu arust oli meil 1. pooajal paar täiesti arvestatavat võimalust. .. Ja Blake ei olnud 0.. päris hästi rabeles. Pealegi ei ole eriti lihtne 1 puhta wingeriga mängida. Douglas ja Blake siis kahepeale üritasid seda kohta täita. Esile tahaks tõsta vanameister Kelly-t, kes kappas nagu arust ära (heas mõttes siis) mööda väljakut. Üldiselt see tõusva äärekaitsja skeem töötas päris hästi.. teisel pooajal isegi Crainey sähvatas paar korda. Värav tuli muidugi tema uimerdamisest. Ja nüüd kõige olulisemast - loodetavasti läbi mittevägavalgete prillide - Leedsi keskväli mängis premeirshipi tagumise osa tasemel. Sellist asja ei ole minu silmad näinud aastat kolm ja minu arust on see isegi tähtsam, kui tänane viik - kui võrrelda võrreldamatut. Eks pisut läks kah Wigani langeva vormi alla ja aitas kah see, et nende keskväljamootor saabus mängu alles mingitel seitsmekümnendatel, aga siiski - This is a good sign fellows

            Hirmuga järgmist nädalavahetust oodates...


              Vastus teemale \'Leeds United\'

              Just got back lads, and what a performance our boys turned in, again. The work ethic, ala Plymouth, was there again for all to see, and it seems Blackwell, Carver and co, have really got the players working for one \'n\' other as a team. As Perseus pointed out in another thread leading up to the game, we\'d soon be up for it come KO time, and in my case I was. After worrying about the game and what we would initially do, that turned to determination and pride for Leeds to go and get a result. Seems it was matched by other 3499 or so fans that made the journey, as they too finished where they left off at Plymouth, in fine voice. I was walking out of the ground, not just thinking, but knowing Wigan deserved nothing from that game, we pressurised their back four and midfield when they had the ball, in key areas, while letting them enjoy a bit of possession aslong as we kept them where they\'d find it extremely difficult to harm us. Every single player played their part today, and we showed we\'ve come along way, and Wigan didn\'t deserve a replay from their approach and performance, while we may rue missing some good chances, and curse referee Graham Poll, for turning down a couple of strong penalty appeals.

              Here\'s how I saw it, anyway.

              Sully : 6
              Didn\'t really have that much to do overall, in fairness. He came and collected a few loose balls well, and what was good to see was him throwing the ball out, to the full backs, more often than not, resisting the temptation of just hoofing it down the middle to Hulse and hoping for the best.

              Kelly : 6.5
              Solid as ever, and at times helped us move forward down the right line. Perhaps at times too slow in possesion, in terms, of not releasing the ball early enough, but he did okay. He gave Sully the option to throw it out.

              Killa and Butler: 6.5/7
              Both gave us a platform from the back to build upon. Hardly missed an header, and when it got scrappy, on the few occasions, in and around our 18 yard box, they dealt with it well. When Roberts came on, we saw none of the gulf in strength demonstrated last season when Killa and him came head to head.

              Crainey: 6
              Very similar to Kelly, he tried working the left with Lewis, and pushed on well, better in the second half. Defensively, maybe a little flat footed at times, but he coped reasonably well.

              Douglas: 6
              Perhaps not as effective as recent games, but he still did his job well, and supported Miller in probably the more attacking of the midfielders. Looked assured with the ball, and kept it ticking with Derry.

              Derry: 6.5/7
              Did really, really well today. Moves the ball from lift to right, right to left, and has an eye for people in space, he can pick them out, and by playing the simplist of passes get us on our way with a good move. Wigan at times, especially second half, tried making the game ugly, and scrappy, Derry, of course shine in this, strong in the tackle and more times than not coming away with ball, after breaking down their attacks, and getting us on our way once more.

              Miller: 8
              Our star man, for me. Thought he was excellent, and showed he wouldn\'t be out of place in the Premiership. He was absolutely everywhere, making a vital tackle, intercepting good build up from Wigan, to pushing on to support our forwards. Best player on the pitch, in my opinion.

              Lewis: 6/6.5
              Was never going to be as effective as last Monday, and it\'d be harsh of us to keep on expecting it from him game by game. He was tired, as far as I saw, but he klept probing down the left supported by Crainey. Maybe didn\'t have a go at the full back as much as people would have liked, but Taylor is a good RB. It was a decent battle, Lewis getting in some decent crosses, and helping our attacking build up, but mostly, Taylor managed to nullify his threat.

              Hulse: 6.5/7
              Gives us 110% and can win headers when needed to. Most of the chances in the game werescrappy affairs in their box, which Hulse tried and tried to get on the end of the crosses and free balls, but it fell very nicely for Wigan on every occasion, apart from his goal.

              Blake: 6.5/7
              He\'s by far our most intelligent, and arguably creative player. Okay at times he may be frustrating when he gives the ball away in good positions, but it\'s only because he\'s trying something different and with the onus on him to create things he\'s bound to do so. He worked well, and got wide on the right, to support Kelly when he\'d gone forward aswell. Came off midway through second half, to a good ovation.

              Subs -
              Healy: 6/6.5
              Cresswell: 6.5

              Fans: 9 - Good support, quiet near end of first half, but especially after conceeding really picked up again. Put their 10 fans, which bothered to turn up, to shame.
              When I get sad, I stop being sad and be awesome instead. True story!


                Vastus teemale \'Leeds United\'

                Algselt postitas Martin
                Võimalik, et näidatakse teles.
                telemeestel valida siis:

                Everton - Millwall
                Middlesbrough- Nuneaton
                Tamworth -Stoke
                Reading-West Brom või
                Leeds - Wigan..
                Suht suur tõenäosus, seda enam, et ilmselt ei hakka mängud samaaegselt..


                  Vastus teemale \'Leeds United\'

                  Siinkohal on muidugi sobiv nentida, et mina olin see, kes seda mängu tänu mingitele ühenduskaladele ei näinud. Konna ja Rünno suutsin muidugi samas vaatama panna. See tõestab taas, et ükski heategi ei jää karistuseta

                  Õnneks ma praegu tõmban seda mängu endale (täispikkuses) ja highlighte kah, seega midagi näen ikka ära.
                  When I get sad, I stop being sad and be awesome instead. True story!


                    Vastus teemale \'Leeds United\'

                    Rünno listile lisandub siis ka Scumchester vs. Burton Albion.
                    League One is for wankers. Championship is the ultimate challenge!


                      Vastus teemale \'Leeds United\'

                      Algselt postitas oku

                      Rünno listile lisandub siis ka Scumchester vs. Burton Albion.
                      ja kuna sky onud on maknu fännid, siis seda nad ka näitavad.

                      aga sa oku kuuluta välja see neljapäevane võimalus ruimarquesi supermängu vaadata
                      Jack of all trades, Master of nuns


                        Vastus teemale \'Leeds United\'

                        Kallid sõbrad,

                        Neljapäeval, 12.01.2006, rõõmustab Viasat Sport 2 kõiki praegusi ja tulevasi Leeds Unitedi fänne otseülekandega reservide liiga mängust Manchester United - Leeds United.

                        Meie, kes me otseloomulikult tahame kõik seda mängu näha, et ei korduks eelmise reservide mängu aegne, kus mina ja konn kahekesi Hiiu pubis pisarsilmil ja erutusest ulgudes Angoola koondise kandidaadi Rui Marquesi imenippe jälgisime, peame kokku leppima, kus ja kuidas koguneda.


                        a) Hiiu pubi
                        b) Rünno või konna või Smuti või minu/Aifo juures. Viimase variandi puhul peab arvestama suhtelise kitsukusega. Eriti kui mingid muud tolgused eesotsas selli ja estoniga kavatsevad ennast näole anda.
                        c) Mingi muu koht Tallinnas või selle suhtelises ümbruses. Soovitavalt siseruumides.

                        Otse loomulikult peanb ka meelik endast märku andma. Härra elBiD, nagu ma aru sain, resideerub kahjuks Tartus.

                        Onu Oku
                        League One is for wankers. Championship is the ultimate challenge!


                          Vastus teemale \'Leeds United\'

                          konn, vana rott, elimineerub võimaluste hulgast, kuna sel tolgusel pole taevakanalite vaatamie võimalust. masendav, et Leedsi toredate toetajate hulgas leidub ka selliseid elus persekäinud vaesureid.
                          Jack of all trades, Master of nuns


                            Vastus teemale \'Leeds United\'

                            Neljapäeval on muidugi HT kokkutulek, kus ma juua tahtsin, kuid põhimõtteliselt suht suva, et kus end sodiks tõmmata.
                            When I get sad, I stop being sad and be awesome instead. True story!


                              Vastus teemale \'Leeds United\'

                              Manchester City võõrsil. Perse.
                              When I get sad, I stop being sad and be awesome instead. True story!


                                Vastus teemale \'Leeds United\'

                                Teeme neile Doncasteri.
                                League One is for wankers. Championship is the ultimate challenge!

