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Leeds United

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    Vastus teemale \'Leeds United\'

    Algselt postitas Martin

    Iseenesest võiks sel teemal pikemagi kirjatöö valmis kirjutada, kuid kaheksa... seda ei olegi ju mitte väga palju. Oleksin julgenud rohkem pakkuda, näituseks ei ole ses nimekirjas Bradfordi ega Huddersfieldi, kellest viimasega ju isegi reaalselt kohtutakse sel hooajal.

    Aga üldiselt võiks ju peapõhjusteks pidada, et Leeds on (oli ) ikkagi suurklubi ja suuri võita on alati magusam (ja sealjuures saab ju teile veel laulda \"You are not a big club anymore!\"). Pealegi peetakse (kas see on nüüd otseselt seotud selle suurklubi mentaliteediga või mitte) Leedsi toetajaid (ja muidu üldse Yorkshire rahvast) ülbikuteks, kelle käitumine jätab soovida nii staadionil kui ka väljaspool seda. Näiteks kui Observer palus divari klubide fännidel pakkuda 2. divisjoni langejaid, siis kas Leedsi toetajaid selline asi huvitas??? Näää, nemad enda pead sellega ei vaevanud... (samas oli naljakas, et 4-5 muu klubi fännid nimetasid kolme väljalangeja seas Leedsi).

    Siis ei ole inimestele positiivset muljet jätnud Leedsi (ja ka Leicesteri) poliitika mängijateturul... seda nii ajalooliselt, kui ka käesolevat hooaega arvestades... ffs, meeskonnal on ju suuuured võlad, aga mängijate ostuks (jajaja, teil vaid 1 ost) ja palkadeks kulutatakse summasid, mis selle liiga viimaste jaoks, kes majandavad väga toredasti ega ole erilistes miinustes, on utoopilised.

    Kui aga rääkida otseselt Brightonist, siis peale nende ülal nimetatud põhjuste võib veel rääkida tõeliste kohalike rivaalide puudumisest selles divisjonis... Palarse põgenes hooajaks kõrgemale, L****on Or**nt rabeleb liigasse püsimajäämisvõitluses ja rohkem nagu peale Readingu (Coppouti teema) suuremaid rivaale polegi.

    Aga kuna ma olen /me, siis sulle eriti ei maksaks... Kui aga suurest aitähist piisab, siis oleks skänni eest tänulik küll..


      Vastus teemale \'Leeds United\'

      Skint, midagi sinule!

      Alumine uudis Leedsi enda lehelt. Tänased Inglismaa tabloidid väidavad, et kohe-kohe tuleb leping ka Garry Flitcroftiga. Samuti räägitakse Borussia Dortmundi ründajst David Odonkorist.

      Serge Set To Be Latest Signing
      Leeds United boss Kevin Blackwell is close to his 12th signing of the summer after agreeing personal terms with Cameroon midfielder Serge Branco.

      The 23-year-old will not cost The Whites a fee and last played for German Bundesliga side VFB Stuttgart, having spent the summer looking for a club in England after falling out of contract.

      He impressed during his week on trial at Thorp Arch and could be included in this weekend\'s squad to play Nottingham Forest if the revelent paperwork is received by the FA in time.

      United Chief Operating Office Shaun Harvey confirmed: \"Terms have been agreed with the player and the club have applied for international clearance from Germany.\"

      Kevin Blackwell has been looking to add to his midfield after losing the services of Eirik Bakke and most recently Lucas Radebe to long term injuries.

      Said Blackwell:\"He\'s got experience at the highest level and brings real quality to the squad at a time when we need it.\"

      The midfielder was part of the Cameroon side victorious at the Sydney Olympics and has played all his career in Germany.

      Branco, who holds a French passport, started out with Eintracht Braunschweig before moving to Eintracht Frankfurt in 2000.

      Last season he joined Champions League side VFB Stuttgart on a one-year deal. He had previously spent time on trial with Queens Park Rangers and Nottingham Forest.
      When I get sad, I stop being sad and be awesome instead. True story!


        Vastus teemale \'Leeds United\'

        Homme siis -Raadio ees otsin tuttavat jaama-
        Huddersfield ei ole see aasta õnneks eriti hiilanud - 18 koht, neljas mängust neli punkti. Hädasti oleks positiivseid emotsioone vaja.
        Ega kellelgi ei ole mingit TV kanalit õnnestunud välja peilida?
        P.S. Martin Su kallim on tagasi


          Vastus teemale \'Leeds United\'

          Parem Hilda kui mitte keegi.

          Sullivan: 6 - Not really in the game due to Forest\'s striking impotence. One save from a header straight at him that I can remember. Think there was a punch in the first half that got him into the trouble. No chance with the penalty.
          Kelly: 6 - Fairly solid, turned just the once iirc.
          Butler: 7 - Another solid performance from Captain B. Vocal, commanding - just what we need.
          Carlisle: 6 - A reasonable debut but he did have on \'Duberry moment\' in the 2nd half. Other than that, he looks capable.
          Crainey: 7 - Quite impressive but that may be more of a reflection of previous occupants of the LB berth than his performance. Caused lots of problems for Forest in the first half with his long balls down the wing to Joachim. Could have linked better with Guppy who dropped deep to offer an outlet several times but was ignored in favour of the aforementioned ball to Joachim.
          Richardson: 7 - A real threat running at Forest but lacked the confidence to shoot for some reason. Had one curling long range effort in the first half that just cleared the bar which I took to be him finding his range for subsequent efforts but they never came. Good cross for the goal.
          Wright: 6 - He\'s a battler and he got stuck in again on Saturday but he lacks vision and really needs someone who can pick a pass - and a shot - alongside him.
          Pugh: 6 - Started in central midfield, moved out left when Walton replaced Guppy. Definitely a winger but didn\'t shirk the work in central midfield. Should\'ve done better with a header early on.
          Guppy: 7 - Got the goal which was deserved for his work rate. He really did cover the ground on the left wing which I was surprised by. Can\'t remember many crosses but he wasn\'t played in that often either. Never a penalty.
          Deane: 6 - Well marked by Forest\'s defenders but did a lot more work than Ricketts. Tired soon after half time and ought to have been replaced by Ricketts sooner. Ought to have hit the target with his late header.
          Joachim 7 - Our liveliest attacking option but blotted his copy book with a poor finish late on.

          Ricketts: 6 - A couple of good touches after coming on but no time to make an impact. A more promising performance even it was for only 5 mins.
          Walton: ? - Can\'t say I noticed the lad
          McMaster 6 - Again, a couple of good touches but too late to make an impact.

          Overall 6 - I was absolutely furious after the final whistle. Forest offered no threat at all up front and we were clearly the better side at half time. After creating numerous chances in the first half, we sat back and let Reid take control in midfield for Forest and paid the price. It\'s happened to us so many times, I don\'t understand why we don\'t press the advantage. One goal is not enough! Once we\'d conceded, we were all over them again, of course. The game could have been over after 60 mins if we\'d applied ourselves properly. However, I realise that patience is needed with a new team. Blackwell clearly saw it as two points dropped and mentioned a long post-match discussion which is encouraging.
          When I get sad, I stop being sad and be awesome instead. True story!


            Vastus teemale \'Leeds United\'

            Algselt postitas runno
            P.S. Martin Su kallim on tagasi

            SEDA ARVAD SINA!

            Ehk Duberry väidetavalt ei mängi.

            When I get sad, I stop being sad and be awesome instead. True story!


              Vastus teemale \'Leeds United\'

              Come on you Leeds!

              KB babies

              Ja Danny Pugh tegi koledale mängule ilusa lõpu. Ehk tema värav otsustas kõik. Huddersfield oleks väärinud kõiki tulemusi alates viigist :P Kuid koleda mänguga võit on ikka parem kui ilusa mänguga kaotus.
              When I get sad, I stop being sad and be awesome instead. True story!


                Vastus teemale \'Leeds United\'

                We are sort of Leeds
                We are sort of Leeds
                We are sort of Leeds
                Sort of Leeds United
                hea, et niigi läits


                  Vastus teemale \'Leeds United\'

                  Kohal käinu pakub nii. Kahjuks pole esimese kahe retingutabeli autor rohkem teinud, kuid eks ta kunagi ärkab. Kuid kärab ka see. Muidu võib mängu reporte lugedes enamikult meestelt hindest 0.5 maha võtta

                  Anyhow, here are my assessments of the Leeds players tonight:-
                  SULLIVAN - Sound game. One or two good saves and alert when the odd through ball was threaded through our defence. 8/10

                  KELLY - Was impressed with Gary\'s fitness. Still full of running down the right wing approaching the 85th minute mark. Always willing to get forward when poss. 8/10

                  BUTLER - Steady as a rock. First time I\'ve seen the guy play, and looks very assured. Looks a good acquisition. 7/10

                  CARLISLE - VERY impressed with this lad. Won just about every header he was asked to challenge for and made some telling interceptions on the ground. The next Lucas? 9/10 MY MOTM

                  CRAINEY - Started well and again, looks a very assured player. Would like to see him venture forward a bit more, but had his hands full tonight. 7/10

                  RICHARDSON - Growing in confidence all the time. Not afraid to hug the touchline and whip past players. Pacy. 7/10

                  WRIGHT - Again, first time I\'ve seen this lad play and did okay. A good work out for him tonight against a lively Hudds midfield. 7/10

                  PUGH - Looks quality. As much as it pains me to write it, you can tell his football education has had a good grounding at Man Yoo. Rarely wastes the ball, and good awareness - and followed up his first attempt from Ricketts header to make sure. Some footballers wouldn\'t have done that. 7.5/10

                  GUPPY - Okay in patches and showed enough to perhaps sign him up permanently. But fitness levels need to improve dramatically as he was gasping for breath and literally gave up the chase for a ball in the 70th-odd minute. 6/10

                  JOACHIM - Worked hard and ran the channels in search for space all night. A steady performance from JJ. Just needs a goal to give him a boost. 6.5/10

                  RICKETTS - Poor. For all his physique, seemed all too easily brushed off in certain challenges and didn\'t look to fight back for balls he\'d lost. Only highpoint was header which led to Leeds\' goal. Craftily grabbed a Hudds players shirt in 1st half when defending which should have been a penalty. 5.5/10

                  SUB: McMASTER - Proved an excellent substitution for Guppy by Blackwell at just the right time and provided energy, and a willing to run past players with the ball to force Hudds on the defensive. Unlucky with two shots on goal. Pushing for a starting berth. 8.5/10 (for the time he was on)
                  When I get sad, I stop being sad and be awesome instead. True story!


                    Vastus teemale \'Leeds United\'

                    kuidagi nagu liiga positiivne kommentaar. Eks võidul oli ka oma osa.... ja ilu on vaataja silmades...

                    ooops. kordasin vist Martini mõtteid


                      Vastus teemale \'Leeds United\'

                      Kõikidele Matti fännidele
                      David, David, Don't sell Rio!


                        Vastus teemale \'Leeds United\'

                        Väga hästi eelmises mängus esinenud Carlisle sai väärilise tasu - poiss pandi pingile tagasi ning söör Dubs (keda peale Martini ka juba muud fännid antiarmastama on hakanud, on jälle algkoosseisus!!

                        Tulemus tuli ka vastav - Yorkshire parima meeskonna ausära pärast heitluses tuli Sheffield Unitedile 0:2 alla vanduda. Pärast väga igavat ja unist avapoolaega pani kodumeeskond oma paremuse maksma. Sel hooajal on siis löönud Leeds 5 mänguga 4 väravat. Nendest neljast lausa 0 on löönud me superründajad. Loodame, et järgmine mäng mõni neist paksukestest siiski jala valgeks saab.
                        League One is for wankers. Championship is the ultimate challenge!


                          Vastus teemale \'Leeds United\'

                          Kuna momendil on LUFC-il vaid üks enam-vähem toimiv ründaja, siis haaran kollase pressi järele ja ennäe....

                          Birmingham striker Stern John must decide between Coventry and Leeds after both agreed a fee to sign him, says The Sun. The Trinidad & Tobago man has attracted bids of £250,000 from both clubs and he must now decide whether to stay in the Midlands or move to a bigger club.



                            Vastus teemale \'Leeds United\'

                            Algselt postitas runno

                            ..whether to stay in the Midlands or move to a bigger club.


                              Vastus teemale \'Leeds United\'

                              Kaks vanameistrit said tala...

                              “The state of our pitch wouldn’t have affected Liverpool — with their game the ball is in the air most of the time.”
                              The Special One


                                Vastus teemale \'Leeds United\'

                                Õige tala kah. Ma juba ammu ootasin, millal nad selle saavad. Mehed ei suutnud kuidagi ennast tööle saada. Aeglus ja uimasus, mis nende puhul pre-seasonil eriti silma hakkas ei kadunud kuhugi.

                                Guppy sai ju tegelikult isegi mõned mängud kaasa teha ja ühe värava kirja, aga üldiselt on parem, et ka tema läheb. Saaks nüüd selle Sean Gregani kätte ...
                                League One is for wankers. Championship is the ultimate challenge!

