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    Algselt postitas rainis007 Vaata postitust
    Iga pisimagi apsaka korral ? Adam on ise üks apsakas... või siis lihtsalt ekstreemne cunt.

    Kole lugu jah, et seekord samamoodi sisse ei sõitnud eks ? Ma arvan, et selle reaktsiooni põhjustamises ongi suur osa sellel, et sama s***kott on juba korra millegi sarnasega saanud hakkama... SAMA MÄNGIJA vastu. Agaeijamuidugi, kõik on timm ju, niikaua, kui lahtist sääreluu murdu pole tekitatud...


      bale on küll kohati ülekeskmise tuss, aga dr.pontšikute-hirm kasutab igat võimalus, et enda eesrindliku kürva staatust veel rohkem kivvi raiuda.
      teemasse: veits on hakanud selle...kuu või pooleteise jooksul, mil AVB pukis olnd, pinda käima tõsiasi, et karakter räägib kuidagi maru palju ja just chelskist. alguses oli pool-pohhui, sest karta on, et päris inetuks läks see pull seal ja on, mida välja elada, aga viimased sõnavõtud on küll (mu enese) karika juba triiki ajanud. (pane poisid) mängi(ma), mitte ära tuututa.
      buy the ticket, take the ride.


        Räägitud mitmekuuline vigastus muutus järsku siiski paaripäevaliseks ning Bale peaks täna juba mänguvalmis olema.


          We have reached agreement with Everton for the transfer of Steven Pienaar.

          The South Africa international joined us from the Goodison Park club in January, 2011 and made 18 appearances, scoring once before returning to Everton on loan for the second half of last season.

          We wish Steven all the best for the future.


          Everton oma koduleheküljele pannud ka ülemineku numbri ehk 4,5 milkut. Ehk, et kuidagi tegi Levy selle venna pealt ka lõpuks profitit.

          Charlie Adam on munn.
          "The great fallacy is that the game is first and last about winning. It’s nothing of the kind. The game is about glory. It’s about doing things in style, with a flourish, about going out and beating the other lot, not waiting for them to die of boredom". - Danny Blanchflower, legend


            Algselt postitas H.M Murdock Vaata postitust
            teemasse: veits on hakanud selle...kuu või pooleteise jooksul, mil AVB pukis olnd, pinda käima tõsiasi, et karakter räägib kuidagi maru palju ja just chelskist. alguses oli pool-pohhui, sest karta on, et päris inetuks läks see pull seal ja on, mida välja elada, aga viimased sõnavõtud on küll (mu enese) karika juba triiki ajanud. (pane poisid) mängi(ma), mitte ära tuututa.
            Kui ma oleks FC Always The Victim toetaja, siis ma ikka ütleks, et AVB is the man ja saadaks Chelski tuugalt putsi, kui ajalugu mitte omava klubi. Aga fakt on see, et AVB handlis pressi enamasti alati edukalt ja ei eiranud üldse küsimusi, mis lubab arvata, et ''ajakirjanikke'' eriti miski peale Chelsea draama ei koti (Tottenham ju, hiihi winkwink), seega kodanikul ei jäägi midagi muud üle, kui CFC üle vinguda ja rääkida, kuidas Spursi spirit on ikka see ja CFC-l pole ikka sittagi jne press on press ya know
            Legend has it that when N'Golo Kante lost his virginity, he immediately won it back again.


              New Yorkiga siis 2-1 (Bale, Sigurdsson):

              Charlie Adam on munn
              "The great fallacy is that the game is first and last about winning. It’s nothing of the kind. The game is about glory. It’s about doing things in style, with a flourish, about going out and beating the other lot, not waiting for them to die of boredom". - Danny Blanchflower, legend


                Miks Bullsil Friedel väravas on ?
                Inter - ausaim klubi Itaalias.


                  Bale, Walker ja AVB on ikka parajad naljavennad. Ma ei ole suur Adami fänn ning näeksin teda järgmisel hooajal hea meelega mõnes teises klubis, aga Tottenhami mängijad ja fännid reageerivad ikka korralikult üle. Bale ütleb, et Adam on argpüks samas kui ta ise on öelnud, et daivib, et end vigastuste eest kaitsta. See sama Bale teeskles ka vigastust, et loobuda olümpiast (what comes around, goes around). Mõneti silmakirjalik või mis? Walkeri kommentaarid Adami kadedusest on samuti päris naljakad. Kõik teavad, et Adam on üks halvimaid tacklijaid terves liigas, isegi Scholes on parem. See, et Adam mingi halva tacklingu teeb, ei tohiks küll enam kellegile üllatusena tulla. Bale'i ego on ikka päris suureks paisunud, kui ta arvab, et on ainuke kellele Adam ohtlikeid taklamisi teeb. Jah, oli sitt tackle aga selline ülereageerimine on nüüd küll tarbetu, eriti veel arvestades fakti, kui kiirelt ja maagiliselt Bale sellest "horror-tacklingust" taastus.



                    Our Chairman, Daniel Levy and Matt Mirchin, Senior VP, Global Brand & Sports Marketing of Under Armour, joined players and officials from New York Red Bulls to ring the Closing Bell at the New York Stock Exchange on Tuesday.

                    The ceremony takes place at 4pm local time and signals the end of the day's trading. It is a tradition of the New York Stock Exchange going back over 100 years. It is televised daily in the USA on the 'Closing Bell' programme on CNBC and to an audience of over 150 million worldwide. It was live on CNBC in the UK.

                    Daniel and Matt were joined by New York Red Bulls players Brandon Barklage and Heath Pearce and Chris Heck, the Red Bulls' President of Business Operations at New York's Financial District in Lower Manhattan.

                    They were selected to ring the Closing Bell to highlight the inaugural Barclays New York Cup, powered by Under Armour, which sees us take on the Red Bulls at the Red Bull Arena, Harrison, New York, later this evening.

                    Chairman Daniel Levy said: "It is a tremendous privilege and honour to ring the Closing Bell at the NYSE. It's an amazing event and we were delighted to share the podium with tonight's hosts the New York Red Bulls and our new technical partners Under Armour. I feel it is a fantastic way to mark the commencement of our partnership with Under Armour as well as round off what has been an extremely rewarding tour of the United States."
                    "The great fallacy is that the game is first and last about winning. It’s nothing of the kind. The game is about glory. It’s about doing things in style, with a flourish, about going out and beating the other lot, not waiting for them to die of boredom". - Danny Blanchflower, legend


                      Mind the cap now mf'ers!!!!!!! Üks karikas jälle käes!

                      "The great fallacy is that the game is first and last about winning. It’s nothing of the kind. The game is about glory. It’s about doing things in style, with a flourish, about going out and beating the other lot, not waiting for them to die of boredom". - Danny Blanchflower, legend


                        You never walk again on lennukam.
                        "The great fallacy is that the game is first and last about winning. It’s nothing of the kind. The game is about glory. It’s about doing things in style, with a flourish, about going out and beating the other lot, not waiting for them to die of boredom". - Danny Blanchflower, legend


                          you'll never win anything !


                            Algselt postitas Kivi77 Vaata postitust
                            you'll never win anything !
                            again pigem
                            Legend has it that when N'Golo Kante lost his virginity, he immediately won it back again.


                              Tottenham tahab Liverpooli noort 17a Raheem Sterlingut 7 milliga. Väga kiire poiss.


                                Ei näe kuskilt otsast et Tottenham ostaks 17 aastase 7M eest.

